The Religious Zealotry of the LeftsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The Religious Zealotry of the Left

It is clear to me now that liberalism has become a religious doctrine held in the highest regard by fanatics who call themselves 'progressives' and who vote solely Democrat. What else could explain the adamant refusal to hear the other side of any given argument? What else could explain the stubborn insistence that everyone with a 'D' after their name is good, pure, and innocent yet everyone with an 'R' after their name is 'Hitler?' What else accounts for the vitreol spewing from their mouths to their opponents ears, and the unbridled hate they have in regard for anyone who dares to oppose their sacredly held views?

Why else would so many liberals refuse to debate issues such as Alexandria Occasional Cortex who had the gal to accuse Ben Shapiro of 'cat calling' her when in reality all he did was challenge her to a debate? You know, if feminists really want to be treated the same as men, then perhaps they ought to refrain from resorting to (and falling back on) the same gender roles they profess to despise so much. A true feminist would not have replied as a 'woman' and would have rather simply said, "No thank you, not interested," which would have been the truly gender neutral response.

If liberalism is not the Left's religion of choice, then what accounts for the nonsensical overly defensive reaction by liberals whenever challenged on any given issue? Rather than comeback with a well thought out argument using facts, stats, and primary sources they instead impose argumentum ad hominem attacks and simply accuse the person sitting across from them as being a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. thus abundantly displaying the clear fact that they have no real argument.

If Democrats do not hold their political beliefs in the same regard as a religious fanatics did vis-a-vis Jonestown, then what accounts for all of the hate speech and acts of violence by these Leftists? Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:

The Left is so rabid that they are practically speaking in tongues. They seem to be having a collective stroke and what they are shouting does not make any sense. Obama accused the Right of 'clinging to their guns and religion' but the Left is clearly clinging to their abortions and talking points from the liberal MSM.

Liberals do not know much of anything concrete, which is how they see Christians - as being non-scientific. Like Dennis Miller's character said in that Tales From The Crypt movie when mocking the Christian preacher, they just "radiate with a Christ-like glow," thus pointing out their blatant hypocrisy. 'Progressives' are often passive aggressive people with hate simmering just underneath the surface. They, in fact, radiate with an insane radical's glow.

In Biblical mythology Adam and Eve were punished for eating from the knowledge tree. It is a nice metaphor or fable, but clearly the point was to keep man ignorant and thus eternally obedient. My suggestion to those of you who are intellectually honest enough to keep an open mind, do yourself a favor and read National Review, Victor Davis Hanson, Ben Shapiro, The Rubin Report, Jordan B. Peterson, Mark Steyn, The Daily Wire, Candace Owens, and the list goes on. This will help to open your mind. Who could object to that? Do not willingly allow yourself to be enslaved by the Left, or anyone for that matter!

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