Christian Democrats' leader is breaking the barrier in Swedish politics!

in #politics7 years ago

The big news today marks a turning point in the Swedish politic system, where the Swedish Democrats (SD) have been shunned by the rest of the parties to the point where every other party, from the leftist to the liberals and moderates, made a deal called Decemberöverenskommelsen (DÖ)(December deal). The DÖ was very unpopular among a lot of voters and even some politicians, since the SD then had about 13% of the Swedish people's votes.

Ebba Bush-Thor, Party-leader of Kristdemokraterna (Christian Conservatives)

And it was a very childish behaviour. A behaviour which have come to show itself to be quite devastating to the Swedish people and the country as a whole. SD have since been something of a bat that any party could use to swing at its opponents to paint them in a darker shade. The result, of course, have been that since the party has been shunned, so must also its politics be shunned. Their politics is just the worst possible, so, logically, the opposite must be the most virtuous. That's pretty much how Swedish politics have been played the last 3 years - taking a stance as far as possible from SD's and point at the "opposition" try to persuade the people to agree that the others are racists for being so close to SD. And a lot of people has agreed.

Another issue with dealing with a problem like SD, from a Socialist's perspective, is that the people might get the wrong opinion if they're exposed to the false preachings of the SD. They might even grow larger. What to be done, then? Well, start off by making sure the whole media establishment is on their side (easy, they already are). Next make sure to shame anyone who dare to speak out against the true preaching of the leftist's socialist agenda!

So, what will inevitably happen when combining this with the Swedish immigration problems?

First of all, they [leftists] will have some success suppressing the opposition by the normal Socialist's ways: listen to their ideas and then convince them with good arguments and conversation... Haha, no, I'm sorry!

They will start off by trying to push their propaganda in everyone's face, if that fails, increase the intensity. If that fails, start to publicly shame key people for having different and sometimes extreme opinions on social media and normal media. And if that too fails, popular sites or social media groups are taken down for "hate speech" or some other excuse.

This is, by the way, where they make a(nother) huge mistake because these people are not theoretical physicists, or even rocket scientists, but rather dumb. Social media is a really big thing to a lot of people and people spend hours a day on them so if someone comes around and shuts down a group or a discussion between normal people the normal people get upset and when normal people get upset they use social media to reach other normal people. When a lot of people begin to understand what their government is doing to protect the poor citizens from those hateful comments a lot of people get curious. When they see what was taken down and why, most go "Meh, I've seen worse". See, it's really not the message itself that is what people will focus on after the initial reaction, they will remember that their government is censoring the speech it doesn't like and next time it might be your words being removed.

*Jimmie Åkesson, leader of Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats)

So, what does all of this have to do with today's news then?

If you really read the article put out by the Swedish newspaper Expressen, it clearly states in the article that Ebba Bush-Thor is not willing to work with SD, just that she's willing to use them to get into power. But this really makes no difference once the dust settles, what people will remember is the action that was taken. It was the first time I'm aware of that a head of a major party publicly announced that they wouldn't mind the help of SD. It's, of course, the same thing as ruling with them since there's no way SD would just gladly "chip in" without getting anything in return but that can't be said on the public stage, yet, only understood from context.

This is a huge shift in Swedish politics and the effects will be seen shortly in that SD will be more tolerated, the parties will be forced to close in on them now that the wall is coming down, the question is just who will be the first one to do it without losing face completely? And if you choose not to play the game, well everyone will play the game, they're addicted to the game, but if you still don't you'll get left behind in the dust and have no chance to recover in time.

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