Biden apologizes to CNN, CNN responds that apology was "unnecessary."
There is no denying the love affair between CNN and Democrats - I think that most people understand that there are certain networks (almost all of them) that are extensions of a particular political ideology rather than being some sort of journalistic institution. CNN and Fox are the ones that come to the forefront but CNN is more noticeable because during Trump's time in office they were absolutely relentless at their attacks on the man. The network barely did anything else during those 5 years.
Now that Biden is in office, they don't really have a whole lot to say and instead focus on other conservative politicians or every now and then, try to blame anything that happens now on Trump.
Yet despite the fact that this network is clearly playing offense for the Democrat party, Biden still thought it was a good idea to attack a CNN reporter on more than one occasion.

The question was an innocent one too; one that doesn't really even require a coherent answer in order for CNN to consider it press-worthy, yet Biden decided to snap at the reporter for asking it.
Kaitlan Collins (the CNN reporter) simply asked Biden "why are you confident Putin will change his behavior following your meeting together" and Biden turned around in a huff to lecture her the way that an annoyed grandfather would to a child when he said "I never said I was confident!...“What the hell? What do you do all day?”
Kaitlan would later get another chance to ask Biden a question and he snapped at her again because she was looking for more information about the meeting with Putin by asking for clarification of a garbled prepared statement he just made when she asked "So how does that amount to a constructive meeting as president?" and he snubbed the question, provided no answer, and then said "If you don't understand that, you're in the wrong business." Then he walked out of the "press conference."

I barely know who Collins is but I do know who she works for and that is just about all I need to know. I do know that the two questions that she asked Biden were, as expected, softball questions the likes of which CNN never would throw to Trump or any Conservative, yet Biden blew up at her rather than provide an answer of some sort. It wouldn't even need to make sense because very little of what Biden does say does even if it is being read off a teleprompter. He could have answered with literally anything and CNN would have changed it to suit what they would have hoped he would have said in response. With Biden losing his temper, it was impossible to ignore and lo' and behold, almost everyone except CNN reported on this outburst.
Biden would later apologize to Kaitlan, almost certainly because his handlers told him that he needed to for the sake of public relations. He apologized for being "such a wise guy."
CNN then finally started talking about the unnecessarily tense exchange between the two and Kaitlan went on air to say that it was completely unnecessary for Biden to apologize. This came shortly after being attacked by him twice even though she and her media outlet are definitely on Biden's side hence, the easy questions.
So I want everyone to try to remember the past 4 years and how CNN would ask the same questions over and over again in a very aggressive fashion to President Trump and how he reacted to it. For starters, Trump allowed them to ask questions to him even though he knew that the questions were going to be loaded and aggressive. CNN (and others) did this time and time again and when Trump didn't provide the "gotcha moment" they were hoping for they would dedicate hours upon hours of attacking him for not answering questions properly. They do precisely the opposite with Biden - unsurprisingly.
Biden on the other hand goes through hand-picked reporters to cycle through to "answer" questions that were probably agreed upon beforehand and when anyone goes off script even a little bit, he totally loses his cool and then CNN doesn't even report about it at all until it can present the man in a good light. You may recall that Biden accidentally revealed that he had a list of reporters "they told me to call on."
The entire world knows what CNN is all about and this is just more proof of it. I do agree with Kaitlan when she says that the apology wasn't necessary. What should be necessary is for CNN to be an actual journalistic outlet instead of an activist force working on behalf of one particular party.... but I wouldn't hold your breath on that ever happening.

Love affair? It's pure #intellectualselfpleasure
The entire world does not see this. There are many many people who can not see it. Terrifying really.