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RE: An Irish Person's Take On The U.S Election

in #politics9 years ago

The fact that you consider gay marriage an important topic and have jumped on the Sanders bandwagon reveals you as little more than someone who's mainly interested in being trendy.

As an Irish person you clearly do not understand the USA's unsustainable fiscal situation ($20 trillion nat'l debt & possibly 100's of TRILLION$ in future unfunded liabilities)...the ONLY thing we should be talking about are MASSIVE cuts to federal spending (esp. entitlement programs like social security and medicare)...and yet people like you are suggesting MORE 'free' shit like 'free' HC...insanity!


I feel there needs to be a balance. There should be huge cuts to welfare programs (age for social security be raised to maybe 80 and so on) to free up some money say for free health care, and if there's any left over, have that put into the fund to pay off your guys' lenders. And in the regard of gay marriage, I believe it's a right for all completely consensual relationships to take the step into marriage.

Also, I'm not completely for Bernie. I would mainly prefer him over Trump because he's a danger to civil liberties, and is for government wire tapping. And also, The Republic Of Ireland is in 232,420,488,503 in USD. Not as much as the US, obviously. But actually, I technically live in Northern Ireland (part of the UK) but I feel more Irish.

I traveled to Ireland about 15 years ago, the west coast, when things seemed to be booming there. Loved the Irish folk I met, they seemed quite intelligent (as well as being good looking and strapping young people) and informed about worldly affairs, in many instances they were more informed about things (including American politics) than most of the other Americans I was traveling with.

Not sure how old you are, I just turned 42, and am considered (in America) part of "Generation X"--the people born after the Baby Boomer generation (children of the World War 2 generation), roughly, from about 1964-1982--my dad fought in Vietnam and my mom was a big-time hippie. Few people I know give much of a fuck about homo's...let 'em marry, honestly, who cares? Seriously, it isn't even an issue any more.

When I was coming up, I never DREAMED of demanding 'free' healthcare or college or thinking I had a right to a particular wage or anything else for 'free'. People, at this point, who still believe they're due to a 'free' ride are fucking insane and have NO clue about the fiscal disasters that await us in the future. Its not about what you 'believe' or 'think' should be, its about what IS.

Maybe I'm getting old, but this Millenial generation (born app. 1983-2001) coming up that was born or came of age after the fall of Communism, the USSR, and the East Bloc are the biggest fucking whiners and cunts I've ever seen! They actually want to adopt the failed policies which sunk the USSR, East Bloc, Communist China,etc...un-fucking-believable!

I was a HUGE Ron Paul supporter in 2008 (less so in 2012), went door-to-door for him and donated a significant amount of $. IMO he was America's last chance to turn things around. Bernie, IMO, is largely a fraud (, Hillary is straight-up EVIL, and Trump is a wild card. At this point NO ONE is promoting any sane or rational solutions, and there is NO EASY way out.

Actually, I myself am a millennial and I am by no means for a heightened minimum wage. I'm indeed quite against the idea as a whole, but the minumum wage, as it is, is actually quite a fair compromise, and franky raising it is beyond entitlement. And while I haven't bothered reading your Bernie blog, my biggest red flag about him is free colege, because the feds collect the interest, so he's either very generous or there's brown in his teeth, but not so much as crooked kilary.

Right on King Kraw Dad. Check out my "TRILLIONS" post. econdrdouglas

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