FLEE or Perish

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

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The #NewCommieRegime will not allow anyone "normal" to thrive. They never do. Think it is bad now? LOL You should use the internet to learn some actual history... while you can. They will arrest/disappear "dissidents" in the middle of the night and they will be gone forever. They will begin their starvation plans as that is the most efficient way to quickly kill millions. But first they need most of the guns.

Most so-called "patriots" are clearly cowards. The military was fully infiltrated under Obama and Trump just threw more $billions at them while allowing many INSANE policies to stand. We are reaping what has been sown and the military will not rescue us. Trump is a #Zionist FIRST... and an "American" becasue it suits their plans. He even fooled me for a while. It is very clear to me that all along, he was advanced controlled opposition. The #PLAN has worked flawlessly.

Dear NASCAR LOVER, HUNTER, PRO AMERICAN, BEER DRINKING, BIBLE BELIEVING, Military, LEO, physician, et al., these commies are way ahead of you in 4D Chess and they will now get your guns. You have no idea how it will happen becasue you PHDs have been drinking hopium laced Cool Aid too long and you can no longer resist.

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If you thought you could use Robinhood to become wealthy... you had a good run. It is over now, comrade sucker. Elon #Musk is already hamstrung in America and he very foolishly invested heavily in China. Bad moves. He will now pay for his inability to attract sound advisors and a few wise counselors. Does he even have any? Or does he retain full ownership of his dumb moves? There are many who could have helped him avoid these traps. Well maybe a few.

We will see the shoveling of massive money into the commie steam engine. Anyone who is like them: communist, hardcore pedo satanist, or just a greedy criminal will thrive... for a season. These useful idiots will be destroyed. Mark my words. The leadership of Antifa and BLM had better run for their lives. They will not becasue they BELIEVE they are gonna be king-shits in the new turd bowl. They will be flushed.


History proves the fascist/commie oligarchs ALWAYS do 3 things once their power is consolidated.

1: They murder/imprison all their useful idiots and anyone they feel POSSIBLY may resist them in the future. This includes all doctors, engineers, military retirees... everyone and anyone capable of forming coherent sentences that hold actual meaning. The stupid CEOs will attempt to slurp commie juice and survive. They will also be murdered FOR SURE.

2: The survivors of the first Purge will not resist. They will assume this level of evil will not be allowed. Think of the 400,000 Jews who KNEW Hitler was evil yet stayed. They all had their various reasons and they died for them. The evil oligarchs are smarter than you are and they are going to kill you all this time. America was the last bastion of resistance and she has fallen like a Queen who thought herself impervious. She forgot that she is not the PLAYER on the chess board and payed with her life. This will be a very dark winter and the spring will arrive with red in the air and on the ground.

3: The new leadership class, AKA The Party, will grow large and strong. Once they feel secure, they will starve all the stupid useless eaters, I mean peasants. You may get UBI for a seasons to pacify you while they complete consolidation. Trust me, you are DEAD MEAT sooner than you think. Inflation will starve you. Economic collapse will starve you. A massive false flag will starve you. War will starve you. The coming Pestilence afterwards will mop up. Then their robot army will appear to quell the hardened "fighters" in the mountains, swamps, and deserts of Amerika. You will starve, idiot.

One hopeful fantasy I still have is the fascist billionaire CEOs will figure this out and begin to fight back against their communist OVERLORDS!

I have been warning anyone who will listen since the 90s. Most of you morons do not even believe they spray you like cockroaches and call it geo-engineering. Pilots have even told me "those are just contrails". Stupid people deserve to die in the age of information. Zombies always deserve to die. Wake up. Stop being a zombie. FLEE Babylon while you are able. Otherwise, see ya on Judgment Day. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED AGAIN!



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