Desparate dems claiming a Trump/Hitler connection...
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My reply
1. True democracy is a form of tyranny that our founding fathers deliberately avoided; the US is a republic. Other than that, England and France are part of an emerging European caliphate. They are not democracies. England is still nominally ruled by a king.
2. NATO does not exist to promote harmony and that Paris green accord is a suicide pact for nations.
3. Vladimir Putin is the best ruler Russia has ever had since Tsar Peter and would win any election anybody could hold in Russia with 90% of the vote. He has brought Russia all the way back from the basket case it was when he took over.
4. Russia is a Christian nation and ukraine is a Nazi shithole. Demopoops and neocons have been supporting the Nazi side of a conflict between Nazis and Christians.
5. The United States does not have a free press. Fortunately we have X and other open media outlets.
6. Prior to Trump, blacks had been voting as a block against the interests of the American middle class for decades. It never did them any good and large numbers of them re now abandoning that scheme.
7. Bullshit.
8. Neither Trump nor Musk has any financial incentive to be doing hat they are. Both are working gratis for the benefit of the nation.
9 Trump is working on treaties with other major powers that would cut our defense budget in half.
10. Trump has been purging the most corrupt of the corrupt and particularly the wankers involved in the J6 persecutions and demopoop/neocon lawfare.
One thing you might notice about guys like Hitler or Stalin is that no Nazi or Communist ever blew up any major piece of human infrastructure for the sake of a "delta smelt(TM)" or a gefiltefisch.
Demopoops are greens, greens are Malthusians, and Malthusians are misanthropes. Those are worse than Nazis or Communists.
And you have to ask yourself what could be worse than being worse than Nazis or Communists...
Oh, yeah, that's right, beining worse than Nazis or Communists and being a crybaby about it: