Comedians bag on the GOP's "only" black Senator.... there's just one problem
The leftist media has been spending basically every ounce of their writing strength into painting anyone that isn't on the left as a racist rather than try to approach anything about their track-record or politics in general. That seems to be the "go to" as far as any hit piece is concerned. If you don't have anything useful or relevant to argue against your political opponent just call them racist and call it a day... right?
Well things get a bit more complicated when you have a conservative that is black and for the GOP that person is Tim Scott of South Carolina

Tim Scott has been the focus of a lot of media attention because he, as a black Senator, went after Biden's accusation of the United States being a racist country. Tim had this to say in response to Democrat and celebrity accusations of election reform being "racist."
"You know this stuff is wrong. Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country.
"It's backwards to fight discrimination with different discrimination(referring to how he is racially attacked frequently for being black and conservative.) And it's wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present....Republicans support making it easier to vote and harder to cheat."
Basically, Sen. Scott was saying that the election reforms that have already happened in Georgia and may happen in other states have been mislabeled as "racist" and this was done intentionally by the left and their celebrity and media partners.
One particular instance involved Jimmy Kimmel, who accidentally owned himself in a conversation during his late night talk show that I do not watch because I think Kimmel stopped being funny once he threw his hat in the political ring.

Kimmel was attempting to make a joke about how Tim Scott should get together with all the other black Republican Senators and have a discussion about how the GOP isn't racist. The joke was that Tim Scott is in fact the only black Republican Senator. The thing that Jimmy's team might not have been aware of or was hoping their audience would be too brainwashed to actually know is that the Democrats don't exactly have an army of black Senators either: Their team only has 2.
Of course most of the media never bothered to point this out because they are all in on it together. Rather than focus on Kimmel's quite obvious silly attempt to paint the GOP as racist because they don't have many black Senators and how that doesn't hold water because neither do the Democrats, they focused on "fact checking" Tim Scott's speech and I am sure that wasn't a biased fact check at all (sarcasm.)
The comedians who try to make light of the fact that a black person would dare be conservative is nothing new. They have gone after any black conservative in exactly the same fashion... Just ask Candace Owens.
Jimmy Kimmel, if he was a conservative like his old partner on the "Man Show," Adam Carolla, would have been relentlessly attacked for making these statements, but since he is a liberal talking head, he gets a pass. Just like he gets a pass about his blackface impersonation of Karl Malone

Just to be clear, I do not think the Karl Malone skits were racist. Jimmy was not making fun of black people, he was making fun of Karl Malone and even Karl Malone has said he found it funny. However, if a conservative had done this, there would have been a mob outside of their house, they would have been cancelled online, they would have lost their job, and they would be ostracized by society. The fact that the skit happened 15 years ago wouldn't matter.
Kimmel gets to say stuff like this because he is a protected mouthpiece of the left. There is no logical other way of looking at this.
On another note another Democrat in Texas got in trouble and had to resign after he called Tim Scott an "Oreo", which is a racial slur I was unaware existed until Gary O’Connor of Texas used it to respond to Sen. Scott's claim that USA is not a racist country. Apparently an "Oreo" is a black person that acts white. Black on the outside but white on the inside (I guess.) Gary O'Connor received genuine backlash from GOP and Democrat leaders alike, and promptly resigned from his position.
As you might expect, the media's coverage of all of this has been very tiny because it doesn't portray the image that they want of "their side." The media is untrustworthy, comedians for the most part aren't funny anymore, and celebrities are less and less relevant as the public is fed up with their constant preaching. I suppose the masses are going to have to speak with their wallets if we are ever going to get past this stage of...

Entirely predictable. My husband would vote for a blue cardboard box, and he plainly said, "Black interests lie with the Democrats"