Did The Matrix Movie Predict Our Current Political Climate?

in #politics8 years ago (edited)


I was hesitant to make this post due to the sensitive nature of politics today, but this was too good of a perception not to share. Please note that I consider myself neither a lefty or righty in this battle. Im looking at it as objective as possible.

The Left

In the left hand we have the pill for the illusion, symbolizing the left hand path. Left literally means when something has gone, like the sun setting on the left side of the country. Note the left side is where we have Hollywood and Silicon Valley, pretty much the dynamic duo of illusory worlds. The left hand signifies the left hand path in life.

I notice that people on the left are more concerned with group survival and politic over the individual, which is akin to the agents always trying to stop Neo. They tend to be the majority, violent in their method of dealing with the other side and irrational.

The Right.

In the right hand we have the pill for the raw truth. And how ugly is that shit right? I mean its much easier to live in the comfort of our illusions and deal with reason as little as possible. The right being the red pill makes sense as well because red signifies the sun, and it rises in the east. This is why so many eastern countries have a lot of red in their flags.

The right is more concerned with the individual and his liberty than anything else, and so it makes a lot of sense that this be Neo and those who wish to break free from the control. Neo is "The One" and you can be more individual than that.

Now I understand my perception here may seem as if it is in favor of one side of the political spectrum, but it is not. We are not seeing a true left vs right play out in the media.


Fist we have to understand that media inherently leans left.

We know this because left/right is the same as saying liberal/conservative.

Media, if it seeks to get ratings or views, must conserve nothing and instead liberate its viewers. If the entertainment has X amount of blood one year, it needs X+1 the next, or no one is going to tune into it. It has an inherent left trajectory because it must meet the demands of the people who want more. Its like a drug.

So what happens after decades of giving us the news? Wouldnt we expect an aligning more with liberals over conservatives? Is this not why Hollywood is overwhelmingly in support of the left?

Again, the truth is that we are not seeing right vs left on the news media. We are seeing extreme left vs left and right. We have gone too far left and are in the midst of a painful correction, but dont worry, we cant possible get into that far right category they are making us so afraid of. The best we will do is to get closer to the center but still very left. We have been taken away by the masterful liberal artistry of Hollywood and mass media.

But I still prefer slightly left. I like illusion, life would be so dry without it, but in moderation of course, because again, we have just gone too far into the illusion. Once we start going too far into the right, it will be just another type of ugly, but again, its way to far from our extreme left position to worry about.

Remember that the left hand is controlled by the right brain. This is why they have all of the creative people. The left is more fun. Conversely, the right hand is the left brain, concerned with structure and rules. We need both hands, but fuck, we need to get back to some basic logic and reason. We need to go right, but not into the right.

I hope I explained this well, because I dont want people fighting in the comments section. I feel that there are a lot of true liberals that just because they are right of the extreme left, they are mistaken for the right and opposed very irrationally. This is a very ugly political show.

So what do you think? Were the Watchowski brothers on to something?

With love,


I would disagree that the right offers a sort of naked truth. The role of the right wing propaganda is to make people vote against their best interests through scaremongering, xenophobia and indoctrination. George Orwell brilliantly described this in 1984.

The main features of the society described in 1984 were self-imposed scarcity of economic resources, totalitarian control and permanent war.
Austerity, mass surveillance and war on terror - it's the essence of the today's right.

Its really not that hard to see. But then, of course Im looking at it from the middle, and not one polarity. Everything wrong today, and what has been wrong for decades, was the result of what the media mind control machine sold the general public for years. I have proven here with irrefutable logic that the mass media machine aligns with the left, so if you have a problem with the way this country has been going, you have to understand that the mainstream media and the Hollywood propaganda machine was complicit in it. I dont personally buy into the whole political left vs right reality show, as I know its narrative is mostly produced by one side. I see things from a balanced and unattached perspective.

Thats also the role of left wing propaganda as well. And Im being really objective. The extreme left does it far more, just not so much the xenophobia.

good post bro!
its all a left&right paradigm! 2 sides of the same coin! so we need to come together as people and fight for what is right! and not fall in their shitty paradigm! we are 99% 💪
upvoted & resteemed

Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?

Morpheus: No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.

Oh man..I really like it here red pilled and all. I would never go back to right vs left politics. Free market laissez faire economy. Pure capitalism is the only moral way.Once you go there all out, you can't live with yourself trying to compromise with the powers that be. I suggest reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It is the most red pilled book ever created.

Amazing post doc, The Matrix foresaw so many things. It's a dramatized mirror of our current situation.

I feel like platforms such as Steemit, and other economically sustainable content creating endeavours are like taking the red pill A world of opportunities opens and you start to see the corporate system for what it really is.

Short answer, no, Long answer? Also no.... the Matrix was a movie, not a look into the future. there was literally a scene with Keanu dodging bullets on top of a building as he helped to save a bald black man who was strapped to a chair by a madman.... ok... now i see where you're going with this, it might indeed have accurately predicted our future

Someone get this guy some imagination, with a side of metaphor.

Ill have two cups please if you dont mind?

oh hell yeah man, interesting perspective on it all, Matrix really was brilliant, this political interpretation to me, is a new concept though, nice one!

interesting analysis. i had a similar brief conversation with Frank Bacon the other day regarding the Matrix from the perspective of the human race "waking up". We are starting to see that the programmed holographic projection of what we call our lives is pre-programmed by others in power that are not necessarily looking after our self-interests..we are sheep meant to be corralled and led according to the whims of the powerful and corrupt.

Very interesting indeed @docdelux! Upped and Resteemed!

But aren't we already living in that matrix?!

It doesn't matter if we're ruled by the left or the right party, they do all serve the mammon, that means, industries, media and foremost the BANKS!
The Wa(t)chowskis watched out pretty well and put the truth into a science-fiction movie.
It's like beeing in the Land of Oz, if we would look behind the curtain (which many of us already did) we wouldn'd find a wizard, but a politician/actor pulling the ropes for the banks. That's why the yellow brick road isn't paved with brick but with gold bars. And who is left behind, to rule the Land of Oz? The Straw Man!
You see?!
Stay Steemed!

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