
in #politics3 months ago (edited)

From: Omega4America from Omega4America’s Substack [email protected]
Date: June 23, 2024 at 6:10:27 AM CDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: Let's Help Trump Steal The 2024 Election!
Reply-To: Omega4America from Omega4America’s Substack reply+2eup34&6xo78&&

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Let's Help Trump Steal The 2024 Election!
Leftists aren't the only ones with surprises. This is a game two can play!
JUN 23

Every election follower knows the 2024 election will be won in 15 counties, in 7 swing states.

Every such person knows, in their bones, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona will flood with mail-in ballots. 67% will come from illegitimate addresses without bedrooms - 67%.

In numerical terms, in every swing state, there is an identified group - of 400,000 or more - addresses who will cough up ballots filled out by NGOs - in identified ballot factories - for illegal aliens or drifters, long gone.

That is the terrain. How would you attack it?

Would you hire 100,000 poll watchers to count mail-in ballots cast from a Walmart?

Would you ignore the chance to stop a mail-in ballot from going to a gas station?

Would you pass on identifying a group of NGOs, in Michigan and Wisconsin, tied to the Chinese Progressive Association - involved in electioneering?

Would you choose as your state coordinator in Wisconsin a RINO, tied to the Wisconsin Speaker of the House, now being recalled, who works overtime to stop Trump from being elected?

If in any of these questions, you chose what the RNC and Trump Campaign chose - you would be embracing their upcoming failure.

Winning in 2024 is too important to be left to the RNC and the Trump Campaign - their actions show us every day they are completely out-of-touch with the reality in the field.

We aren’t.

You aren’t either.

Let’s win this thing!

Remember, Trump may be the candidate but you are the citizen. It’s your country, not just Trump’s.

Trump says he’s in it for us - let’s us get this guy over the finish line.

In order to keep the Republic, we need, now, to step outside the expectation that the RNC or Trump Campaign can deliver anything. Most sentient election followers already know the RNC is incompetent - the ones who support them are paid to do so.

It is no secret Trump is blind to the grifter class.

2024 is going to be won, in those few counties, by you.

We are trying to help - with technology.

We want to bring anti-gravity-level laser weaponry to citizens who have flintlocks today.

The RNC and major voter integrity national orgs are trying to stop us from helping you win this one.

We spend our day jobs building advanced A.I. systems that leverage distributed small language models - a geeky thing we do that has some people pretty excited.

We will be explaining more about our technology - and very cool customer use cases, starting next week, in the Fractal Substack Newsletter - which has zero political stuff in it - but does have lots of advanced artificial intelligence concepts.

In the last 30 days, some well heeled citizens called us and may help us apply Fractal technology - in a very big way - in 7 swing states, Virginia, Colorado and Minnesota.

We’ll see, but it looks promising.

How do we steal the 2024 election for Trump?

Hey, don’t freak out!

If the Left can steal an election, a bunch of them, we can too. They made it a thing!

Let’s do it!

Steal? Oh no! RINOs will freak out.

By steal, we don’t mean anything illegal - we mean something stunningly surprising from Republicans - something innovative!

You know the RNC won’t innovate.

They have a ballot harvesting program and they are registering kids at bars - while blindly ignoring the 67% of mail-in ballots, which we can identify today - in every swing state - from gas stations and 7-11s which will be cast against Trump.

The RNC has 100,000 people lined up to make sure fake votes are properly counted.

We currently meet daily, often 3 - 4 meetings every day, with Republican funding types who tell us they will never give dime to the RNC.

They know Trump will get smoked if we do not step up and stop these mail-in fake ballots from ballot mills, and if there is not a real time system - operating from early voting to election day - to track every profiled GOP voter.

They are well aware of the grifter lawsuits from about every “national voter integrity organization” which will never impact 2024. As we will report in mid 2025, these lawsuits will still be in progress - lots of money and effort, wasted in 2024, for a 2026 result.

Here is what they are asking the Fractal team to deliver:

  1. Stop mail-in ballots, to ineligible addresses, a proven technique that helped save a U.S. Senate election in 2022 in Wisconsin. 

Mail-in ballots, coming from ineligible locations constitute about 67% of the ineligible ballots cast.

They cannot be identified with current relational tech - or it would have been done years ago.

Trump will piss away $100 million on ads in swing states to maybe move up a point or two.

Of course, his team gets a cut of those ad buys. That’s why the guys, and women, talking to us won’t give dough to the RNC.

Using quantum technology, local teams can stop from 40% to 70% of mail-in ballots, from ineligible addresses, being mailed to those Walmarts and gas stations.

This strategy, tried and tested, can impact 200,000 to 500,000 ballots, in each swing state.

Nobody is disenfranchised.

If the guy who lives at the Walmart or empty strip mall wants to vote, he goes to the poll, shows his ID, and votes. Get it? He just does not get that ballot that is voted by the NGO - not him!

  1. Clean the canvassing rolls in each swing state from current 52% incorrect to 90% correct.

Bet you did not know the canvassing rolls, from the RNC, are 52% incorrect.

We tested them for 2 swing states and sure enough, they suck.

Our team, and members of some teams with whom we work, know how to clean canvassing rolls to 90% or better accuracy.

That means every GOP candidate immediately reduces his or her direct mail budget 50%. Canvassing costs fall and effectiveness goes through the roof.

We did this in 2022 and 2023 and the results were spectacular.

The RNC will not return our calls.

  1. Provide a near real-time system, during early voting until election day, to ID which Republicans voted and provide the data to help Republicans get their voters to the polls.

The RNC said, in the Gateway Pundit a bit ago, that the Dems were able to track every voter, determine if they voted, profile them, focus resources on getting that ballot counted or voter to the poll.

In that interview, the RNC said they didn’t have anything close to that kind of system.

Can you imagine, running elections for decades, and not being able to track every voter, real time, from a phone or tablet, to make sure your guy voted? You would think the RNC would have the good manners to at least lie about it!

Well, guess what we have?

Since we track every address in every swing state, then compare it with every voter, we have such a system today. We can demonstrate it.

It gets better.

In 2022, we tested our system in North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and a few other places.

North Carolina was pretty interesting, as their voter systems are crap, inserting control characters into the data - we had to remove with some A.I.

In every swing state, we can take daily cast ballot records, compare them with voter rolls and profile voters, and tell that army of RNC canvassers we hear about which door to knock on or phone to call.

We can even text them the number!

In many of the states, we can do true real time - with updates to the second from the growing number of voter portal APIs.

Pennsylvania was a trip. Florida too.

In each of those states we collect 10 million records or more per snapshot.

Doing snapshots, every day, for 30 days or so for some early voting gets you to a billion pretty quick across 7 states.

That chokes current relational technology but we do it effortlessly - on a phone!

Our Pennsylvania system has 77 snapshots which is about 700 million records - and you can find any voter, any address, voter history, profile, from your phone, in an instant. If they didn’t vote, we send out a text.

Fractal quantum tech can tell every canvasser, in every swing state, on their phone, across over a billion records (multiple copies of voter rolls, downloaded every few minutes gets you to billions) - who voted, who should vote (profiling) who needs to get their butt to the poll.

The RNC bet the farm on ballot harvesting - which we know is total bullshit because they aren’t good at it and it is most effective in the urban areas where they fear to tread.

The Fractal get-out-the-vote tracking system is a must have for them to be close to competitive.

  1. Provide near constant visibility to voter rolls to stop government actors adding voters to rolls after legal dates – as happened to Kari Lake in 2022.

Republican candidates get screwed in some of the most fascinating ways.

Candidates have less than zero understanding of technology - stunning!

Let’s help out here.

We call this the Kari Lake Effect. It is also called the Sovereign Fraud System.

In Arizona, in 2022, we told the Arizona voter integrity types working for Lake they ought to cut the cards - take copies of the voter rolls, every week or two, send them to us, and FOR FREE we would compare them to make sure Kari was not getting screwed.

Well, they are relational database junkies, and know zero about advanced tech, so they and the RNC Data team chose to wing it. No snapshot analysis.

We can show that Kari Lake won. That’s not the story. The real story is how she lost - or one of the ways.

The county election database added 22,000 new voters to the rolls days before the election. Lake had no idea. They also changed the zip codes of over 30,000 voters when mail-in ballots went out. Lake, and RNC Data had no idea.

She lost by 17,000!

We found those “anomalies” in less than 30 minutes AFTER the election - a bit late to help.

What should happen in 2024, in every state, certainly in every swing state - is a daily or at least weekly comparison of the voter roll.

Compare every roll with the previous date - and flag anyone adding 22,000 new voters!

If someone jacks with the roll, we will know immediately, not after the election.

During early voting this moves to daily or hourly - Fractal can do that, relational cannot.

Let’s try it!

Wouldn’t it be just so cool to catch these Leftists BEFORE the votes get counted?

  1. Illegal Alien ID and Tracking System.

Bet you want to know why we left this one to last?

Well, we did it because it is a byproduct of the first 4 you already read - if you hung on that long.

The national voter integrity orgs are getting everyone all boogey-manned up with illegal aliens.

They want you to send them donations so they can fight that fight.

Those grifters have zero technology to do it, and they couldn’t do anything about it if they did - so let’s go there.

There is no database of illegal aliens - at least no database the government is going to publish.

Illegal aliens being registered to vote leave breadcrumb tracks.

Those are invisible to relational technology - but we find them with a couple of clicks.

Here, let’s do it.

When you have 145 aliens get off the Biden Air Express in Milwaukee and you need to register them to vote, how do you do it? Think about that a bit before you read on.

If you register them at houses, how do you get those ballots - since the illegal is long gone? You have to visit a lot of houses. That’s a pain.

You register them at one address - where 145 ballot are going to arrive, so you, the deeply religious NGO can vote them - all at once.

We find those ballot collection locations - hundreds in every swing state. You cannot find them with current technology.

We do that snapshot analysis thing again - take a copy of a voter roll on 30 different dates. Compare every cell.

Oh look, here are 24 addresses in Milwaukee whose voter count increased by more than 3X in 60 days!

Think that might be a clue?

Maybe, the guys who built the TSA No-Fly List technology might know a thing or two about how to aggregate and parse East African and Guatemalan surnames to see if they are occurring in a non-random fashion in Detroit.

Ever heard of surname analysis? Well, you sure won’t from the national voter integrity teams - who use obsolete relational technology.

Every major national voter integrity organization does everything they can to stop Fractal - because we make them obsolete.

If you can do all of this from your phone, who needs those grifters!

We show every day why lawsuits are total nonsense. Almost nobody gets taken off the rolls - those who do get back on. Watch our videos - we show it for state after state.

We are optimistic from the outpouring of support we are recently receiving that out message is getting through.

We and YOU can steal 2024 from the Left!

You just read our plan to steal the 2024 election.

Nothing illegal, just innovative, surprising, proven and the future.

We receive thousands of emails and try to answer most of them - we skip the ones about why we don’t call Lara Trump.

We said on the Steve Bannon show that 2024 is the most consequential battle on North American soil since Gettysburg - and we believe technology may impact the winner.

We are doing all we can to make that a reality.

Watch the newsletter - a lot coming out in the next few weeks.

Please do not send us emails telling us to contact the RNC.

We get over 1,000 emails a week - 95% asking us how to help.

If you want to help, forward the newsletter to your contacts and help us get the word out.

We are optimistic that big money people recognize how useless the RNC is, they get quantum technology, and maybe, just maybe, we will get a chance to step onto the playing field.

Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine, the underlying technology for the TSA No-Fly List and the fraud systems for State Farm, GEICO, USAA and other major insurers.

Jay’s team was awarded 6 patents for revolutionary Similarity Search technology - finding fraud in complex data - invisible to all relational technology

Jay is the only known person ever banned from The American Thinker.

Jay can be contacted at his Substack:

We send the newsletter regularly - 100% of all subscription money goes to Habitat for Horses in Houston and a donkey rescue in the Austin, Texas area.

The Fractal team accepts no donations from any political organization. If you choose to subscribe to our newsletter - 100% is donated to animal rescue charities.

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