Hmmm.... Donald Trump the Racist. Politics or Fact?

in #politics7 years ago

What is the MOTIVE behind accusing a man of being a Racist that has spent his life working with Black Leaders to improve their Communities lives?

Why are Political Narratives swallowed as Truth when they can be disproven so easily as FAKE NEWS and Vicious Innuendo?

MLK's Grand Daughter has come out in Support of Trump...

Rosa Parks Daughter has as well...

Even great Civil Rights Leader Andrew Young has denounced the heinous attacks on Trump as baseless and vile...

These are heavy weights in the Civil Rights Community. Others perceived as Civil Rights Leaders who have gain reputations for Sleeze and Guile seem to have actually been helped by Trump yet have embraced the Political Narrative instead of the Truthful one....

Trump has been given award after award by the likes of the Reverend Jesse Jackson for his exceptional work helping Blacks and Minorities. He stood next to Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks and accepted the Ellis Island Medal of Honor for his philanthropy, Charity and Empowerment of these Communities. Trump worked with Reverent Jesse Jackson giving him one of the most Prestigious pieces of Real Estate in the World to start his Rainbow Coalition RENT FREE right a crossed the Street from the New York Stock Exchange. What can be surmised from this proof? It flied directly in face of those Political pundits saying exactly the opposite. There is video Proof of Trump meeting with Black Leadership brain storming and planning meetings where the topic's were the re-invigoration of communities like Harlem and other poor Neighborhoods in and around New York City. Proof of Trumps tireless work for the poor and Minority Communities, especially the Black Community is there for all to see. Video's don't exist like this on either side of the isle for the politicians who have scathingly accused Trump of racism. I looked at those who were voicing their opinions about Trump and taking the questionable Media's point of view. It was a who's who of Politically inept people who seem to make a habit out of commenting on critical issues they aren't and have no way of getting in touch with. Whether because of their Celebrity Status, their Wealth Status or their just plain lack of common sense. They seem to have "thumb lock" when it comes to finding the Truth and it's as close as GOOGLE on their Cell phone. Whether we like it or not, these "Celebrities" hold say in some sectors of public opinion. As if being an actor and lying for a living gives you some additional insight into the hearts and minds of the motivations and actions of the people living in the real world.

A false narrative bandied about by the Press in the United States is that Trump waited two days before making any significant statement about Charlottesville. His tweet right after the violence and tragedy Trump responded to the violence in Charlottesville.... This tweet was sent about 11:30am the same morning. This is cut and pasted directly from his tweet. "We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!" Funny how had the White Supremacists been the ONLY morons being violent at this protest this tweet probably would have been sufficient because it clearly would have been pointing at the Supremacists. But because there were two other groups instigating the violence in Charlottesville as well, the tweet pointed at them as well and this was "unacceptable" to the Progressive Politicians who make it a practice to criticize EVERYTHING Trump does or says. It doesn't matter the content. I have looked at the tweet a dozen times since this incident and tried to see where the Racism and support of the White Supremacists exist in it and it's just not there. The First Narrative latched onto by the Press and these Progressive Poltihacks in Washington on both sides of the isle claimed he didn't "condemn" the White Supremacists. Well if you look at the verbage in the Tweet. He clearly uses the word "condemn" So CNN, The New York Times and these Moron Politicians and Celebrities would seem to just stirring the pot as they have done everyday since Trump took office. And please. Don't take my word for it. Look it up yourself on Trumps Twitter. The "two day" narrative is completely and totally a FAKE line of story telling.
Your thirty seconds away from actually KNOWING the TRUTH..... I will be including some links below to some of my research. I wanted to know the truth myself about Trump after I noticed the discrepancy on Trump responding immediately.

I have run a political blog for several years now and this topic blew up when I presented my findings. I couldn't believe the people that were unwilling to do the footwork themselves or to just look at the links and evidence I have found. I was getting one sentence death threats for two solid weeks. It's calmed down quite a bit. I only got two death threats yesterday....LOL

The MOTIVE I mention above??? What I have noticed as well the last 2-4 weeks is, YOU haven't heard CNN, the Democrats or John McCain and his Progressive RINO political Buddies mention Russia since the week before Charlottesville and the Revelation that the DNC's Servers weren't hacked and that it was an inside Job. Did you know that the DNC's IT guy was arrested trying to flee the Country has been charged with selling sensitive information to our enemies? The Main Stream Media has completely ignored the Democrats Pakistani IT guy story and the RUSSIAN NARRATIVE that fantastically fell apart.
The Democrats couldn't have you focusing on their failed Russia accusations. What do Democrats usually do every time they have bad press? Point the finger & scream "Racist" a good percentage of the time... Yeah I know. If you are a Democrat and reading this. You'll get angry and call me a racist....LOL But you know? The whole "Russia hacked the DNC Servers" has been exposed to be a lie. That's a fact. That story broke three wees ago. Shortly before Charlottesville. And then you start to think back to when the DNC refused to let the FBI look at their Servers. The puzzle pieces all fall together. AND I'm not even going to mention Seth Rich.... ponder on that for a moment will you?

Just for reference. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I just try to land somewhere close to the truth in my thoughts and support. I'll tie up my thoughts with this last statement. Like I said. I've been pretty beat up the last couple of weeks about this topic. A lot of "Trump is a Racist" and "Trump is a White Supremacist" yelling and screaming. But I have found a shred of evidence to prove it. The only thing that even comes close falls on it's face. One man said that "Trumps Daddy was a White Supremacist".... So I researched it. Trumps father was arrested in a town where a White Supremacist Rally was being held back in like 1927... Yep... Almost a hundred years ago. The information I found didn't say he was arrested because he was a KKK member. It also didn't say he was arrested there because he was Protesting the KKK. The information I read said. That he was arrested. And it didn't even really connect him directly to the rally one way or the other. But let me say this. I have NEVER believed that we are guilty of the sins of our Fathers. Nope. I don't believe it. I had to laugh when Chelsey Handler was calling Trump a Nazi and then someone did some digging and found out that her Grand Father or some relative was an actually Nazi.... Do I believe Chelsey is a Nazi.... Hell No.... And there you have the point made. People should be judged on their own actions. Below I have included a couple of the links that gave me insight into the claims that Trump has always been active in helping the poor. Specifically the Black Community and it's Leaders like Jesse Jackson. And quite frankly??? When giving weight to peoples opinions. I'll take these Civil Rights Leaders who have worked their whole lives to further the Black Communities interests and opportunities like Martin Luther Kings Grand Daughter, Rosa Parks Daughter and the great Civil Rights Leader Andrew Youngs opinions LONG BEFORE I listen to the opinions of Morons like Lebron James, John Legend, Elijah Cummings, Maxine Waters, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Chucky Schumer and Chelsey Handler....

I am not defending Trump on any other policies or agenda's. I am specifically addressing this point of contentiousness. I went looking for proof of the accusations and this is what I found.....


Yes, Trump is the epitome of a civil rights leader.....Said no one ever.....

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