
Absolutely WONDERFUL post! Amazing effort. I am RESTEEMING because this needs to be seen by more people including my measly 251. Upvoted as well and FOLLOWED. I really like your material and perspective on this insane time in American politics. I think the one thing that separates the USA from China and the Russians is quality of life. Those who were "rioting" in the streets of China and St. Petersburg are much different than those at Berkeley for example. We have entitled little turds trying to complain about oppression when they have absolutely nothing to complain about. Trust-fund Commies. It's a shame actually because we, as a nation, are so educated and powerful when united and we waste our time and effort fighting each other along racial and social issues instead of focusing on the real problem which is the economic prosperity and future of a nations moral compass. the young now are just so empty that they don't know what to do so this is how they rebel. once they graduate college and have top pay their tuition loans they will hang up their anarcho-communist flags and put on a suit and tie like the rest of us and even the bike lock professor is paying his federal taxes. i know I am rambling now but it is just so ridiculous that the only way to make them stop is to approach them with nationalist identitarians who overpower them. it feeds into their literal fascist definition and leads them to act like even bigger cry bullies. anyhow great post and I hope you get a lot of views and upvotes because this post deserves it.

Reading through again I love that quote by the BLM "leader" about recessive genetics. As a Pre-Med/Biology BS Degree-holder I can tell you that the "white population" has very little in the form of genetic issues. Actually it is the "Blacks" who do not typically mix genetics due to phenotype (how people look) that end up genotypically similar (your DNA) and this leads to recessive genes being expressed in the form of say, sickle cell anemia (which is a horrible disease to have), heart disease, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, etc. It is just sad that this country chooses to fight along these social lines when we have so much power to change the system for the better. I totally agree that the attacks on Trump are a globalist plot to make sure he does not mess with the NWO plan (not that you said that directly). I think Trump has some real good ideas and if he wasn't burdened by these BS attacks he could use the full leverage of the USA to create a better economy and probably go down as one of the best Presidents of all time, honestly. He is a deal-maker and a businessman so think about it, in this time of globalists and corporatists, who is better prepared to challenge and defeat them? Probably a very successful BUSINESSMAN who has made his wealth through using his power (bought off politicians) to influence and his leverage ($) to get better deals. These Leftists are really ruining this opportunity to gain strength simply because, as Democrats, they don't want to give any credit to a Republican, despite the fact that Trump is a RINO. OK I will stop commenting now. I am monopolizing your posts comments hahaha. Resteemed as previously stated

Foreigners do not hate Americans, its the policies that the upper elite class of politicians make, who do not have a fucking idea about ground realities and sit their asses in white house and try to solve problems they do not have experience about, this when people think that all American people back these kind of things @dragon40

I don't recall claiming that foreigners hated Americans.

Check the last lines which states “Instead of wondering why foreigners hate Americans, a more fruitful inquiry for the Democrats might be to ask why Americans are beginning to hate Democrats.”--Ann Coulter, "Treason," 2003

So you ignore an entire article of commentary and citations to comment on one small quote from Coulter? Ok...except that even Coulter doesn't claim that foreigners hate Americans.

Honestly most Americans could not care less what foreigners think of their country. Also look at the time of the quote, it was 2003, likely written in the aftermath of 9/11 and during Bush's first term as we were invading Iraq during OIF 1/2. Coulter is a political pundit and I think the gist of her quote was that the Democrats, the ones in Government, not the Citizenry, should not wonder why other Nations question our decisions but rather they should focus more on why the Citizens have lost faith in their party. Instead of worrying about how other Countries view us they should be more concerned with how their own country views them. And if the times tell you anything she was RIGHT! The Democrats put out Clinton despite the Nation screaming for Sanders and they cheated him out of a fair election versus Trump, who likely would have lost to Sanders as this election cycle was an anti-establishment election and Trump would have had very little to criticize Sen Sanders and Sanders would have had a lot of ammunition against Trump and likely would have beat him. Funny too how all three, Trump, Sanders, Clinton have NY as their "home state". Sanders being born in Brooklyn (NYC) and living in Vermont, Trump born in Queens (NYC) and living in Manhattan and Clinton living in "upstate New York" but not being considered a New Yorker by other NY'ers like myself. It was just a way for her to be close to the money and to DC and getting an easy to win Senate Seat. IDK how I got this off topic. I'm sorry.

Unfortunately, Antifa, BLM, and Democrats, including some who are trying to be nice people, but remain in denial regarding how their personal acts in support of the 'herd' result in the opposite effect they desire to have, are almost universally unaware of the Holodomor, and how Bolshevism murdered 66 million people.

I but wish their devotion to their political affiliations were applied to their acquisition of information relevant to government, law, and liberty, even if only to google the name Genrikh Yagoda.

I am curious, however, why you seem to have accepted similarly demonizing propaganda regarding Muslims, as indicated by your tag 'littlemuslimthings'? Do you really suppose that over a billion ordinary people are cannibalistic demons intent on murdering anybody for any reason?

Just as Genrikh Yagoda isn't typical of Jews, paid mercenaries such as ISIS aren't typical of Muslims. Indeed, ISIS has declared war on Muslims.

Posting the truth about how one group fanatically demonizes their opponents is somewhat less potent if accompanied by an identical demonization.

I am not a Muslim. Achmed Shah Masood was. He was assassinated for trying to reveal the 9/11 plot, which he learned of from contacts in the ISI. Muslims are not the enemy. They are different culturally, but exactly the same as us, in that their political organizations are corrupt.

I appreciate your intention to prevent totalitarian genocide. I but hope to be of some use in revealing that ordinary people, regardless of the color of their skin, or the name of their God, are everywhere facing our common enemy - war, and those seeking to profit from it.

edit: typos

"littlemuslimthings" appeared in the Crowder piece - 'twern't me - and I have removed it. Thank you for pointing it out.

Thanks. Sorry I was ignorant of the origin of the piece.

Every piece is thoroughly referenced - pretty hard to miss the citations.

LOL I can manage to miss almost anything in my distracted mental state. I appreciate good cites and references, so thanks for pointing them out.

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