Imagine if Military Troops kept “peace” in your hometown

in #politics7 years ago

Decided to take a break from my “pretending” to be a writer. Get back to ranting politics. ;-) Please, take a moment to watch the video above and think about it. Despite it being years old it captures the point perfectly. To this day people still try to justify various forms of intervention in the Middle East. Ranging from the prolonged invasion of Iraq to the bombing of Syria. No one ever seems to really stop and think about the repercussions.

I’ve had people tell me many are glad for our long term occupations in countries. Some people might feel this way, but we never seem to think of the long term impact. What impact does this have on the general feeling toward our country. Toward recruitment of terrorists. How do people feel when drones kill their loved ones by accident? While I know people like Bill Nye want to tells us that global warming and a lack of resources is creating terrorists.

I think that is just ignoring the truth. People talk a lot about America “policing” the world but what does that really mean? It means we need to stop maintaining troops all over the world for “peace” and “security” for ourselves and the rest of the world. Think about it if drone strikes occurred regularly near your home would you be thankful?

If people were taken without due process of law. Only to be released years later from Guantanamo bay would that be justice? Would our very founders want us to maintain over 700+ military bases around the world as we celebrate our independence? Or would Washington shake his head in, shame about how we’re taking independence away from others. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t a slight against our Military people. I hope everyone comes home safe. Clearly, though something needs to change. Mainly, it has to change with our leadership and the decisions they make. The truth of the matter is that good intentions or not all of this might not be justified. Ongoing drone strikes, long term occupation of troops on foreign soil and our telling other countries how to conduct themselves doesn’t lend itself to a country which believes in freedom.

It isn’t up to us to say what’s right or wrong for people. Many people point at Syria and how Assad is a dictator. Yet thanks to our arming of so called moderate rebels Syria has been in a endless civil war. It’s infrastructure much like Iraq and Afghanistan has been demolished and the war still goes on.

We need to stop believing the lie that some freedoms must be taken away for security. Or that by not sending military to the rest of the world that we are somehow “isolating” ourselves. These long term military occupations and drone strikes do not benefit us in the long term. They are “wars” without an end and no way to win. Ensuring that massive military corporations make profits for years to come. At the cost of the taxpayers and innocent lives of civilians and soldiers. In the long run, our presence will only help to create more terrorists. Just the same as if a foreign country was occupied US soil.

Instead of fighting proxy wars by arming moderate Syrian rebels we should focus on affairs at home. People need to realize any intervention overseas is never done for the benefit of the people. It’s a nice excuse to cover a politician’s ulterior motive to profit from peoples suffering. As we think about peace, freedom and liberty, let us imagine a world where we can play our part to do so. Please think about this and holding our elected officials accountable so we can have real change.

It’s not a white vs black. Rich vs poor. Gay vs straight. It’s only a small number of us vs less than 1% of the elite population who are trying to manipulate us and control the worlds resources. Think outside the box. Come to your own conclusions and be the change we hope to see in the world.

Very true

As always I welcome any thoughts or opinions. That is all, thank you for your time.

Video and images are not mine.

Source: 1 2 3 4


Bill Nye

Retired general on war

Guantanamo inmate

US Military bases

Drone strikes

Arming rebels

Policitians who profited


I love a good political rant! Bring our troops home, let these countries figure their own issues out! In some countries we are not only am occupation force but we are hurting the people we are trying to help. Look at Libya, we f'd that place up big time.

I wish our strong standing military force was for defense only. Keep it strong but keep it home.

Couldn't agree with you more. People need to realize that a strong national defense is just that defending our country. Not taking the fight out around the world.

Golden rule: do not do unto others what you didn't like them to do unto you.

Agreed. if only people could remember that rule.

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