Trump Says NFL Should Suspend Marshawn Lynch

in #politics7 years ago

Marshawn Lynch decides to quietly sit during the national anthem but chose to stand for the Mexican anthem.

We have all heard of the problems being caused by social media and Trump over these NFL players SILENTLY protesting. I say caused by them, because in my personal opinion it is they who are causing all these commotions over someone taking a knee QUIETLY.

I am an American and love this country for it's history and it's cultural ventures and economical advances. I was born and raised in the land of the " free " and believe we should stand behind the words that the founding fathers have laid out for us. It is in fact the very thing that makes America great. The unity behind the diversification and the desire to want better.

Whether you agree with this form of protesting or not, you can not say that these silent protests are causing havoc and chaos on the streets. You would think it has caused a great surge of violence but the only violence you see is of Trump wanting to crucify anyone who dares take a knee to the Anthem. Please keep in mind that they are not disrespecting the flag or this beautiful land but in fact asking for equality all the while shedding light on the issues that man of color are being abused with.

The fact that Trump has gone so far as to request the NFL to suspend Marshawn Lynch is still shocking to me. I know it shouldn't be considering who is president but all in all, it still amazes me. The hate that is driven by this man and the opportunity he quickly seizes when someone goes against his way of things is nothing less than the norm.

Was Marshawn wrong for kneeling ? No ! Not in my personal opinion. Nor was he wrong for choosing to stand for the Mexican anthem. In today's time I thought it was a grand gesture of Lynch to stand for the other shade of color that is also being prosecuted for nothing. It was a message that said we of color are just that... People of color and we shall stand together against a common enemy.

Trump, the man who gave so many Haitians temporary visas but is now kicking them all out of the country because he says enough time has gone by and your home is back to normal so go back. The same president that worships acknowledgement and fulfills acts of kindness for admiration rather than a peace of mind and that powerful feeling you get in your heart from doing good deeds without expecting as little as a thank you.

Link to CNN down below.


America is coming apart and it sucks to know that the very liberty it has fought for can not be given to its very own citizens. Why can't you protest peacefully for what you believe in without being

Man those are amateur protestors. I live in Panama Central America and any football player or stupid person in latin america that dishonours their anthem can be sure it will never play again.
So stop bitching about that , nobody is such a looser to start a protest in the middle of an anthem

Panama isn't the US. We have a different set of rules and our history dictates a different response. Understand the phenomena before posting a comment that exemplifies your ignorance on the subject just shows that you are unclear on why they are protesting. Watch documentaries like 13. They will really let you in on why they are protesting.

Great information, thanks for sharing

It is always amazing for people to talk about rights then turn around and want to limit the rights of others. Lynch and the other NFL players are simply exercising their right to protest...I believe that comes under freedom of speech.

Trump not anyone else is under obligation to agree with their point of view. However, we all should applaud their right to protest and make their voice heard.


The NFL protests have NOTHING to do with the First Amendment OR freedom of speech. The players have no right to protest when they're on the job and in uniform. (Try that with your boss and see how long it takes to get your ass thrown out onto the street.)

Actually it does when it is coming from the President of the United States since you are saying it is a workplace/employer issue.

The President of the US does not interact with companies over who should be suspended or fired. The NFL is a private business of which the President has no control over.

The NFL only recently decided that players needed to go stand outside during the playing of the anthem as part of a paid "patriotism" push. Symbolic patriotism is not part of the job of a football player. Could the NFL, as an employer, theoretically compel standing as part of the "performance" aspect of football? Probably, but they are not likely to do so which still leaves open the question of what business does Trump have interfering with private employment?

Fuck all these Liberals. I live in Central America and if anybody wants to protest the anthem they better have not their grandmother alive because she is going to be fucked.
Don't be such loosers and realize that there needs to be discipline and order in every society.
And common sense

They dont understand what America is. I remember the flag burning under Bush. He HATED it but said its thier right. Why can't Trump take a simple course on our laws?

Why can't Trump.....

There are 10,000 phrases that could follow up that start... LOL

I recall that situation with Bush and defended him for saying was their right to express themselves in that manner.

When you start eliminating that or threatening people with loss of income or even jailing, then you are moving towards a tyrannical state.

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Do rest of the problems are so small scaled in US that kneeling during anthem takes precedence over everything??

I believe trump focuses on trivial issues. These guys feel they have a reason to protest, and I believe they should be allowed to.

Trump asked the fans to protest against the NFL players. But the fans protested Trump. It's really distorted.

Everyone should be able to do whatever they want, as long as they are doing their job and not hurting anyone else. How can we be free, if it's not okay to express your thoughts and feelings in public?

Why is he even focused on the NFL? He gets more mad the darker the person is... And does he not know white people love Marshawn and Steph Curry? Someone should tell him this... He's not racist, but most of his base is and he uses this crap to hype them up...

May be a combination of racism and his resentment towards the league that rejected his bid to become an owner. Add in the very real effect of his having gotten a big boost from his base while throwing out a line about it in a speech. Some of Trump's so-called values started as throwaway lines that happened to get a big response. (This is exactly how "The Wall" got started).

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