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RE: Top 10 Socialist Countries

in #politics6 years ago

Add Europe: Sweden, Germany, France etc.
Their crime is to pretend to be based on Constitutional, free western values. In fact, most parliaments and heads of governments in these countries are fascist/socialist/communist treasonous vermin.

Merkel, for example, used to be head of the Christian Democratic Union, traditionally THE center-right political party in Germany. However, all of her policies are socialist/communist/fascist, while demonizing the actual center-right. Merkel used to be a lead socialist functionary in East Germany. How she became the Fuehrer? Betrail and election fraud. There are no fair elections in France, for example either, where Maccoroni Pizza Boy Macron, now below 18% approval rate, stole the election from Marie LePen, who was leading the elections and was poised to win. She scored 64% in the polls among the young people but was defeated by election fraud of momentous scales. The same applies to the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Spain - the EU dictatorship.

The list above is also suspect, as, in my humble view, NK should be on top of the commie dictatorship.