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RE: Stop Telling Veterans That They Are Heroes

in #politics5 years ago

WW2 was a consequence of WW1, which ended in injustice following US involvement, and created an environment where rabid nationalists like Hitler could claim to offer a solution. Hitler was bad, but his existence didn't arise out of nowhere. Further, there is no way his fascist economy could have fueled a long-term war, much less led to "everyone speaking German." The first half of the 20th century is clouded by propaganda and patriotic bullshit too.


Patriotic BS in every era, but the times were different then. It's very different these days. Total and absolute corruption now. Cops get away with everything. VR makes it so anything can be faked and evidence erased. This wasn't the case when I was a child. Many cops refused to wear guns. Much more respect and decency and cops that did step out of line were prosecuted because police unions weren't as strong back then. Also a lot less ego. Unless you were alive to experience it, you will not really understand.

Have you read War is a Racket by Marine General Smedley Butler? It has always been the same BS.

If by "VR," you mean CGI, only to an extent. And there was plenty of manual image alteration and staged scenes since the invention of photography.

We see the past through rose-colored glasses, but you are talking about the era of Jim Crow and prohibition. There may have been more Andy Griffiths in the past, but there have always been Barney Fifes as well. Police have always done what they could get away with doing.

Police have always done what they could get away with doing.

Statism has cycles. We have heroes today don't we? People like Larken Rose, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, Jeff Berwick, Satoshi Nakamoto, etc. Then minarchism rears its ugly head. Eventually "essential services" seek to justify their existence as government and they increasingly expand into a blood sucking parasite. It will happen again if the byzantine generals problem isn't properly solved for decentralization.

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