United States of America - Russia - Saudi Arabia - Qatar : Some facts that people need to know!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Stop being mislead and deceived by the false media!

Hi Steemit community, today I'll ask of you to forget all the information that you know and open your minds to the things that I'm about to tell you.

Before I start, I want to warn all of you that the things that I'm about to say are very confined, there are many other things going on that you need to know to have the complete picture. Also these things do not only apply to the countries in question, I'm just using these countries as examples because I know many of you have false ideas about them.
On top of that my knowledge about politics is very very limited and I'm not a politician at all, I'm just an ICT student that hates it more and more to see people with the wrong mindset accept misinformation from every source.

To start let's agree that I will use some abbreviations, USA will be used to replace "United States of America" and SA will be used to replace "Saudi Arabia" also I'll use IS as abbreviation for the "Islamic State".

USA VS Russai - Trump election

Unidentifiable hacker

There has been so many gossip about secret relations between President Donald Trump and Russia.
I can confirm for all of you that this is complete bullsh*t.
Before Trump became elected it was not very clear what his intentions would be with respect to Russia. Many thought that Trump was to change politic ties with other countries, while that might have happend with some of them (think China, N-Korea, Israël, France, UK...), it certainly hasn't with Russia.
It's also very clear that Putin is no fan of Trump either, he has clearly stated a few things about Trump that annoyed him, He also said he wouldn't even have voted for Trump to be te next president as an American citizen. It's not that the 2 world leaders hate eachother, it's just that the temption created in years of cold war and spionage is still present.

We all know very well that the USA as well as Europe want Russia to stay put and prevent them from marching further to the west, or lay further influences on countries at their western side. I'm very certain that Trump wants the same thing!
We also know that these 2 world leading countries can only achieve pressure by becoming mightier every year, because that's not easy on their own, they have both forged allies through time. The USA his biggest ally is SA while Russia unfortunately has Syria as his biggest ally. We have come to a point where Syria has become arch enemies of the USA just like SA of Russia.
Obama wanting to control Syria with Salman hugging him

Now if all of this would be wrong and Trump and Putin were hiding a sort of secret relationship, it would still be TECHNICALLLY IMPOSSIBLE to find out which hackers from which countries were sabotaging the elections. Every guy with a minimal IT background knows that hacking into this system would be nearly impossible and if possible, hackers who are capable to do something like that would never ever leave a trace that points to their real location. So if any hacking would hava happened during the elections (which I very very much doubt), we would never know who did it and it would certainly not come form the place that we're able to track it from. If this happened and they are able to trace this to Russia, that means the real hackers were assigned to make it seem like the Russians did it.

I'm no fan of Trump not at all, but it's clear to me that we're talking about a desperate cry from Hilary fans that has gone viral.

So in short: Trump and Putin have no secret relation, they don't like eachother like all presidents before them and their have never been hackers sabotaging the American elections, if there were, then we would never know their identity or country.

Amerika & SA: an IS story

USA shaking hands with SA with IS under his clothes

As I already told you above, the USA has SA as its biggest ally.
That means the strongest country in the world with the biggest army and weapon arsenal and the biggest world influence is allies with an extremistic muslim country full of terrorists that has ties with IS. Yes you heard it loud and clear
, the USA is supporting terrorism and handing weapons over to extremists on a VERY large scale! You would be astonished to see how many weapons IS gets from the USA. And please don't tell me they don't mean to, they know this very well, but weaponry is the biggest income for the USA and they are unfortunately cruel enough to choose money above society! You will not hear me say that the democrats would choose differently, the USA's economy simply depends too much on this weapon handle and Hilary would certainly make those same deals to keep the American people happy with low taxes and high job rates on the costs of thousands of innocent Europian and Middle East lives!
Keep this in mind when you here an article or news flash stating "America is fully fighting against terrorism"...

They breed and feed terrorism, give it the weapons they need to fight us (Europians), and then fight back against it to look like the hero they want to be and to further increase the urge for new weapons!

SA and the GULF vs Qatar

The black cheeps of the GULF blaming the innocent Qatar

This story is quit simple but also very outrageous. Many western people already know the truth about this, but it touches me deeply to see that many (if not all) media channels give the wrong information, handed over to them by pure evil itself. As probably every newswatcher of you will know, Qatar citizens are completely banned from the countries of the GULF. It started out as a harsh concept where Qatar citizens were forced to leave the countries of the GULF and go back to their homeland, an action that has similar grounds with the "Trump flight ban" but more cruel and lasting. Of course, it did not stay like that, the citizens ban rapidly extended to a full political and economical slaughter when SA decided to end all economic ties with Qatar and furthermore decline to have economic relations with the countries that still trade with Qatar. They refuse to sell oil to clients who also come to buy oil from Qatar, thus leaving Qatar like an economically detatched island.

The explanation for this cruelty that the GULF wants us to believe is the following "Qatar had ties with extremistic terrorists and we won't accept this", this is ofcourse absolut horsesht, the biggest child could tell that this is one big ridiculous lie. But ones again the media seems to be retarted and spreads everything they hear around like it is the truth. It's also very obvious that inhabitants of the GULF countries only get to know that same stupid lie. Now I'm here to tell you all the real story behind this, as I said in the previous chapter, SA is on it's own a very extremistic muslim country full of terrorists, they still have the balls to say something like that about a country like Qatar who has absolutely no ties to terrorism at all, on top of that Qatar is even very civilized, more so than all the other countries in the Middle East. It's also very western and anti terrorism and that's probably one of the reasons that relations between them and the other GULF countries is a bit stiff. With other words it's the GULF countries who conduct terrorist crimes that are unacceptable and it's Qatar who strives against those acts and gets the blame!

Now there is an actual reason that took SA far enough to convince the GULF to completely destroy Qatar in every way possible. This happened because all the GULF countries support the new Egyptian leader who took power over Egypt by performing a coup d'état on the previous leader, he is now living a tyranny and killing all Egyptians who oppose him, including all who worked with the previous leader in the passed. Yes I can confirm this leader is one of the worst the world has ever known. It's probably in the GULF's own interest to support this animal, and because Qatar doesn't support this act of tiranny, it had to leave...


I hope everyone who reads this can now get a good picture of the truth concerning this political mathers.
I hope you all realise how false the information from the media actually is.
Let the truth be known!!!

A good day to you all 😉

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