The Capitalist Manifesto

in #politics7 years ago (edited)



A spectre is haunting the interwebs - the Spectre of Capitalism. All the powers of the globalist cabal have joined forces to keep this ghost of the shining past in a tightly sealed bottle labeled 'trash heap of history' - the elite bastions of higher education (falsely so called) and the mainstream media, the Soros foundations for "spreading democracy" and the unelected Central Banks, the "infotainment" brigades of the innumerable Whoopi Goldbergs and Michael Moores and the Hollywood "eye candy squads" led by George Clooneys, Ashley Judds, Nicole Kidmans. All these are buttressed and emulated by the yuppy wannabe Che Guevaras who are temporarily occupying their posh homes in the Hamptons or the Orange County, but any day now will move into the slums to join the masses in their "revolution".

In the meantime, their dubious position is legitimized by the likes of Chomsky, Krugman, Sanders and Warren, while the less pseudo-intellectual left-leaning population could get their daily fill of self-righteous self-flagellation from the deliciously full teat of Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and the "Turks".

Where is a movement supported by the population en masse that has not been decried as "alt right", "chauvinist", "fascist", and ultimately "right wing capitalist", by the powers that be? Where is the opposition to the increased taxation, the Fed, the unchecked powers of the IRS, the endless hand-outs to immigrants and minorities that has not been branded as "reactionary", "racist" and "capitalist"?

Two things result from this fact:

  1. Capitalism and liberty (free market) are already acknowledged by all Globalist Elites as a power that can turn the tide of their evil scheme to enslave the world, destroy the nation-state and the family unit.

  2. It is high time that Capitalist, Free-Market Ideology should be openly and unabashedly propagated, acknowledged, popularized and advanced in view of its Spectre haunting the ruins of once great Western empires and nation states.

To this end, the netizens of the world have huddled around their laptops and smart phones in order to sketch the following manifesto, and publish it in every UTF-16-encodable language known to man.

Chapter I. The Producers and the Elites (the Leeches)

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of those who produce goods and wish to exchange them for some equal value, and those, who for various reasons (too lazy, too stupid, but most often, simply too incorrigibly corrupt and morally bankrupt) wish to rob them and usurp the benefits of their hard labor that are due to them.

A self-made, independent artisan or farmer, an inventor, a small business owner, a shopkeeper, an independent professional of any kind who aspires to make his own fortune in life - all of these have been shelved and labeled as "bourgeois" - the "deplorables", the aesthetically backward, the unsophisticated. They have been the butt of derision by the snobbish "intelligentsia" which incidentally neither sows nor reaps itself, but expects to lead a rather comfortable bohemian lifestyle supported by a generous "grant" from a government (aka "the System") that would happily take a bite out of every dollar earned in a day's hard work, and while giving itself a generous 95% of it, however reluctantly still throws a 5% bone to the the bohemian 'intellectuals' who are all too happy to sing the Sirens' songs of injuries and entitlements to the somnambulistic underclass that is all too happy to guzzle down these FDA-approved McNuggets of junk food for the vacuous mind.

(To be continued, maybe...):

Chapter II. The Middle Class and the Capitalists

Chapter III. The Free Market Capitalist Literature and Doctrine

Chapter IV. The Relationship of Free Market Capitalism to Other Populist Movements


In short, the Free Market Capitalists everywhere support every populist movement against the existing social and political order of things.

In all these movements, they bring to the front, as the leading question in each, the sanctity of private property as the ultimate question, no matter what its degree of development at the time.

Finally, they labor everywhere for the prospering and development of democracy, liberty and national sovereignty for all countries.

The Capitalists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling elites tremble at a Free Market populist revolution. After being ravaged by incessant taxation, after being violated by invasive data snooping and surveillance, after having their basic freedoms of due process, privacy and freedom of speech negated and practically annulled by the Supreme Courts of countries world over, the libertarian Capitalists have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

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