Stand And Fight Or DIE On Your Knees!

in #politics4 years ago


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White Peoples and Weapons and peoples with experience to use and maintain them are the ONLY things these godless monsters fear. Here is what will happen very shortly:

The same, world-wide, coordinated and interlocked "agencies" that control all you see, hear, and think will now turn their attention to white people and weapons. Let's call them them the #2W.

Think about this: They have succeeded in getting you, yes you, to obey, fear, and pay for the evil satanic ritual of distancing and mask wearing. You STILL pay taxes and respect "authority" in this satanic kingdom! When the Walmart staff howls at your non-compliance and the thugs in blue (soon green) show up, you will be forced to comply with exactly what you have allowed and payed for: #tyranny.

They will use their hate machine that has convinced the world that a maskless man is a threat, to convince them that all whites are a threat and that American gun owners are a threat to world peace, their Mothers and apple pies everywhere.

And the TV watching, now fully initiated into satanism, public will HUNT YOU. Do you think this is going to go away or get better?

Let me remind you of the 400,000 Jews who stayed in Nazi Germany who thought the same: "Surely this level of evil will not last." "Surely we shall be rescued by the military." "Prime Minister this, or Senator that will not stand for this and they will rescue us." or my favorite: "The righteous militias will rise up and protect us."

NO!!! Whites ARE the new Jews. They are going to round us up and exterminate us. WAKE THE F UP... FLEE Babylon or perish. 2W better retreat, bring all the wealth you can muster, re-arm, and prepare to defend and counter attack. Or we will be GONE. LEARN OPSEC! Learn compartmentalization. Lear the art of war, which is primarily DECEPTION.

Make sure the Creator knows YOU (read Mat 7). Know yourself via self-discipline. THEN, and only then, know your enemy. Only Providence and Wisdom can win back our lost freedoms. Be assured, wherever the Spirit of Yahweh is, there is liberty.
