Maritime Admiralty Law: Word Magic

in #politics6 years ago

Understanding words is what you really need to start doing - doing your homework and understanding words.

Understanding law and the words of law, there are two things this planet has: water and earth, water and land. Consequently, there are two kinds of law - the law of the land and the law of water.

Word Magic" a simple perversion of language has it made it possible to convince people around the world that these alternative laws apply to them. One of the predominate beliefs in modern culture is that licenses, permits, registrations, and other forms of documentation are required to operate motor vehicles, use public roads build structures and establishments and engage in free-enterprise and much more.

Many Maritime words are commonly used today in everyday conversation. Maritime words relate to nautical, sea/ocean, shipping, and navigation.

Let's look at some examples of Maritime lingua at work:

you place your home on the real estate market; you are putting it up for sale/sail.

When we are born we are issued a birth/berth certificate.

And the Dock/Doctor signs your birth/berth certificate, as well as your death certificate.

A berth in nautical terms is a space where a vehicle can be parked/docked, as for loading or unloading.

When a ship berths in a port or dock, the captain has to produce a berth certificate.

When you are born, you come through your Mother’s birth/berth canal through water.

When a product leaves a warehouse it is “shipped” from the warehouse to the destination. Why would you use the word “ship” or “shipped” when it is being transported in an automobile?

You connect a device such as a printer or a USB Cable to a port or port opening on your computer. A Port Hole on a ship is the term is used to describe the windows, or openings on a vessel. The word originates from the French word porte which means door.

When you have to clean and organize a space to get it into “Ship Shape.” This expression arose from the inspections that were started during the 1800’s to ensure the the ships were clean enough so as to not bring anything such as disease into a port. When inspected and accepted for port entry, they were said to be “ship shape”.

The word “captain” comes from the word capital = money = water.

In a courtroom setting, the dock is an enclosed space where the defendant stands or sits in a court of law.

In nautical terms a dock is a structure extending alongshore or out from the shore into a body of water, to which boats may be moored.

When you go to court; your case is placed in a Docket.

A Docket is an abridged entry of a judgment or proceeding in an action, or register of such entries; a book of original, kept by clerks of courts, containing a formal list of the names of parties, and minutes of the proceedings, in each case in court.

Money is Water

Question: Where do you find a bank?

Answer: On both sides of a river.

River Banks (banks) control the current (currency) or flow of water (money).
If you are losing your house, they say your house is under water.
When you have a lot of debts, they say, you’re drowning in debt.
If you get in trouble and go to jail, someone has to bail you out.
The verb bail also means to scoop water out of a boat. We say to someone, “money goes through your hands like water”.

There are also many terms that have the word ship (a vessel of considerable size for deep-water navigation) in it.


Common law or the law of the land, is what is lawful; Statue Law or Maritime Law, the law of the ocean; is what we call legal. The Law of the Sea/Ocean is banking law. It is international by nature.

David Icke states that, United States flags in every federal building, court, school, or wherever, are framed with a gold/yellow fringe because of the meaning this has in maritime law.

Whenever the president makes an address on television or speaks in a federal setting you will see the “American Flag” behind him with a gold/yellow fringe.

Once again this is Maritime/Admiralty Law.


If you're not sure you fully understand the laws and how they work, the best move is to talk to specialists who are experts in the specific area of law you're interested in. This will help you avoid unpleasant consequences, at the very least.

This is especially important right now for those working in the navy. No one working at sea is immune to getting injured on the job, whether it's on land near their ship or out at sea. Experienced admiralty lawyers can help you understand not only what rights you have but also what to do if you've already been injured and need compensation.

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