A black man went undercover to study white supremacist trolls online

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

The project began when Wilson noted that the angry racists commenting on his series of YouTube all seemed to share a common set of beliefs, pouring through what he called a “dimensional doorway” from a world with an entirely different set of facts and values.

“During his eight months as a racist troll,” wrote the Post‘s Peter Holley, “Wilson never revealed his true identity. When it was all over, Wilson said, he came to appreciate the way in which the far-right media bubble disables its participants — offering an endless stream of scapegoats for their problems but no credible solutions.”

My thoughts

Race ideology in my opinion has the same negative impacts as religious cults. If we are talking about a racial cult then if in the face of new information the beliefs of the members cannot and do not change then it's a problem. If we look at the Bayesian methods then while every investigator starts with an initial hypothesis, the hypothesis should change as new evidence is found. People who are members in racist cults, who believe in ideologies, are often resistant to facts which disrupt or go against their established world view. This resistance to new evidence, new facts, new evidence, is very disabling for someone who is in search for truth and who wants to make the best decisions based on the latest available evidence.


  1. http://www.denverpost.com/2017/08/25/theo-wilson-undercover-white-supremacy/
  2. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/08/8-months-as-a-racist-troll-black-author-goes-undercover-online-to-understand-white-supremacists/
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_inference

It's always tempting to blame all of your problems on a scapegoat; someone who appears different to you.

The sweet release of emotions that tribalism gives you feels better than reading and accepting opinions and worldviews that you are not familiar with.

And this is why people are racist, particularly on the internet. The anonymity just heightens it.

We must call-out racism and challenge it whenever we encounter it.

Racism is an ideology based on ignorance and social class division. It is a hate crime it is not free speech.

Freemasonic deception. Look at his hands doing the Diamond (like Merkel) and Pyramid (with cage underneath) every 2 seconds! Not to mention the XXX on stage which is code for 666.
The people in the audience can't see they are being brainwashed and the joke is actually being played on them.
"Black Lives Matter" was a masonic PsyOp hoax. Nothing real about it. Yet he tries to pass it off as real.

There is certainly more evidence of White Genocide taking place with millions of aftrican, arab and indian migrants which have flooded into Europe in the past 15 years with whites becoming minorities in several cities. Actually verifiable unlike the BLM fake shootings.

This is an ongoing issue which needs to be adressed by all communities and not ignore it. It is evil to hate and those who hate are evil.

true you say... i support your viewpoint.. we all are the child of god afterall... we must respect each other..

Good point, I agree

How do you want to address it?

All not only me or you should openly have a positive conversation and fight against bigotry, cynicism and racism anywhere ...and most importantly, support those in the frontline and you, how do you address it?

It's an ongoing issue that many care to ignore by making such blanket comments. Only once society deems it a problem it will continue to exist. It's sad that it has come to this but when you think of it, this was all sort of the design.


He's right; the conversations with difficult people are the most important ones. Last night's Science Cafe ended with one of our zookeeper guests wishing they could have an exhibit on cryptozoology, just to open up the conversation, to get people talking about methods of research, but it's difficult when decision-makers just want space to repeat their talking points. Maybe we'll do it ourselves sometime next year.

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