Project Splendor - Debrief - Part 1

in #politics3 months ago

Project Splendor - DeBrief - Part 1

~Assorted Notes to Self from My Phone (Kashmir_Z)

28/11/2024 at 6:56pm

"First things first,

Exactly what musk did to rockets we do to cruise ships, efficiency itemize all overheads and stabilize what technology is required to reduce costs"

29/11/2024 at 1:02am
"Im going to hazard a guess, there is information on this in the theosophical society library - the preserved section.

I was a paid memer of sydney theosophical society for 10 years

If you want to believe me i met this yogi guy called babba something once, was very strange actually ... once, long story - first girlfriend was a chef, so while she worked i just sat in the library and read all their books,

Eventually ran out of books and she eventually broke up with mee, due to a phone reception issue, dodged a bullet with that one though"

29/11/2024 at 6:56pm

"The cold war just ended

1991 just before the fall of the soviet union



Was such a good gig"

29/11/2024 at 8:09pm
"So is it true that captains collect and trade books like currency or is that just a youtube thing"

29/11/2024 at 9:07pm

"Next time

please have the courtesy to tell me you will not be re-enstating before we left port

Had you done so - i would have found another way home

A ship without alcohol is useless

But as i have said, its ok - n problem - procedure - i understand

Just please look into that or rather keep in mind for future travellers like myself

Great vibe tonight ay ?

You do know the last time i had no alcohol it took me 5 days to get to sleep right? and i nearly died from something similar to psoriasis

Anywho its ok - just - is polite - to advise the itinerary to gusts is it not ?

No drink - no more information

Informatio returns with drink


Is good business

Better start packing i guess

Wheres assange these days ?

I havent spoken with him since he was released

And i am fairly certain he will entertain my style of hospitality

Do you guys actually know who all of these crytpo creators were?

John knew the most - which is why he killed himself, had no choice at that situation he was in"

29/11/2024 at 9:59pm

"I want to be clear - you have lied to me - you said drink would be re-enstated - they have nt - personally i take this as a declaration of war but

Because im not that short sighted - i will let it slide"

29/11/2024 at 11:09pm
"If you but analysed every confronation of the past 6 months and just decided to stop doing what you do every time - this would not have occured

You managed to be a normal person for 1 hour at the comedy show and most of the evening

I was perfectly fine not thinking about anything, save for a few spare moments of writing whihc is normal psychological activity

When no one was constantly triggering mee, what did ben kinnear do?

He had a great day, bothered no one, talkd to himself a bit (which has a purpose - when you verbalize your thoughts out aloud they re-enter your brain and you think about them differently

A manattempting to remain calm, and despite absolutley everything, when everyone just left me alone - was a normal day - you see me, mental attack.

Can the medical bay please itemise and articulate to someone with a brain how much psychological trauma this man has gone through over the past DECADE that has gone unaddressed

And also, how remarkable he is presently - aside from a few oddities here and there - actually not losing his shit

Shes in the medical bay now


When all of you on security could see how she has behaved on day one and two alone

Personally? and this is not deception or exaggeration - she needs to be in the brig at this point

Its as if you are punching a man and then asking why he is in pain

Perhaps stop punching him? radical solution

Now - because

I absolutely everything i have told you about my knowledge on philosophy is true fortunately i am trying to remember the words of Sandra guru over and over in my mind

Its a compounding number

Every time you try to "Solve" your problem jamie, you create a new oneee - and at the moment because of some honestly interesting but perhaps unideal methods he has legitimately attracted a lot and i mea a lot - of problems and various government agencies

But these are things he did years ago and honestly - his methods are very unorthodox and have seemingly no rhyme or reason so they dont know whats true or not and while this could all just fizzled out, you just can stop pushing the issue

You almost manipulated this man to marry you for christ sake just so he could shut you up because at this point he is trying to be courteous to everyone and solve the problems he create

What he told you at the laptop playing civ is true its as simple as that - you just choose to stop agitating - gosh you could even have just reduced it a little and that would have been better

This poor man has had his life destroyed, non stop near worked to death for years, amplified and even built a business

At every single point you try and help him, you almost always make it worse and its at the point you quite possibly could cause god knows what despite the fact they are all pretty stroppy with him - they also are smart enough to see your the common denominator here

To be honest, they kicked the wrong person off the ship - he was fine - your the problem on this vessel

Just chill the fuck out - we are on a cruise ship - what did he do > he realized this, and was like have fun, you scheming, plotting, angry, everything

meanwhile at the same time there's shit going down in a company that is real that few understand - re compass which is huge to him

I can tell you - he has never cried in exhibited any sign of being upset about you - the moment he saw those names of compass his mind has had a total mental break again because he has remembered everything

Perhaps if you were not carrying on trying to be the center of attention on the day he was fired or for any subsequent time of that without every other word turning into some problem

Girrl, you are the dictionary of red flags for a relationship right now - there is absolutely nothing you can do to fix it now - he was going to suggest a healthy break as an out for you

Do you like fighting? i think you do to be honest

Despite that

Im thinking of my study session in the egg chair - and amazingly every time you or anyone attempt to do

He doesnt even really like overly romantic relationships, do you think a man who writes erotic fiction, flirts with every cute girl that bats her eyelashes at him (if he likes them)

Compatibility as lovers was always low, he just hadnt got laid for a while when you met him, and your next door - hes a guy - their opportunists - and he was nice about it - because he cares for people, he even did his best efforts to try in some capacity to keep his sexual life from you so that

the UAP topic is very important to him, and many other people - they have reached a point on planet earth that right or wrong, they have and are doing disclosure - it cant be stopped

You literally just caused a huge - international incident - and arre proceeding to make it worse

Meanwhile, lets not even get started on chris and callum

Meanwhile, someewhere on the ship, despite full transparency someone in middle management cant seem to realize ll of this could have been avoided by just giving the man a drink

no drink for crazy person
ok to drink for non crazy person

Hes sane

At least - maybe 30% of what he is telling you is true, the rest is a confusing combination of mental illnesses, subterfuge, pre-texting a whole variety of things he learnt at some stage by studying the fsb and kgb it would seem anyway

You in many respects by your actions are assisting what he in his mind perceives as his enemies at compass - for whatever reason simply by compounding stress

Please gather a child and have it stand next to someone while they attempt to study and test how that feels

Oh i also hate kissing, usually, its like a prelude thing, what is he a dog? summon for kiss? hold a handbag?

Woman - your not his type it seems - thats unfortunate - what can be done - nothing - are you magically going to turn into one of the pin up girls he likes? be logical here

and people, he comes up with ideas and talks and writes about them - so does like every academic - hes just a muso she puts his marketing on it - for fucks sake

Now escalate to show serious - now normal - i will sail home - and i strongly advise you to follow the advice of your mental health practitioner

Carnival, your great - sorry for the cluster fuck, i wont let the door hit me on the way out - i get it - to much damage done now - i will find another line to sail with, you will find another customer - is no problem in return for just chilling the fuck out

Deception is a skill, im very good at it, that's how he was so good at converting claims

Again chill - i do - have pharmaceuticals - lets try that"

30/11/2024 at 12:05am

30/11/2024 - 4:08pm
"It occurs to me just now, many innocent parties may have been hurt when the bomb was dropped on japan at the end of the war

i wonder if other species, vistiors or otherwise just happened to be there by chance at the time

I imagine that would have been a very upsetting experience for them - i can empathize with their situation from first hand experience"

30/11/2024 at 9:43pm
"Both song happen at the same time"

1/12/2024 at 2:57pm
"All CCTV footage and CCTV Audio - should be kept - in storage - for the full duration of time required for each port and country, planet, dimension of origin with respect to the country, planet, dimensions local legislature so far as evidence is required

For exactly the same reason a to why gun cams exist

Resolves dispute in a civilized manner

gotta have dashcam!"

03/12/2024 at 2:22am
"Open phone

Ok but first trip is a thing

elon dude its me, just be slow and normal, like it was subtle that way it wont scare me to much - i havent seen you, in a long time

was funny btw

i can handle the conduit just be slow

so it has modes?

And thats why i never see anyone

now i get what you were doing


very cool lets talk as

listen it takes a bit for me to get up here with all the shit going on"

03/12/2024 at 12:03pm
"Been a long time Kat, knew something was on that medical ship - are you still in the navy?

Sorry for the kiss and run, you know mee, just doing my thing

Xx keep safe good to see you again

So thats your alias now huh

Candy jones? i think Kat was better"

03/12/2024 at 12:28pm
" Test honeypot security


looks clear to me

port in west australia and rendevous over the internet cable


cya next time"

03/12/2024 at 3:33pm
"Need to find a way to increase warmth out here for passengers its nice but may be improved by some sort of radiant lighting not sure really

Its nice but some would be happier with a bit of iono thing they have at pubs yeah, standing heater thing

You just take that concept bolt it but then have it be able to subtract - needs proper shielding thought otherwise could be a fire hazzard

Will come back to that some else could probably improve it"

04/12/2024 at 10:43pm
"it occurs to me, several motnhs ago i was relaxing having some drinks and chatting with some friends in 3dx chat

we were in the club hellfire room in the matrix

they knew the itinerary

but that game is notorious for criminals

Its not police, government etc messing about with the computers on the ship, its all the weird ass deviant hackers that hang out in 3dx"

05/12/2024 at 2:58am
"Insights from experiences on the carnival splendor

  • dont assume just because you are well behaved, polite and mannered that problems cant occur
  • Test a full run of all intended financial services devices or plans prior to embarkation day to avoid having no money at the end of the world due to a technicality
  • If you drink daily, it can actually be a very dangerous place to be, something can happen to get you cut off and then you develop a mental condition
  • never let anyone order or hand you a drink, it may be spiked, no matter how much you trust someone, look after yourself first
  • PTSD gets really bad during detox
  • Gossip runs rampant through overheard conversations, beware what you say, no one else has context for what they hear, no knows background stories
  • Probably not the wisest idea to bring a companion or otherwise you know, is prone to being drunk and belligerent
  • Probably not the wisest idea to bring a girlfriend who has been mean to you for months to sea and magically assume they will be nice
  • Dont date monogomous women, but if you are going to, be upfront at the onset, not six months into the thing
  • VPNs appear to not work on cruise ships - or if they do, as with finance sort your tech and process maps before you need them
  • Always purchase a roaming plan for mobile data, even if you dont intend on using it, backup redundancy
  • re finance - have cash, of the ships flags country and either sides major port, when shit hits the fan and you have to go dark, your fucked because comms can be jammed
  • The sea attracts fun, but it also attracts people that dont wish to be found and or, are just strange
  • if you feel in danger, and a port arrives, dont risk it, if your intuition is that strong, leave the ship at first port, dont try to suck it up
  • Chairs and seating are really not conducive to suing a laptop in the alfresco sections, you end up hunchback for hours
  • Your laptop apparently can be easily hacked through onboard networks
  • Probably an idea to bring silver coins, lots of nations on cruise liners, the currency you bring may be of no interest, gold and silver are unviersal keep on stanby for emergencies i you have to barter for smokes, drink, whatever with passengers
  • Some walls are thick, some walls are thin, be mindful of noise complaints
  • Some people really struggle to reconcile deception, flirting, subterfuge as part of a skill set if its opposing to their spiritual beliefs
  • there is a lot of symbolism in the architecture sometimes
  • Bring a book to read in the event of boredom
  • Its pretty easy to make an alfresco bed outside if you want to sleep in the fesh air or cant return to your room for some reason
  • Use the safe - you assume no one will compromise your card, but when alcohol, drugs and lust get involved, all security flys out the window
  • people may attempt to exploit your generosity
  • crew staff are limited as to what they can do when requiring HQ approval
  • Apparently its legal to film and distort truth
  • Ideally, if your recording anything, as strange as it sounds probably better to use paper, it cant be hacked, low tech is sometimes better than high tech
  • Security have little to no idea what your doing when walkng around a ship, if it looks odd, they have to escelate
  • When someone says they are going to throw themselves overboard, always take it seriously no mater what, is someones life worth your drinks package? dont take it t chance, you may live to regret it - if you see something, say something
  • dont shout randos free cruises
  • Investing in a company does mean something but, when your talking millions, not small stakes positions
  • Apparently they cross reference what people say during security evaluations so if your trying to mitigate or deflect attention using deception it will backfire catastrophically
  • there are always agents from foreign nations on cruise liners, because its a little bit of an easier way to get into a country, dont cause problems for them, you are not to know the knock on ramifications
  • Stranger danger is awesome
  • Americans and the british are pretty good to hang out with
  • Dont think with your dick gentlemen
  • dont chases your loses at the casino
  • the free coffee is better than the paid coffee and is free, test and if good, save some dollars
  • honestly use the stairs as much as possible, if things are weird, you really dont want to get stuck in an elevator its also good cardio and legwork
  • if you see a smoldering ashtray, put it out, it may catch more and start to ember
  • Its really hard to think, when your alcohol is cut off, pack some sort of over the counter pharmecuticals and study a little bit of basic chemistry, if your trying to perform a complex task keep your head where you know it performs best for whatever reason, the last thing you need is something chemical happening in your brain
  • You really, really do - actually need to pay attention to study your muster station evac point you will be super happy on the first day and probably not pay to much attention because your on vacation mode, give it a glance daily when you are done getting ready, better to be prepared
  • randomize your locations, so far as cabins are concerned, seems unwise to keep them all in one location, if you need to co-ordinate
  • Always and i mean always, bring a ham radio, digital waves can be hacked, analog more challening, requires jamming, if you have one you can move to a quiet location in port and listen to the bands to try and get some insight
  • lighters are hard to come by
  • Cigarettes are cheaper than AU and cartons are available in theory, you could write on the inside of a rolling paper and pass it to another
  • If you dont like lots of walking and stairs the ocean is probably not for you
  • You actually always need the multi device package for internet
  • You have np legal rights or avenues onboard the ship
  • Tavistock ?

To be continued

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