Does your Town Accept Tax Payments in Crypto?
A small town in Ohio and CANADA.
Sorry to burst your bubble. And isn't the real problem here taxes anyway?
Hamilton would have his own country if it was still alive thriving off of crypto and #opensource. A WHOLE COUNTRY.
The idea? Less government. Fewer taxes. End the Reserve. Move to Steem for now and a platform that supports the currency and let's begin a grassroots movement to get town's all over this Country self-sustaining off of their own currency, with taxes!
We need men like @frankbacon @frankbacon @frankbacon and yours truly at the helm, and others. Let's ride!
Highly rEsteemed!
Little Ru hears everything and he's noisy about it! Such a gosip!
@frankbacon @frankbacon @frankbacon
Exhibit A pertaining to...?
I'm not you're Lama bruv. Love and Respect.
Cool glasses but I had them first. Get your own.
I was sitting pretty at 11.11 and someone got me. Hmm who was the last here.