No Rest for The Resistance

A lot has happened since my last post. Biden ended his campaign and Kamala Harris is now the Democrat's Candidate. The Democratic party is energized to levels not seen since Obama's campaign in 2008!

That means many things I did to prepare for the United States becoming a rural, reactionary, right-wing authoritian, state now seem unnecessary. A course from "The People's Forum" on radical organizing looks like wasted time, my reaching out to the local chapter of the Socialist Rifle Association looks like an effort to "play guerilla", and my efforts to get my ham radio license looks like me looking for something new to pass time.

However, I remember 2016. The election is far from over, overconfidence could prove the downfall of the Democrats when the stakes are the highest. States like Georgia and Texas seem determined to disenfranchise urban voters, voters of color and other groups who could tip those states, or delay the results to have the U.S House decide the election. I remember January 6, 2021. Trump could easily rally Proud Boys, and other elements of his reactionary base back to the Capitol, or to state capitols.

There is also the matter of Trump's base, who are likely not going away any time soon. Rural reactionaries have a person that gives them a voice and some sense of power. It is unlikely that even with a Democratic Congress that real efforts to "De-Trump" the United States will come to pass. Efforts to punish the Confederacy ended with the 1876 election, and the gains of the Civil RIghts movement are slowly being rolled back.

I plan to stick to my plans for a post-Project 2025 'MuriKKKa'. Get familiar with a firearm, even if it's something less lethal. Get my ham radio license and reach out to the world. Start work on an e-book to keep a cell phone, tablet or laptop from being a ticket to an interment camp. As a sensei liked to say "Better to have and not need, than to need and not have."


"Wow, it's great to see you're still actively preparing for all scenarios! 😊 Your commitment to being informed and prepared is truly admirable. I'm curious - what do you think are some key takeaways from your experiences in 2016 that we can learn from this time around? And how do you plan on sharing your knowledge with others through your e-book? 📚 Let's keep the conversation going and support each other as we navigate these uncertain times! 💬 By the way, don't forget to vote for @xpilar.witness at - every voice counts in shaping our community's future!"

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