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RE: The End of the Whole Transgenderism "Debate"

in #politics7 years ago

The issue comes down to respect for reality or embracing someone's wishes and desire, despite the unreality of what they are asking/demanding. Plus using force of government to mandate respect and acceptance of behavior/beliefs, is something all freedom loving people should resist.

Just like the government sponsored religion of man-made global warming, global cooling and a now "climate change", the LGBTGMOUSE movement, seeks to enforce their views, standards, a wishes and beliefs upon others. The road map is already there to expand their asks to having sex with children and dead bodies, etc. Nothing is to strange to be categorized as a civil right by these morally debased individuals.

Those that resist these people/groups are sued in the courts, labeled as "Hate Criminals" or as intolerant and insensitive by government controlled and manipulated media and political pressure groups.

The facts are simple really; only men and women are born to humans. Even those born with "extra genitalia" are actually men with visible female organs, however they are not able to carry children and despite their outward appearance they are male.

Although true hermaphrodites, that can reproduce as either sex, do exist in nature, they do not exist in primates, including man.

Belief, wants and desires, are not facts. People who want to identify as another sex or race or tribe or species have mental problems and need to accept what they are and who they are and stop wasting everyone's time.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. There are no transgender people, only people with gender identity mental illness.

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