Ariana Grande, Manchester Arena Terror Attack, The Truth,

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

The Manchester Arena False Flag has Gematria all through It and I will show this, beyond any doubt, within this and my following article. For people who don't know what Gematria Is, It Is a masonic code, which Is part of kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, which Is what free masonry's based In.

A few facts which are not coincidence, are the attack happened 62 days after the London Attack near parliament, which occurred on the 22nd March, the Manchester Arena attack took place on the 22nd May around 22.30, there were 22 fatalities and the suicide bomber, Saman Abedi, was 22 years of age. If we Include the previous London attack 22, that's five 22. The number 22 Is the Master Builder number In Freemasonry and has been thrown In every ones face on all main stream media outlets. This stuff makes me very angry and that's why I'm writing this article, these Zionist Talmud worshiping freaks are laughing at us all, why they kill people In the process, this needs to stop. Ariana Grande ' terrorist attack, ' Is an Illuminati ritual sacrifice.

Ariana Grande Is also Important, In the context of this event, because If you look at her previous and recent music videos they are full of kabbalah, Illuminati symbolism and she Is being used by these people to push this stuff. I don't blame her for this, she Is obviously caught up In something which Is very evil and she has also come through the Disney studio's, which Is well know for using MK Ultra to control people. The Walt Disney main logo, which you see before and after their movies, has the 'All Seeing Eye' at the top of the castle In the logo, the 'All Seeing Eye Is also on the dollar bill with 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' In Latin, which means a 'New Order of the Ages (is born).' The Vatican, Rothschild Zionists, Freemasons worship an evil form of Kabbalah, they are behind the New World Order, which Is an attempt to enslave humanity. They are manipulating the young through these false Idols, people like Ariana Grande and Katy Perry, pushing very negative messages, one of Ariana's video Is of Satan and Hell, and a recent Katy Perry video Is pushing Cannibalism, this video Is absolutely revolting.

Within Ariana Grande music video, Break Free, are the lyrics "under your spell, like a deadly fear, I am babe, on the highway to hell" within this particular video Is a lot of Illuminati, kabbalah symbolism. In this single music video we have: The All Seeing Eye, The Seal of satan, which Is the symbol for lucifer, this symbol Is on the walls, on demons jackets, on a robot. There Is also the Qabalistic Tree of Life, this symbol Is a giant pendant, hanging from the villains neck, this reprsents the tree of life In kabbalah. Humans are also caged up In this video something which represents the Illuminati's desire to enslave humanity. The villain Is In hell and Ariana Is chained up down there In hell. In other Ariana music videos Is Black and White Duality, like you see In masonic lodges, you have the lightning bolt, kabbalah red string, around her wrist, you have 666, not forgetting the Monarch Butterfly, which Is associated with Mk Ultra. The disturbing thing about all of this Is the young girls, this music Is aimed at, will have no Idea about what this symbolism Is and what It means. This Is a form of predictive programming and these fans of Ariana may even now associate these symbols as something good.

Throughout the Manchester Arena attack there Is tons of kabbalah freemasonry numerology, so much so that It seems to me that this Is pointing to a much larger world event.

I wish to mention one of the unfortunate victims of this attack now, Georgina Callander, some news outlets have been spelling her last name differently Callandar. The thing about this name, Is If you rearrange the letters, of her first name, you get Grego ian Callander. The day before the attack, 21st May at 2:36pm, Georgina Callander tweeted this message "Kill me, kill me, kill me, please tell me they are coming to Manchester tomorrow." This strongly points to the fact that she had prior knowledge of this event and that this event was a staged False Flag. I emphasize that doesn't mean no one was killed In this event, these evil people who arrange these events have shown, time and again, that they kill people, the ends justify the means as far as the Cabal are concerned anyway.

The youngest victim of this attack was only eight years old and named Saffie Rose, the Rose Is Important to mason's and the occult and Is prevalent In a lot of these psi-ops. In Freemasonry you have the Compass Rose and Rose Cross symbols and the rose and skull are Integrated together. Occult Is all over the place when It comes to this particular psi-op, It's In your face.
They are playing mind games on the people and there Is a false flag within this false flag and this Involves Jessica Pierpoint who was at the concert. She appears, In an Interview, on abc made up to look exactly like Georgina Callander, everything from the glasses shes wearing, to her hair, to her eye brows. She Is made up to look exactly like the deceased Georgina Callander, the only reason this would be done Is to trick the alternative media In to saying It's the same person, which a YouTuber called Lift The Veil, mistakenly did. This allows them to use this to discredit anyone that says the Manchester Attack was a false flag.
These two girls are clearly not the same person, as Russianvids showed In his YouTube video, Jessica Pierpoint has a mole on the left side of the front of her neck and Georgina Callander clearly did not. I will go more In to this small false flag hidden within this major false flag In a later article, but there Is clear circumstantial evidence that these two girls were contracted for this false flag, at an earlier Ariana grande concert where they both had their picture taken with the the singer.

I'm going to end this article here but I will be doing a second article on this false flag, because there Is just so much Gematria numerology within It, It's just extraordinary how It's all hidden In plain sight.


first: ariana came from "nickelodeon", not "disney".
second: ariana practices kabbalah.
it's not agenda or anythin' you're tryin' t' convince anyone.

This event was a False Flag perpetrated by the Khazar run MI6/Mossad & NATO, Talmudic Jews that run the Deep State, MIC, US & UK. Many researchers have exposed this nonsense where there were no casualties.

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