Teaching HatesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago

Teaching Hate

Why Do We Allow It?

Ben Shapiro gave yet another speech on a college campus recently. This time it was at Ohio State University. What has become all too common were the nonsensical protests perpetrated by the dummkopfs who attend there.

Back in the mid nineties I had a college friend who absolutely hated Rush Limbaugh because he was told that Rush was a racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe. Who told him this? Well probably a lot of friends and family, but also Al Franken in his dumb book Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot. I know what you're thinking, "Kind of an infantile title." Agreed (and Franken brags about having gone to Harvard! As if that means anything anymore).

In any case, I told him (and many others who allow themselves to be dictated what to think) that Rush was not a 'hater' and was in fact a really neat guy. Did my friend ever give Rush a chance and listen to his wildly popular show? No, of course not. Flash forward about ten years, and the same thing would happen again with Bill O'Reilly.

I would encourage friends and family to watch his show, especially on Wednesday nights when he would have Dennis Miller on. Again the reply would be something like, "I wouldn't deign to listen to such a man." Dennis himself referred to this phenomena as animus abstentious. In other words, people are convinced of something that they have never looked into for themselves. They never give the time of day to listen or watch yet they are sure they are right. Why? Again, because they are allowing others to tell them what and how to think.

As a natural nonconformist I have never played that game. It is just plain silly to be so confident in something that you have not investigated for yourself. As Dennis is fond of saying, "I stopped being a liberal because I could no longer remain so confident in my guesswork."

Flash forward to today. I am still having the same conversations now, but this time it regards guys like Steven Crowder, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, and Ben Shapiro. Austen Fletcher (AKA Fleccas) interviewed these intellectually herniated Millennial protestors at the event where Shapiro gave his latest speech. One girl (can I still say that?) in particular perfectly demonstrated Dennis' theory, "He shouldn't be allowed to have free speech if he's gonna preach the kind of things he preaches." When asked what specifically Shapiro has said that she objects to, she replied, "I don't know what he said specifically." At which point even my jaw dropped. "I'm against Ben Shapiro because, uh, it would take a while to describe what's wrong with him," screamed yet another pillar of cluelessness.

Now I agree that the university system is overrun by Marxist professors, and to a large extent K through 12 as well. For a couple of generations now kids have been taught a left-wing progressive view on things, which has resulted in a massive amount of Americans who not only hate republicans and conservatives, but America itself as well. They are taught only the bad things about our country, and have even had them distorted and exaggerated to be worse than they actually are.

For example, the three-fifths clause. All we hear is how we once regarded black people to be less than a full person. What their teachers and professors purposefully fail to include in the discussion is that the three-fifths clause was actually an anti-slavery clause. If blacks had been counted as a whole person, then the pro-slavery south would have had more votes and thus more power! This is just one example.

By the way, where are these same professors and liberals in regards to a Muslim woman's testimony being one-half the worth of a Muslim man's testimony? Nothing but crickets on that one. I give you the Koran - “Get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her” (2:282).

Our 'educators' also fail to put things into perspective by pointing out that every corner of the globe had slavery at some point ... even Native Indian tribes. Kids are not reminded that slavery still exists in much of the world today and it was America who was among the first countries to abolish it. You see, they never get to hear anything pro-Western Civilization.

The bottom line is that unless more of us spread the truth about how things really are, and put things into their proper context, then we will find ourselves living in the movie Idiocracy a lot sooner than anticipated; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is living proof of that. Also, people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds need to stop feeding at the trough of lies and manipulation, and begin to think for themself. Do your own homework. Don't buy into something because it feels good to believe it, or because you want to fit in. Believe something because it is true, and the only way to know that is to listen to all sides of an issue. If you close yourself off, then you leave yourself vulnerable to misinformation and propaganda. I am sad that I have had to keep preaching this simple and obvious tidbit for going on 30 years now.


Thanks for the good read alot of pepole are unaware of the real facts

Do you hate Marxist professors?

Hate? No, not really. Hate the effect they’re having on brains full of mush? Yes.

Ben Shapiro preaches that transgender people dont exist and pushes narratives that they are mentally ill and need "help". Crowder does the same all the damn time. To call them not hateful makes you an awful person.

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So NONE of them are mentally ill?

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