Europe is Tired of Open Borders and this Huge and Uncontrolled Influx of People from Far Off Lands and Their Inablitiy or Non Desire to Integrate into their Way of Living !

in #politics6 years ago

The Europeans of 2018 are now clearly sick and tired of this politic of enforced immigration into their lands pushed by their own governments that keep telling them that these new arrivals are essential to the economy and future prosperity ! But how can anybody talk of prosperity when women and sadly even young girls are not safe now in many areas of Europe where these refugees have formed communities that are essentially closed to the indigenous people, where even security worlers such as firemen, police and ambulance teams cannot go in safety !

Last week in Chemenitz two young Syrian refugees were " hassling" or more in the beginning of attempting to rape a woman ! But when a German man passing by saw what was happening he intervened and rightfully so, but was then stabbed by the two refugees up to 30 times and later succumbed to his injuries dying in the street while other people looked on in horror ! Since then, the city has been protesting his murder in their thousands and now Germanies AFD , politically "right" wing party is set to take power back from the christian socilaists of Merkel !

How much longer can this agenda continue where the Peace and well being, much cherished by Europeans has been seemingly destroyed in the matter of just a few years with this insanity of " open border" policies of Merkel and that of Sweden ? Seems that Europeans have now indeed have enough and any party who chose still to continue with this
" Diversity " is our Strength rhtetoric will be brushed into the curb by this wave of anger and resentment for the abuses endured by this otherwise educated and pacific population that were in the beginning, all to happy to welcome these people seemingly so in need of shelter a home and our kindness ! Those days are now over and I think the refugees will have a very sharp hard shock and awakening to a new reality which it must be said is of their own making as they have sadly behaved deplorablely since their arrival only 2 or three years ago, as they have done little to promote the feeling of safety and trust which they were themselves initially accorded by the recieving populations of these countries !

Chemnitz Protests - The people are sick of it.

Published on 31 Aug 2018

The recent protests in Chemnitz suggest a significant change in the mindset of the every day European. Enjoy...

Meanwhile is Sweden its busainess as usual, where metioning the fact that the rapists and murderers in Sweden are predominantly of Refugee background will still land you in hot water and could get you put in jail pretty quickly !

The Politically-Correct Dystopia Next Door

Sargon of Akkad
Published on 27 Aug 2018

Uncontrollable gang violence is part and parcel of being a Western European nation.


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




It never was going to have a good ending but the elite have their own agenda. Cheers mike

Yes true @mikenevitt, the elites have their plan, but I think you will find that their plan is going to be ripped down the seams by of all people, Trump !! Yes I know I hear you, but maybe just maybe you will see that I am right )) thanks Gomer)))

I wouldn’t disagree with the fact more and more people have had enough but the unelected running the eu don’t care unfortunately. Cheers mike

well these uninvited guests dont have to fear the unelected officials that invited them in, the problem will be more the millions of pissed off people who have indeed had enough of their antics and bad behaviour !

I agree, they should shut the door but they won’t. Cheers mike

The door will not be shut by them but by us i think this we will see pretty soon ! the situation will not be in the " elites" hands very soon ! With things in America shaping up under Trump and with certain investigations coming to a head I think seriously that all of this treason which is all interconnected worldwide will make it very hard for all status quo style governments and they are about to lose control of the show ! It will be a time for the People for the People 1 At lest thats my great hope, I may be wrong !

I’d like to think you are right but if the people where to get there way the powers that be would probably crash the economy and make things a lot worse, i just can’t see them giving up with out a fight these bastards don’t really care about us their goals are a lot more important to them.
Although I hope I’m wrong. Cheers mike

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When I lived in Germany, I didn't see any assimilating going on at all. I saw native Germans with native Germans and people from the middle east and Africa in separate groups. Merkel is crazy for allowing folks into the country who they don't know anything about. I heard all about the labor shortage in the auto industry, but Germany would be better off automating instead...

yes agreed @evernoticethat , its a proven fact that the majority of the people who enetred into Europe as part of this " wave " of " social and cultural " enrichment have not found work or even looked for work ! Instead they have merely milked the social system as much as possible, with stories of them even returning back to their country that they are supposedly running for their lives from, for a not so well deserved holiday paid for by the taxes of the Indeginous work slaves of Europe who have a right to nothing but to go to work, pay their taxes and keep their mouth firmly shut !

The sad thing is, everything you just wrote could apply here in the States as well. Only here they say they are fleeing "gang threats" and violence while bringing the very same along with them. Our once safe and quiet city has been overrun with people who refuse to learn English while draining our social welfare system.

In 1980, my city was one of the 25 safest in America. Now, we are in the top 25 in crime. Gunshots ring out almost every night in this once quiet town. Good people who had lived here for decades are fleeing these newcomers who hate our country. My own elderly Grandmother was beaten and robbed by one of them asking her for food who then pushed his way into her home and then assaulted her.

We also once welcomed them with open arms, but no more. They work "under the table" with huge families without paying taxes while hogging taxpayer-funded services and sending their money back to their home countries. Europe and America are both under siege with no end in sight.

The day will come when the United States will be completely financially bankrupt because of this. What will they do when they kill the goose that laid the golden egg?

They will crack the golden egg and make an omelette ! they are just stupid lazy low life low IQ useless people who should not be allowed into America or Europe 1 Its actually a plan created back on the thirties by Coudenove Karlegi where he thought up the best way to decimate and destroy the wealthy west and turn it into a failed state like the rest of nations under globalism ! We can turn this around but it will take a sustained belief and hardening of the public veiw to these people being used as a weapon against our great cultures ! We need to stand United and Strong, do not bow to the inferior sorts !!

shhhh still all quiet here in the east, I forgot to add you up when I changed accounts, rectified now, hope you are well, chin up my friend.

Ah hello there mysterious account @shepzl, i think i may know who you are , but only time can tell ! Yes the East is a good place to be and I dont mean East Walthomstow !! ))

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