Well Said Tim

in #politics3 months ago

I am not sure what to comment, on the flow of finances, however, on the subject of th withdraw from Afghanistan, with respect, and much deep revered respect to the outgoing administration, i do not feel it was handled well.

I was recently on Vacation in Vanuatu, and visited Million Dollar Point, while the history of that particular location is different, the point remains the same, of the USA leaving hardware behind, admittedly, different time, different place, and ... we all know the story of that, which does not need to be said, but, it represents a metaphor for extraction, and consequences, cause and effect.

Coming from an insurance background, of which, my career was extensive, i consider in insurance that we do at times, encounter what we call "Causation" Claims, they are quite rare, and quite hard to investigate, and for an insurer, establish liability and or indemnification but - it is a real precedent.

While i do agree, that we are not, to be the peace keepers of the world (which is clearly noted in the constitution) we found ourselves there, as a result of circumstance which, we all understand - but - it has to be considered, that with that way that the withdraw was done, if, the withdraw of US troops, and US hardware, had been done, with a more thought out, protracted, and methodical way, we may not, have delivered, top of the line US hardware, to that of, national enemies of the united states.

It begs the question to me, strictly thinking from an insurance point of view, the lives that suffered as a result of the top of the line US hardware being left their, and the subsequent damage, and loss of life that occurred directly, by use, of that abandoned hardware, was that not a causation claim by way of a poor exit strategy?

That is not meant to sound inflammatory, but with respect to all the service men and women from around the world, who served in those regions with an effort to bring stability and peace, only to have it all undone by a (in my view) poor exit strategy, did that not undermine all their work? and - is their not grounds to claim, all that damage was actually causation ?

I am sure both sides of the isle can agree, the job there was done - in my view, it was done under the Obama administration, with the final caveat being done under the first Trump administration - so yes - it was time to leave - but - again - looking at it - did that type of withdraw not cause more chaos? and, with the remaining US hardware left their essentially aid and abbed a foreign adversary, of which, such ideology caused 9/11 in the first place?

A good friend of mine who served in the US army currently lives on a veterans pension because while serving his country, hostile afgan forces dropped a building he was positioned on, he is fine, lives a wonderful life, and raises and cares for a loving family and wife, however, when we look at the state of the region, one asks the question, was that worth it, what was it all for ?

And i think the same can be said for all US and Allies lives lost, we must pause, to consider, was it a causation situation, from an insurance background, i would say it was,

But for, correct planning, would those lives have been lost?

With protection to sources, it is my understanding from my sources, who were in the region, at the very start of the war when we entered the region under the Bush administration, that Australias strategic personnel, were tasked, in some small part, so far as it related to Australian assets, in making sure all personnel and assets were escorted with safety to ensure no loss of life or hardware, months, of strategic planning went into this, before operations commenced to insure a high degree of probability of success - clearly, in my view, this was not done in evacuation from the region, and by doing so, to me, is clearly grounds for what we in insurance would describe as "causation"

Now, is it relevant in that context, of course not - but, for consideration to a point - it does provide insight.

Leading into this election, i was vocally supportive of Kamala Harris, however, understanding the political climate of my country it was ... dangerous, to advocate for Mr Trump at the time, and, i did have my reservations about his ability to do the job, i also was concerned about the rumors of certain conservative plans which i shall leave at that - however, like any good scientific mind, i weigh on the facts - and am not afraid to change my mind on any topic, when presented with the facts.

And, in the light of the facts, i feel Mr Trump, was the correct choice, i, like many people, after seeing his attempted assassination and resilience, changed my mind, i feel he has matured, but ... that is a very unpopular view, here in my country in certain areas so one must ... "play politics" have i been vocal, yes, would i expect him to be vocal, yes of course, but i agree with his recent statements, middle ground must always be found.

I think the flow of finances and commerce is however a tough one, and i will give you an example.

In the past few days, in fear of my life, i was temporarily "on the run" concerned, that harm would be done to me for my political views or otherwise and in doing so, did seek refuge in a location to transfer funds to myself, with the view that "i need to do this to survive" in that hypothetical situation, was everything as "white" as it needs to be, certainly not - however, when viewed in light of a broader consideration, was it justified, with view to intent - again - from an insurance point of view - with view to liability - i would imagine so,

Strictly speaking - sometimes, we are not to know the motives and intentions of individuals, but, this is a good cause for the need for transparency.

In recent weeks, i have undergone a hostile, vitriolic attack on all fronts by those who would seek to diminish my character and do me harm, and for that, it has actually brought me in closer resonance to the incoming Trump administration, i can actually empathize with Mr Trump at this point who now has my whole hearted support, even despite our differing views on many many political topics, but it is interesting, when one seems to be moving in the right direction, how those that would like to discredit you come out of the woodwork.

As a personal note, i would say to the president elect, and Mr Burchett, the hardest and most confusing thing i find, is how, some people, do not wish to reach a middle ground, they parade around as if they are that of virtue, but are unwilling to sit, discuss, and reconcile issues, is that diplomacy or is that blind hate.

We have a thing here in Australia called "Tall Poppy Syndrome" and i feel perhaps, that is very much the same in your country, but it does beg pause, that when one starts asking the hard hitting questions, no one addresses that, no they drag up unrelated nonsense, instead of focusing on the merits, or potential merits, of what may be said.

Good words from both Mr Trump & Mr Burchett recently, both of which, i feel will do an amazing job over the next four years.

I yield my time'

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