Why Is The World Trashing Trump

in #politics7 years ago

February 12, 2018

I just hope none of you judge me by reading this piece. I know politics is a tough subject especially when it involves Donald Trump. I hope we can still be friends after this.

Everywhere I Go or every channel I turn on it seems like everybody is saying something bad about Donald Trump. If I didn't know any better, I would probably believe what I am hearing. I know better because I have been following Trump closely since he entered the presidential race in 2015 as one of the many Republican candidates.

At the beginning of the primaries not very many people had negative things to say about him. Now I know that's because at the time they didn't take him seriously so he wasn't a threat to them. But sure enough as he kept winning and getting closer to the nomination they hate and lies grew worse and worse. I just want to make it clear though as a person or a celebrity I didn't never liked Donald Trump. But that was because the only things I knew about him we’re for watching TV. The more I followed the presidential race the more I felt like I was getting to I know him. He didn't seem so bad. He seemed edgy and tough kind of a fighter from New York that could make a real difference in Washington.

When the primaries first started I think most people took for granted and thought he was probably just doing it for publicity or something but as the election loomed closer, I think a lot of Americans really started to see something they liked in Donald Trump. I think you made many people interested for once in voting and motivated money to get out there and every vote makes a difference. I think he gives many of us hope that he can drain the swamp and make America a better place before it's too late. Before the globalist turn us into another Europe, open our borders and flood us with migrants and chaos. Order out of Chaos is one of globalist occult motto's.


For the first time in my life I was actually excited about a candidate running for any political office. Now it's obvious that Donald Trump is not paid for or controlled by crooked globalists that want to take over our country. Just turn on any your television and you will see the little rats spewing whatever they can to try to make him look bad.
Sometimes that almost feels like divine intervention or something. No matter what they try on him, he always seems to come out on unscathed. I think that the more people seeseeing this happen over and over again his supporters want to root for him even more.

Trump came at a time in our history when it was almost too late for our country to be saved from the globalist Takeover. despite everyone trying to slow down or stop him from his agenda he still manages to win over and over again. and when he wins the American people win and when the American people win the globalist are defeated. It wasn’t long ago when you said the term “globalist” and most people would say you're crazy. No it has become more obvious that the globalists are real just by their responding with pure panic, to Trump's election. now it seems like most people understand that they are a clear and present danger to America.

Barack Obama was a great con man. A very good speaker with lots of charm. he knew how to put on a great show and make everyone watching believe him. but as he was trying to make Americans believe that he was bringing us together in actuality he was driving a wedge between us. Whether it was race gender sexuality or whatever else he could find to turn Americans against each other. Under the surface he was a shill for globalists like George Soros. For 8 years the majority of American people of all political parties had some hope at least that he could make America a better place. That same majority of American voters that gave him their vote and confidence were called racist for voting for Trump.
after 8 years of destroying our country.the sad thing about it is that during that whole 8 years he was doing almost irreversible damage to our country. the real Barack Obama was raised by extremists and had a deep desire to make our country into a socialist hell hole like Venezuela.


Donald Trump came in after those eight years just in time to maybe save America from becoming another example of how socialism ends in disaster every time.In the first year in office Trump has accomplished quite a bit. You would never know that from watching MSNBC or CNN. His best achievement is the tax cut for pretty much all Americans including businesses. This is stimulating the economy and making more and more jobs for people that have been on welfare or unable to find work. Apparently unemployment rates are the lowest since the 70s especially African American unemployment but the “fake news” will tell you that he is a racist and that he doesn’t care about minorities. He has brought America back to energy Independence, revitalize our military and boosted the economy. The stock market has been great. Compared to 8 years of Barack Obama with a stagnant and sometimes declining economy, Trump has done more for our economy in one year compared to Obama's 8 year term. Just now, as I write I see that he is coming out with his 1.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill. The Obama legacy is known for free phones, welfare for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals, and oh the wonderful new answer to healthcare, “ObamaCrap”. health insurance that nobody can afford to use, and you will get fined if you don’t buy it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if you just landed on this Earth yesterday, and had no idea about politics, it would be obvious that Donald Trump is doing pretty good so far. Meanwhile the media does everything in its power to stall or stop him from successfully implementing his agenda. All of this media panic has made the games of the media and Hollywood and most of the government look desperate.

Just to be clear a couple of years ago I didn't give two s**** about politics or who was president. Watching Trump join the primaries and seeing how the dishonest media and the Deep state try to tighten their grip was eye-opening for me. Actually in some ways it was life changing. It has made me a much more well-informed citizen and at the same time it has given me a new giant source of stress in my life.


When you falsely accuse someone of being a racist, eventually it loses its power, and the people saying it lose credibility. The old Legacy Media is crumbling and the pundits still spit out there lies and insults as the ship sinks. Nancy Pelosi says $1,000 bonuses are just crumbs, lower taxes are bad, more jobs is bad, and Donald Trump is apparently still a Russian spy but they have no proof after over a year of Investigation.

I often wonder how this time in our history we will remembered? Do you think eventually Trump will get the credit he deserves. Will we then look back and see that he saved us from the globalist takeover and prevented us from being another disaster like the European Union? Will Donald J. Trump be remembered as one of the greats like Lincoln, Jefferson, or George Washington? You can laugh but as long as he serves out his 8 years I would say he just might be one of the best presidents in modern history.

@jasonpinney seekeroftruth


'socialist hell hole like Venezuela', 'another disaster like the European Union'....why is it a disaster?
Have you ever actually been outside the US ?

I have been outside the Us quite a bit actually. Venezuela is, well just look it up and you should see whats going on there. I say that about Europe because globalists have milked it dry of cash and forced the Union on the citizens. Meanwhile opening up the borders and making terrorism an everyday thing. The UK is allowing extremist Muslims to have sharia courts. I could go on and on.

Ive been to Venezuela,...and yes, you could go on and on but preferably when I'm nowhere near you're bigotted and uneducated soapbox.
'Globalists have milked it dry of cash and the UK allows muslims to have sharia courts' ??? lol says who, at least if you're going to sprout this bilge, back it up with sources !!

But please do tell me how the fuck you know that I am a biggot. Just because you went to Venezuela has no bearing on the current situation they are in due to Socialism.

How do you explain the success of Norway and Sweeden if socialism is the problem in Venezuela? I would argue that the lack of Democracy and reliance on oil/gas is the main problem in Venezuela.

I don't really think I'm a biggot for telling the truth. Good luck

Also, Obama oversaw one of the longest and most profitable bull markets in US history. So, he sucks at socialism if that is the case.

Well he definitely sucks

He is the worst. You are wrong. You are a liar. The Market went up over 2000% under Obama:
dow jones 10 years.PNG

Trump ranks 6th (still pretty good to be fair) behind both Obama and Clinton in market performance:


When you have to lie to defend your position, may be you should rethink your posistion.

Trump is not the worst choice. Everybody gets emotional when speaking about Trump.
Personally I'm happy that Trump is president of the USA, with Hillary a war with Russia would be very likely.

The US accumulated a huge debt. How to deal with these problems? Trumps approach to stimulate investment in the US and most required in infrastructure is most needed.

I agree on that for sure. Since posting this piece I have made some people angry. So predictable. Thanks for your support!

A culture of dispute about different views is essential for a democracy and progression.
Nowadays it’s more important to defend the own agenda by every means. It’s narrow, boring and disgusting.

I think you should read it again there buddy

I meant 200%. Sorry for the extra 0

I din not lie about anything. You seem to have looked to find one thing that if twisted could be made to look wrong . I actually stated that in my opinion Trump has done more for the economy. I wasn't talking about stock market numbers. If I had been I would;d have posted the actual numbers. I was saying that cutting regulations regulations, tax cuts for all, and better trade deals. less unemployment, businesses moving back to America and giving out bonuses all over the place. yes I would say the economy is in better shape than any day I look at in Obama's 8 years. If I am wrong that's OK, I am always willing to learn.


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