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RE: Reasoning with Leftists is a Waste of Time

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Would you say the same thing to a rape victim?

"The truth of the matter is that if you don't think you can reason with your rapist, then chances are you cannot reason with them. Whether or not you think you can reason with your rapist, you're right!"

Attempting to reason with people who are trying to do you physical harm isn't the moral high ground. It's not even a good idea. If your position is that one should never be rude and that manners are more important than actions, keep your shekels. You upvoted a post about not reasoning with lefitsts, and then you were upset that I wouldn't reason with leftists - but not until leftists made a big enough stink.

When the site operators are virtue-signaling leftward, it's no wonder that user enthusiasm and participation are dwindling. If that's the way it's going to be, I'll take my work and my audience elsewhere.

I'm glad that you respect my work, but I just lost mine for yours. Be easy, Dan.


I don't know what concept you have of "left" and "right", but in my mind I am as far on the hard-core voluntarism side of things as possible. Something I am doing makes you think I am leaning left, perhaps you could describe what that means.

If you assume I am left leaning then you will act as if I am left leaning. Perhaps you could be wrong about me?

Whether or not you can reason with someone depends upon how you react to them. Obviously, if you are being raped then the time for reasoning is long past. But so long as we are talking to people over the internet, then it seems that our ability to reason with someone is at least partially derived from our own beliefs about them.

It is hard to reason with someone when the conversation is "one way" and everything they say is tainted by our own bias. If our bias says they cannot be reasoned with, then we will not even attempt to understand what they are saying.

upset that I wouldn't reason with leftists

If you were so inclined you could check out my blog... scroll away. I think you'll quickly find I am VERY far from a leftist. I've been pretty vocal against both Hillary and Bernie at times. Yet I've also been vocal about Trump. I simply don't agree with generalizations. That's the only thing I said you were doing wrong. So now that I don't agree with your generalizations I am suddenly part of the group you were generalizing about. You don't see a rationality problem with that? Also, I did not remove my up vote of your post. I didn't think your post was bad. I simply know generalizations are a logical fallacy and wanted to point that out. Your reaction is surprising, not just to me.

Is dwinblood a "leftist?" C'mon man. If you wish to be dismissive that is your prerogative, but don't pretend that your response to his comment was an argument. You are pulling the same stunt you accuse leftists of. I'm surprised you can't see this.

Just for clarity. I am an anarchist. I started in July. I posted quite a few anarchy related blogs back then. Then people like Larken Rose, Jared here that we are talking to, Dragon Anarchist, and many more joined steemit. Some of them were active and well known Anarchists. I did not feel the need to post anarchist related articles after that, because they were here and for awhile there were a ton of those articles. I even had some conversations with Jared about Anarchy back when he joined. So am I a leftist.... hahah hell no. I am not a rightest either. I told Dan that I am right handed, and I sure do click my left mouse button a lot. So if either of those make me leftist or rightest then I guess I am. Yet if it is ideological left, and right... I haven't bought into those labels for many years. I consider the labels left and right to be very ineffective and now that I think about it I was in some debates on reddit where I had someone accuse me of being a right extremist and then elsewhere in the same debate have someone else call me a left extremist. Some people just really feel the need to try to put people into nice little boxes. The bad thing is when they decide that ANYONE that disagrees with them even partially belongs in the same box. You are either with me, or you are against me type of logical fallacy. :) However, I am an anarchist, I simply leave the anarchist posts mostly to other people at this point.

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