Countless Activists Thrown In Prison! - What We Can Do About It (with Adam Kokesh)

in #politics8 years ago

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In this video, I sit down with @AdamKokesh in Las Vegas to talk about the latest cause he's championing as activists across the board and spectrum are thrown in prison for simply exercizing their individual liberties. The state is getting bigger and more coercive by the day and this has been going on for a long time, but as we see the number of people thrown in prison for victimless "crimes" it's about time we start demanding their release.

Adam Kokesh has created an incredible website aimed at helping activists under fire having been one himself a few years ago after famously loading a shotgun at Freedom Plaza and ending up in prison for 4 months, including time in solitary confinement.
Adam has of course been arrested countless times apart from that incident for civil disobedience.

Before the interview we sat and spoke with Lyn Ulbricht and Briana Bundy (not pictured) alongside Adam Kokesh, Ford Fischer and filmmaker Dean Ryan.

Today we see the Bundy's in prison for standing for their own property rights, freedom of speech and freedom to defend themselves. We see people like Ross Ulbricht in prison for simply creating a platform for people to interact and trade on outside of government surveillance and is being blamed for the was OTHER people conducted themselves on that platform. This is kind of like blaming and locking up Alexander Graham Bell for OTHER individuals committing crimes over the phone. Or the inventor of the internet for OTHER individuals committing crimes online. Ulbricht is facing the rest of his life in prison and his assets seized.

This is just a chip off a massive iceberg growing by the day, ready to collide with the very minor remnants of individual liberties we have left.

See the FULL video interview here:

Check out the site "" and let's start standing up for those who stand up for us!

Stay tuned for more from WAM at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow! :)

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another great interview. Haven't followed Adam's YouTube be since he set out on his own land homesteading a while ago. Looks like he's thriving. Let's face it America is lot different in a lot of ways from the America of 1776. there are three phases of development seen everywhere in the natural world. Creation, maintenance and destruction. America is headed to the destruction phase. But the end of one thing is always the beginning of something else. I firmly believe that good can never be overcome by evil. So I am optimistic. Not without trials and tribulations though.

activists shouldn't be locked up unless they are truly violating a law

There's a problem with that idea though. The law is often immoral. Laws are stacked to the ceiling now too. As the book suggested, people commit an average of three felonies a day. It becomes easier and easier to break the law, and more and more laws have felonies as the punishment. Felonies make you lose your gun rights too. Convenient, right?

Everything tyrannical governments do is "legal." "It's the law" cannot and should not be the deciding factor of whether a person follows it or not. Is there a victim? Is property being harmed? Is the law ethical? There are lots of questions to answer. If a law is not ethical, it is our duty to resist it... to ignore it. I for one hate double standards and special protections.

If a law creates one, I will ignore it at my choosing.

"This has been declared an unlawful assembly. Leave now or risk arrest." We cannot even protest now without being arrested. Some are shot, beat, etc. too. Don't you dare resist either... The new motto is "Comply or else" after all.

Someone made a post about this earlier on Steemit, titled "Can we please stop saying 'there should be a law against that?'"

everyone would do well to remember that in Germany, everything the Nazi's did was by-the-books legal.

The motto of law has ALWAYS been "OBEY". That is literally it's only function.

In fact, they were violating laws.

By their rules zuckerberg should be in prison for the prostitution rings on facebook.........

There's strength in numbers. We must unite against this persecution

Awareness is key, hence my full upvote to you! Thanks for sharing this!

For a second I thought Josh was going to say "subscribe to these nuts" the way he was pointing down.

Appreciate stuff like this. Think we can only use more. Tired of people being imprisoned under false pretense for not falling in line with ehat the overlords demands.

Great initiative! Adam Kokesh is great guy. We all need more people like him. I hope a lot of people will hear about this website.

Has Adam Kokesh stopped being a fraud? Last I knew he was shamed out of the activist community for being a fraudulent liar.

the madness cometh! We must keep it off!

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