Politics is a blood sport.
As anyone who watched yesterday's hearings must know.
What I saw yesterday, however, was not what the two partisan factions seem to have seen.
To start with, until yesterday, I always thought of MSNBC as the comic relief of the Main Stream Media (MSM). But yesterday, after a long series of "gotchas" where CNN was caught on video creating fake news, they've screwed themselves into first place BELOW MSNBC! BELOW! Also, watching Dan Rather trying to make a comeback after killing his own career by offering and defending fake news, gave me another chuckle.
The political Center, out here in "The Great Unwashed", have simply lost faith in the MSM. The partisan Left buys into their narrative because, yanno, partisan echo chamber and all that. But the Center, who both sides NEED to win elections, is being increasingly alienated from both sides of the political aisle by the increasingly blatant partisanship of an MSM that pretends to be unbiased.
So, yesterday it came out that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians.
This is one of those DUH moments.
Clinton came up with this accusation to explain why the greatest human being since the Big Bang - herself - lost the election despite having the MSM, academia, and Hollywood on her side. She was pissed because she lost despite the fix being in. So now it's time for the Democrats to but their big boy pants on and admit Clinton is a bad candidate. Personally, I susspect that if they had backed almost anyone else, even Biden, they might have the White House now. Hillary Clinton's ego should NOT be the top priority of the Democratic Party, yet that is what it appears like to a large proportion of "The Great Unwashed" Center out here in the real world.
Yesterday's hearing also showed that there was no evidence of Trump trying to interfere in any investigations. Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, that bastion of Right-wing conservatism (OK, belated sarcasm alert), has been saying as much all along.
So, as far as most people out here in the Center are concerned, Comey is a guy who is trying to hurt a boss who fired him. Nothing more. The fact that he took and leaked notes confirms that to them. He was obviously trying to cover his own ass by keeping those notes when he never took notes before. And since it was Comey who requested the meeting in question, a surprising number of people out here are using the term "set up." Comey is part of the Swamp Trump wants to drain, fighting to not get drained. Which means that out here in voter-land, yesterday's hearings are looking more and more like nothing but a witch-hunt gone wrong. And the fact that Lynch and Clinton are not being investigated for what appears to be obvious election tampering confirms that this Swamp NEEDS to be drained.
The general opinion I've heard constantly being repeated out here in the real world is that the Democrats are just poor losers who are pissed because their attempt to rig the Presidential election failed, and now they are trying to take down the person who represents half the country. And a lot of people are taking it as a personal attack on themselves. The problem, of course, is that in the next election both Democrats and Republicans are going to need the Center to win. Alienating them unnecessarily is NOT a good strategy.
Personally I find this to be a hoot.
The MSM does things to bolster the general public's growing belief that they are "fake news".
Comey comes across as part of the DC Swamp that needs to be drained.
And the Democrats - or at least the Democratic leadership - comes across as more interested in their own personal power than in actually doing the people's business, thus confirming the necessity of draining the swamp.
I don't really care what the pundits have to say about all this. The Democratic Party loyalists will believe their official narrative. The Republican Party loyalists will believe THEIR official narrative. And the Center, where the next election will be determined, have just been insulted in a major way by the Democratic leadership.
Good job!!
Upvoted and followed. I'm on the right and see things similarly. From the right, what it looks like is that both parties serve the globalist elites who are working to enslave the whole planet, although the Democrats put on a show of serving the people. The ordinary people on the right know this while the ordinary people on the left see all this as their chance to be dictators for the public's own good, just like in the Soviet Union when it began. Then there are the people in the center, who mostly want to be told what they should think about things and don't believe they need to pay much attention. They're not going to look into things on their own.
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