UK Imprisoning Liberty, Tommy Robinson THROWN INTO LION'S DEN

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Arrested on patently false grounds (breaching the peace) and unjustly sentenced to 13 months in prison (for contempt of court), Tommy Robinson faces his very likely death in prison where there is a bounty on his head. Arrest, trial and imprisonment all speedily transpired in a matter of hours. On top of this the government issued a gag on discussion of any details on social media and reportage of his arrest, sentencing and imprisonment on all media. Hence why webpages reporting on Tommy's arrest have been changed or taken down.

And who are the villains behind this? They lie and dissemble and point the finger elsewhere - at us, but we know who you are: the radical leftists, the Blairites, Labour and the Tories, our globalist overlords.


Tommy Robinson could have been disappeared; however, whilst the police still did not have his arrest on record and would not say what had become of him, supposedly because they might still be 'processing' him (that is if they did arrest him), his name was discovered on the court docket. Any details from the proceedings may not legally be divulged at this time. But at least the government has not yet gotten away with disappearing him, for it is a slippery slope from manipulating the factual record of the public space. As soon as speech becomes outlawed in the public space, bodies are easily disappeared too.

In my view Friday May 2018 marks the day Britain ceased to be Britain. The culture had suffered a mortal wound during the last century, now, as the last supremely British institution, the Common Law, which until now still carried British society on its last legs, as this gives way, the death knell finally sounds. Let this sink in in the hearts of patriots and anglophiles. The time for reform and protest is past. Remorse. Britain is dead. But she can be resurrected like the pheonix, stronger and better.

Have no illusions about the representative parliamentary system and rule of law. You cannot have any any longer. The authorities again acted with unlawful force. But this time they have gone beyond the pale and violated the sacrosanct principle of political democracy. They show they care nothing for words, that speech is no more the field of politics. If we cannot swat words peaceably, all we have left is to reply with force. Let this not be. It will be our massacre. Britain is disarmed and helpless. Protesting in the streets will achieve nothing.

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