How Communism and Capitalism is simple marketing, then the Cold War and now the War On Terror and reality . . .

in #politics8 years ago

America is a capitalist country , that is pretty obvious and fairly straight forward ; so let us look briefly at how that came about. The true difference between Capitalism and Communism was the practical limitations of logistics . . .


Yes I know , this is not what you were led to believe about the ideology differences between Communism and Capitalism but reality is capitalism is about central control and communism is about local control. Let us look at the USA versus the USSR (old Russia) , The United States is a huge country ; but the USSR is THREE times larger.


Today telecommunications and satellites instantly transmit information. One hundred years ago the horse and buggy took weeks or months to relay average information. Consider America, the Thirteen States set up in the North East. When individuals wanted to be a big fish in a little pond instead of a little fish in a big pond they headed West !!!


Thus Washington ran America , but Chicago was far enough away it was almost a separate entity ; when film makers could not set up on New York , then left for Los Angeles , Utah became home to some different religious types and Texas ; well Texas is just Texas : ) It is no small coincidence there are very common laws in 49 States of the Union ; all agree on most things , but California is almost always trying something different (as far from Washington as practical) . . .


Thus in America you had many individual places all mainly following the same play book on ideology until transportation and communication conquered the limitations and tyranny of distance. However in the USSR things were not so simple. How long would it take this message to travel a quarter of the way around the World ! ! !


If a new national order was issued by Moscow, it could take two years to filter out to a quarter of the way around the world ; grab a globe and look the old RUSSIA was HUGE ! ! ! One hundred years ago you could have no central control over such huge distances. As Stars Wars said " FEAR will keep the local systems in line ". Moscow ran things , any hint of rebellion or non-compliance to the ideology meant destruction . . .


Thus local leaders had the complete power to make laws according to the wishes of Moscow , if Moscow got suspicious it sent investigators ; the solution was simple. If you were investigated you were guilty till proven innocent ; generally the only way to save your life was to accuse someone else before the investigators arrested you. You always had a choice , get shot ; or ten years or 25 years in a Siberian Gulag prison. The USSR had 20 million people die in World War Two , but Josef Stalin murdered THIRTY MILLION between 1930 and before WWII . . .


Realistically Russia could never have run on democracy , it was just to huge. America used that rhetoric during the Maccartyism Era to collectively focus peoples minds along with the national interest. To distract the public with a common goal ; this principle worked during The Great Depression , it worked during World War Two . . .


Simply accuse people of being a RED (Communist) and ensure they lost the careers and jobs , inform on your neighbor and America will ensure your personal career prospered. This was the 1950's and America was being brainwashed with fear and propaganda. It is no surprise today the United States is the most neurotic paranoid nation on Earth , plus of course the most heavily medicated ; ) But that is another story ! ! !


The Cold War made America very very wealthy , but today the world is an even smaller place. Today many countries no longer look toward America for leadership. America has lost its international image and the ideals was to make the War on Terror the new ideology to collectively focus the popular opinion toward a common worthwhile goal.


Reality now is the older generations of trusting sheep are retiring and dying off and the newer generations are more interested in texting than what the government is trying to get them to believe. Professional Politicians have just created unworkable administrations that people no longer believe are useful. Without an external enemy to focus the nations attention citizens are now noticing just how far the United States has fallen in comparison across the world stage . . .


The truth is America when it was isolated was a true Super Power , but today most other countries realize The United States has no interests except its own needs ; this is why America must " go it alone " as they pick only conflicts that support America. Like the rest of the civilized world , no one believes America anymore ! ! !

Who are you networking with ; )


If you do not have government then the big people carrying machetes will tend to do just whatever they want . . .

'They say God made man, but Sam Colt made them equal

Yes ; there is nothing good from taking guns off citizens. Even Adolf Hitler never invaded countries where individual citizens were allowed gun ownership , and crazy old Adolf was a paranoid megalomaniac : )

With his own military Super Power , but even he realized gun ownership hurts conquerors . . .

Under capitalism, man exploit man; under communism opposite is true.

Reality now is the older generations of trusting sheep are retiring and dying off

As a member of "the older generation" I would not categorize my gen-mates as "sheep," and rather resent that categorization. I guess you do not know very many baby boomers, and are perhaps using your parents or grandparents as a model for docile citizens. My generation pioneered the Internet that you're using now. We built the first chips, and the computers and code they run on. What did your generation do? Upvoted.

Reality does not matter, I myself am on the 'dark side ' of 50. My generation, we just got paid... The great Dams, the superfreeways, etc etc. were built by the older generations. Those who simply worked damn hard and invested in the country built the legacy for the new younger generation ...

Today's modern professional politican is simply those who took a great Super-Power and degenerated The United States into just a nation called America. As I said someone robbed the American public of their hertitage, but reality is the young of America... Many are bitter they not ' trust-fund-babies ' they simply want to be lawyers, vets, stockbrokers, dentists or doctors. Anything that involves a lot of prestige and a real lot of money. After all ; nothing ' feeds ' the ego like " being the man " : )