Tommy Robinson - He is the Mouthpiece of our Discontent

in #politics6 years ago


The politicians are just beginning to catch on to the discontent of the population and the increase in Right Wing traditional values for Britain. This has nothing to do with the success of the right-wing parties, but it is more about the complete failure of the Left-wing political parties.
I feel that the Left wing political parties have lost their way. They have pushed the population too far with their ‘inclusivity’. They no longer speak for the common working man or woman. They are actually suppressing the very people who they are meant to represent.
Let’s look at what has happened. The terms racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic etc have been so over used that they now mean nothing. Every time a person opens their mouth to disagree with someone, they are called one of these names in some form or another.
There was an update to the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act in 2006 which included racial hatred and then another update in 2008, which included hatred on the grounds of sexuality. These two pieces of updated legislation lead to Left wing politicians, minority groups and those who are ill informed, calling every ‘Hate Speech’.
However, the law had actually set out in writing a paragraph which clearly provides UK residents with freedom of speech.
It clearly states that:
“Nothing in this Part shall be read or given effect in a way which prohibits or restricts discussion, criticism or expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule, insult or abuse of particular religions or the beliefs or practices of their adherents, or of any other belief system or the beliefs or practices of its adherents, or proselytising or urging adherents of a different religion or belief system to cease practising their religion or belief system.”
The word ‘insult’ was removed form the legislation in 2014.
So, currently, under British law we can legally discuss, criticise, dislike, ridicule and try to convert other people to another religion.
This is what the UK law says.
The problem is that no-one in Government, on either side of the house has the guts to promote these freedoms. When was the last time you heard anyone in authority or in the mainstream media telling a Lefty do-gooder, well actually, the law allows for freedom of speech in the country and then goes on to quote that paragraph?
So, people who are labelled as ‘Right-wing’ invariably get called racist and hate speakers… and this goes unchallenged.
Another Act that is often mis-quoted is The Equality Act 2010, which legislates for how employers and service providers can and can’t treat people. It does not, apply to the individual acting as a personal citizen or to a group of people who are not acting on behalf of their employer or offering a service.
So let’s look at this in greater detail. If you offer a cake baking service and you advertise it on Social Media you cannot refuse to bake a cake for someone just because you disagree with their culture, race, sexual preferences etc. Fair enough. A customer is a customer and if they want to pay you good money, then let them and keep your mouth shut.
However, if you are with a group of friends in the park and you are discussing how you’d like to ‘ban the Burka’ or whether Drag Queens should be allowed into schools to educate our children, then it’s fine. You can’t be prosecuted for discrimination or hate speech.
If you don’t want to speak to your neighbours because they are not British, that absolutely fine and it’s your choice. However, what you can’t is dangle over the fence shouting insults at them, then you can be prosecuted for harassment … and rightly so because that would be really nasty.
A recent case in Prestatyn, Wales saw a man being fined £385 for displaying a Golly Doll in his front window opposite and Indian Takeaway. Before you all start jumping up and down saying that he should be allowed to display it… He had a noose round its neck and disco lights aimed at it to draw attention to it. He finally admitted that it was intended to cause harm and distress to the people over the road.
The majority of people know where to draw the line. They fully understand the difference between having the freedom to say what they like and actually harassing someone but the Left aren’t content with this.
Bigot, fascists, Nazis… The list is endless but the people are getting wise to this and name calling isn’t going to stop the tide that is currently turning.
You only have to look at the support that has been gained by Tommy Robinson. He’s a well known public speaker on the topic of Islam and Islamic practices. I was curious about what he was saying so I watched many videos and interviews.
It seems that, in the past, he has done some things that he may not be proud of, but he’s matured, like we all do, and has developed a more balanced approach to reporting on topics. I have to say that I checked and rechecked the ‘facts’ he was reporting, and I couldn’t find one lie or exaggeration in his videos of the last year.
The courts made a huge mistake when they jailed him because they made him a ‘martyr of the people’. His imprisonment has acted as a catalyst for people now getting together to speak out about everything they thing is wrong with the country.
Strangely enough, a few people in the Government have quickly cottoned on to this and the ban on racial profile has been lifted for the grooming gang cases in the UK. Sajid Javid, the home secretary has ordered a report on the profile of the men involved in the cases.
UKIP’s David Kurten is also championing the lift on the ban and speaking out publicly.
Both of these men are non-white, I wonder if they are going to be called racists, fascists, Nazi’s, bigots and the like? I’m damned sure that if a white person had called for the ban to lifted they would have come under a serious amount of fire form the Left.
My cynical brain immediately thought “Umm, are they just going to implement a report and then provide a conclusion that there is no evidence to suggest that these grooming gangs are mostly men from Pakistani origins?”
So we think that the tide is turning and we have freedoms in this country ...
but wait!
What about the ‘Hate Crimes Laws”? The Criminal Justice Act 2003 allows people to be prosecuted for ‘hate crimes’ even if the perpetrator is not guilty of actually hating anyone.
The Law says:
"Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person's disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity."
They do not have to ‘prove that you are guilty of anything or that you had intent, they can just ‘say’ that they are offended and that’s it.
This is what the CPS has to say on the term ‘hostility’.
There is no legal definition of hostility, so we use the everyday understanding of the word which includes ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.
Let me read those words again. “ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.”
So now we’re not allowed to be unfriendly or dislike anyone? If this is the case, my earlier statement of not speaking to your neighbours because they are non-British, is false. By not speaking to them, are you being unfriendly? Do you dislike them? Oh boy! This is serious. They could, if they ‘perceive’ your actions to be unfriendly, report you and get you convicted for a ‘hate crime’.
Remember that these crimes are prosecuted on what the ‘victim perceives’ and not on what you ‘intend’.
You could be left wondering why you are being prosecuted for a ‘hate crime’ when you don’t hate anyone at all!
The Crown Prosecution Services says:
It is a hate crime if the victim or anyone else thinks it was motivated by hostility or prejudice base on one of the following things:
• Disability
• Race
• Religion
• Transgender Identity
• Sexual Orientation.
These five things are called ‘protected characteristics.
Obviously, people are fully aware that any kind of violence, vandalism, personal intimidation or graffiti are against the law. This is only right and proper. No-one wants to see that kind of behaviour towards anyone.
However, there is a worrying part of the legislation that includes ‘distributing leaflets.'
Under counter terrorism laws in the UK, the definition of terrorism is:
“The threat of action is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.”

Surely it is the right of every citizen to try and change the politics or the ideology of a country or group if they disagree with it? After all, the LGBTQ groups have certainly changed the politics and the ideology of this country in their own favour. Feminist groups continue to campaign to change the law in favour of yet more women’s right. They don’t seem concerned that now men have less rights than they do.
However, if a non-feminist female dares to speak out again the lack of equality and the inherent misandry that now exists in our society, she would certainly be labelled as ‘Far Right’ and runs the risk of a hate crime under current laws.
Lauren Southern fell foul of this law when she attempted to enter the country for an interview with other journalists. On a previous visit, she had distributed leaflets that were meant to invoke a debate. After seeing leaflets from a Left Wing Feminist group asking “Was Jesus Gay?”, she decided to provide a similar leaflet asking “Was Allah Gay?”
The leaflets referring to Jesus has caused no backlash at all but the one’s referring to Allah were immediately seized by the police and she was put on the anti-terrorism watch list.
When she tried to enter the country again, Lauren Southern was immediately arrested and held for forty-eight hours on counter terrorism charges.
Now, forgive me for asking but why is asking a question about Allah considered terrorism, when asking the same question about Jesus is not?
Cases like this invoke powerful retribution from a population who is already feeling that their voices are not being heard. The white working-class male has no-one to fight his corner. He has very few rights at work, he has less money in his pocket than he did since the 1970s, he is hated by the feminists for his alleged misogyny, he is accused of having white privilege and to cap it all, he only has a seven percent chance of gaining custody of his children if he get’s divorced.
The Labour Party aren’t speaking up for him. The Conservative Party only seeks to make him work harder and longer to ensure more riches for his bosses and The Liberal Party are now, non-existent. He has also realised that the main stream media is giving him a biased view of the news and the Police are frightened of disturbing ‘community cohesion’ if he reports a crime that has been committed by a Black or Asian person… even if this means that his daughter is raped by gangs.
Furthermore, the working class white man is most likely to live in inner city areas where they see the cultural changes of the environment. Women walking past their windows swathed in black and men walking in front of them in what appear to be long white night-shirts. Chattering in a language not familiar to him and moving into council houses whilst his own children are stuck in over-priced privately rented accommodation.
On his way home from work, he must pick his way through scantily clad lady boys on their latest ‘slut walk’. He feels disgust and hopes his children haven’t seen this spectacle of buffoonery.
It doesn’t matter what the politicians say about embracing multi-culturalism and being tolerant of other people’s lifestyle choices. His world has changed beyond recognition and no-one is helping him preserve his own culture, his own beliefs, his own lifestyle.
So, who is this white working-class male going to turn to? UKIP? Tommy Robinson? Of course he does, because they are daring to say the things that are in his head…the things that he dare not say in public. They are the mouthpiece for his discontent.


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