Twelve months of state sanctioned terrorizing the populations of the world.

in #politics4 years ago

23rd March 2021

Twelve months of state sanctioned terrorizing the populations of the world.

This is Repackaged Colonialism, with the support of a minority of big states and Pseudo government scientific experts, UN, World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization; with the help of, world pharmaceutical and world Military Industrial.

We are a year on from the politically motivated world lockdown based on the lie that we are in the midst of a pandemic. The planned attack of fear on the world population is now transparent and ongoing. In the past twelve months the situation has got worse and the cultural life of the West has turned quasi authoritarian from New Zealand and Australia to the UK, from Canada to the USA and the rest of the world. There is no turning back in the foreseeable future. Mind you was it ever thus. It’s just more out in the open now. It seems the agenda is a common purpose one world government plutocracy and they have used the population as pawns. For example the left leaning activists (think BLM) were allowed to protest and riot despite the lockdown laws and stay at home orders. The media narrated this as a righteous cause and allowed for the wholesale protests to shut some cities in the USA down. Also agent provocateur’s were dispatched to create and incite rioting and looting and mayhem. This helped to distract from the lockdown laws and caused further division amongst the population.

At the same time any other protests including protests against the draconian lockdown dictums have been quelled by the authorities with brute state force. The mainstream legacy media (think CNN, Fox BBC, ITN and Channel 4news) also omitted to report on the protests only to exaggerate any arrests and altercations. On the 20th March 2021 last week the biggest protests in London against the lockdown with tens of thousands of people went unreported by the MSLM (Mainstream legacy media). They were by the MSM starved of mass publicity.

The main changes (but not complete) to daily life in the past 12 months are:-

  1. Mandatory lockdown self-isolation. (Stay at home orders) in various degree enforcement by punitive fines.
  2. Social distancing. Anything between two to three meters must be kept between people depending on which zone you are in. (i.e. Which government is enforcing the rules England, Eire, Scotland or Wales)
  3. No mixing outside or inside. So family and friends cannot visit each other. In various degree enforcement by punitive fines
  4. Elderly homes completely isolated with the elderly having no contact with family various degree enforcement by punitive fines. The elderly are confused and upset.
  5. All shops closed except banks, and food. Various degree of enforcement by punitive fines
  6. Temperature checks upon entering any building.
  7. No traveling except to shop for food and provisions. We are allowed out once a day for exercise. Enforcement is by various punitive fines
  8. No overseas travel except with special permission and on return paying for staying in a hotel as part of the mandatory self-isolation.
  9. It is Mandatory to wear masks in any indoor public space. I do not follow this and have stopped going to the bigger shops were this is mandatory as they refuse you entry. The smaller shops allow you in, as long as the yellow vest government officials are not on patrol in the area. The shops have lookouts at the entrance to warn staff and shoppers when the yellow vests are approaching. If caught the shops are fined a very large fine and I would be issued with a fine.
  10. Schools are closed but slowly opening but children and staff must wear masks at all time. This is not mandatory for all areas including during lessons. However the MSM are reporting it as mandatory.
  11. The children and staff have to be tested for the virus each week with a lateral flow test. Parents can asked to opt out but social and peer pressure is forcing participation.
  12. The track and tracing of children by smart apps. Parents can ask to opt out but social and peer pressure is forcing participation.
  13. No large gatherings including birthday’s weddings funerals or memorials. The police have raided a number of family and religious gatherings across the world over the past year issuing fines and breaking up the gatherings. Derby police force deployed drone technology to check on walkers in the Peak district.
  14. No public hugging including funerals and Wedding. All Religious buildings have been on the most part closed and collective worship has been banned. No spectators allowed at any sports events.
  15. Track and trace systems implementation via mobile apps on cell phones rolled out across the world. This includes a small army of contact tracers.
  16. Media and social media platforms began banning content providers for various transgressions against the plandemic narratives no other alternative views are tolerated. This is a form of digital book burning.
  17. The flu worldwide has been reported as eradicated by the state mainstream media. The measure decrease is equal to the increased case deaths in CV19. The state and cooperate MSM celebrate this with no analysis.
  18. Vaccines have been, in record time (as if by design), tested and rolled out across the world.
  19. Although vaccines are not mandatory as stated in the Nuremberg code, most organizations are refusing service entry unless you have been vaccinated. The vaccine rollout began in December 2020, ten months after the beginning of the lockdown system. The debate is moving towards a permanent vaccine passport for entry to public buildings and travel.
  20. In Essence what it means to be human has been transformed over the past year. Life has intentionally been changed, by design, by the evil people, directing this drama.
  21. As the behavioral scientist took control they dictated by media cohesion and pressure that each week we all clap outside our houses on a Thursday night at 7:30 pm for the service of the NHS (National health Service) This went on for some months from March until they had us under control. The neighbours who were unaware of what was happening encouraged us to clap. However this will never happen again as the population one year after are much more awake of the situation.

How and why was this allowed to happen?
The population has for centuries been duped. So sorry to say this but the miseducation and indoctrination of humanity has been going on through government schooling, social media and mainstream media. Now we are very easy to manipulate and deceived, all it takes is a official looking person to dictate what we should do and we comply. Also cohesion tactics via government furlough payments has pacified the masses. The laws and regulations are so clever with the language used that we comply without complaints except for a minority of awakened people. But they are ridiculed by the mainstream media and Behavioral scientists are deployed to quell protests or objections. For example ethnic minorities have genuine concerns over the vaccine. However the MSM have not considered this is a thoughtful logical and intelligent conclusion. Instead they created a new term called “Vaccine Hesitancy”. They say this is based on conspiracy theories amongst community influencers from anti Vaxers and those minorities being more susceptible to such lies. In other words they are dumb. This of course is an inversion of the truth. This aims to force through peer pressure in the communities to take the experimental mRNA therapeutic vaccine. This is evil genius.

The motivation and pay off
Philanthro Capitalists, a minority of rich people and government enablers have contrived to create this plandemic (which they label COVID 19). The scam was years in the making with many dress rehearsals. Think swine flu and the Tamiflu panic of 2006, based on the predictions of a discredited individual called Neil Ferguson. Remember event 201 which role played this entire scam in 2019. What was the reason? Answer - Power, wealth and megalomaniac control, as old as the human race. Think Universal Basic income (UBI), social credit systems (China has this system) and a capture and transfer of wealth from the middle classes of the world to the plutocrats. State social service programs will allocate the crumbs to the poor via Universal basic income. A new world order with central world organizations in the field of political and economic control, with the prize of a one world centrally controlled currency. This is not limited to a few big countries, it seems to be coordinated amongst the world leaders in China the five eyes (UK, New Zealand, USA, Canada Australia) Russia, India, the major European countries and other leaders. It is basically a socialist collaboration between powerful business organizations and central governments and the IMF, World bank, WHO and the United Nations. All of them are sociopaths.

One thing for me that is currently unclear, which may become apparent in years to come is the worldwide mRNA vaccine forced role out (Therapeutic treatment). It is clear on the one hand the industrial pharmaceutical complex will be motivated by greed. Especially as they are immune from liability and legal challenges. But what is this DNA changing therapeutics vaccine a gateway to? I have my own ideas but I think in years to come it will become more apparent. Is it depopulation? Is it human modification of the genome? Is it, on body surveillance technology? I don’t know but it will be clearer in the years to come, as the list of vaccine injuries are growing including blood clots, Bell’s palsy, uncontrollable shaking and of course death.

Many scientists have spoken up notable:
Dr.Sunetra Gupta Oxford Professor
Dr. Martin Kulldorff
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Dr. Delores Cahill
Professor Carl Heneghan
Ivor Cummins
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Former Chair, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, is an internationally recognized vaccine developer. (First time last week but his motivation seems to be to introduce his vaccine solution)
Rosemary Frei, MSc
Dr. Mark Trozzi
Dr Vernon Coleman
Dr Buttar
Dr Kauffman
Dr Clare Craig, a Consultant Pathologist
Dr Mike Yeadon (former vice president of Pfizer)

Actually I am embarrassed I can’t remember the long list of names of good people who have spoken up against this scam, not to mention the list I gave last year. So they are leading the charge the fight back for humanity to gain back its freedom from these megalomaniac sociopaths. Two weeks ago Geert Vanden Bossche PhD Spoke up and wrote a letter about the damage that the vaccines are doing to our nonspecific antibodies. Despite his motivation what he said was pure science and very clear. By the end of his interview I am not ashamed to say I shed a tear or two, when I understood the damage being done to peoples immune system who takes the vaccine and the possibility that we are priming the world population for deadly virus that our own immunity will no longer be able to manage because of the mRNA therapeutic vaccine that will permanently take control in a detrimental way of the mass populations immune system, negating natural community/herd immunity and NK (natural killer cells) immunity cells. Rosemary Frei, MSc did write a rebuttal to his thesis not because his science was not correct but because his solution seem to be a Trojan horse for other vaccines, she clearly said no vaccines are need as our immune systems are perfectly designed to deal with virus and human intervention is the cause of many disease (she should know she use to work for the big pharmaceutical companies and know their dark arts). She claims he is controlled opposition having worked for a number of the organizations such as GAVI and is trying to promote vaccines for an indefinite period. More profits for the pharmaceutical companies (a self-created cash cow). This seems antithetical to good health practice but anyone that has real influence who speaks up and ignores the planned narrative is killed (See Tanzania President John Pombe Magufuli), the Mainstream media has controlled the narrative ruthlessly and the uninformed masses have succumb by means of behavioral modification methods and brute fear being pumped into their subconscious and conscious mind on a minute by minute bases relentless for the past year. The UK, Irish and other governments have already hired advertising companies to start from April 2021 with an initial two year contract to pump the Virus pandemic scam further in to 2023 at least. The population of the world will be introduced to new dangerous variants in the coming years and a large proportion of these variants will claimed (By the government scientist MSM) to be undetectable by testing. The obvious reason, to anyone who is following their plan, is that if you cannot detect the variant virus then you do not have to test and if the variant virus is asymptomatic then we all can be assumed to have the undetectable variant virus. This of course will give the opinion forming MSM the reason for more draconian restrictions to our liberties and push more people dependent on the government’s financial support in one form or another, either direct or indirect funding via charities receiving government grants or UBI or continued furlough.

The chain of command.
The actors’ producers’ directors and Script writers

  1. Above Gates were organizations and organized crime families like World Economic Forum (WEF), Rockefeller Institute and more unknown groups.
  2. The Bill and Melinda Gates since the inception of the foundation with unlimited money have been spreading influence through financial incentives (bribery). They spoke and bribed by the usual networking among the circle of influential world decision makers.

Through foundation contributions and charitable donations (think GAVI) Gates infiltrated the main influential countries and world organizations upon which they implanted compliant officials and retained compliant officials (think Facui, Witty Valance and Van Tam retained) (Tedros Adhanom (as implanted to the WHO)).

Then existing documentation was amended and new documentation was produced to change and lower the standard for what the threshold for a pandemic is and thus calling a pandemic more frequently for non-lethal outbreaks.

The rules were changed, standardized and rationalized as to how the implementation of emergency preparedness is rolled out across the world. Of course incentives (bribes) were paid to country officials and scientists and government organizations. These rules were designed to create panic and fear in the general world population which in turn acts as a self-enforcement mechanism of the rules and emergency laws. (In the UK It was the Coronavirus Act 2020 rushed through without genuine scrutiny).
As an aside mass censorship was planned in advance to quell any scientists, lawyers or officials or journalists from questioning the planned narrative. You have to recall, “The Great Barrington Declaration”. The mainstream media highly censored and smeared with great effect, such as CNN and BBC, sometimes by just omitting it from their news agenda. They also used the straw man tactics of attacking the messenger by labelling them either as anti vaxxasers or Covid deniers or Conspiracy Theorists. MSM attacked; pejoratively and disparagingly questioning their experience, qualifications and standing in their field of expertise (see Sunetra Gupta).

Lastly, to control the populations, various government payment schemes were supplanted in place of private enterprises wages such as furlough payments and stimulus cheques (which are currently still ongoing) across the western world. This means the populations of the western world are either being paid by governments in there government jobs or big multinational companies as they were the only ones allowed to remain open or small business employees were told to stay home and the government will take over the responsibility to pay you. De facto Universal Basic Income (UBI) (Modern Monetary Theory). All of this money was created by the treasury issuing bonds and the central bank buying the bonds. In effect they monetizing the debt, while artificially keeping the interests subzero percent in real terms.

The start of the dramatic Production
The trigger was not the first case in Wuhan (although theatrically important) was the fake science and manipulated statistics. The old misuse of data and manipulation of statistics has been used so many times to justify panic and wars. As an Example it is clear that death certificates were manipulated to create Plandemic deaths, this was a worldwide problem, as if it was a policy. If you went in to hospital with a heart attack and contracted Covid 19, the death certificate would have cause of death as Covid 19. This happened for car accident victims, cancer patients and much more. Then the goalpost kept changing, first they said three weeks to flatten the curve, then we were introduced to the R number. This R number was a form of statistical importance but low on certainty of data and output. The idea was it measured the transmission of the disease. If the R number was blow 1 you could ease the lockdown, above one gave the cover to introduce more draconian lockdown laws (or Non Pharmaceutical Interventions NPI) and so it went on.

When the worldwide death figures caused by COVID 19 did not match high enough with the data modelling by Ferguson at Imperial college or John Hopkins they changed the emphasis to case numbers increasing rapidly, using the RT-PCR test to validate the increasing cases amongst asymptomatic spreaders (that is testing someone with no symptoms but testes positive).

This become known as the casedemic, it was created by creating asymptotic cases through a RT-PCR testing that was not designed for testing for a virus, As the noble prize inventor of the RT-PCR test (Kary Banks Mullis) stated. But he was dead by August 2019 and now slowly being smeared by various organizations. The cycle threshold above 35 cycles makes the test almost certain to give false positive results because it is testing for fragments of shedding RNA not for the virus as the Covid 19 virus has never been isolated, as such, impossible to test for. It is the first time in history people with no symptoms were tested and quarantined if the test proved positive. This RT-PCR test along with the other deceitful statistically supporting measure such as the R Number (transmission rate number), was used and manipulated on daily bulletins and press conferences to engender panic and fear, adjacent to charts and graphs (trying to show the curve is flattening) use to confuse and project an authoritative wash upon the narrative.

Despite the current situation the great thing is that people who matter have spoken up and the networks being created by doctors, scientists, journalists, lawyers and others are growing.

A case in Germany has been opened for Crimes against Humanity. The German legal team is taking the WHO and other actors in this scam to court. Regardless of the outcome this is pushback against the NOW agenda and lockdown narrative. A case has also been filed in the UK against the Ministers and scientific advisers but the information on this is just out.

The push back against the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUMS plan for “A Great Rest”, (New world Order) is now being scrutinized much more.

Vaccine Passports (Or Identity cards)
Vaccine passports are being challenged across the world; the practical implementation and the civil liberties case are at issue. However this month they are floating the idea of a vaccine passport or freedom pass with new language. When they realized the negative connotations to the name “Vaccine passport” or “Freedom Pass” they are now talking about a vaccine certificates. This name suggests connotations of a reward. We get certificates if we achieve something of merit. It also sounds less permanent and less authoritarian. Language can be used deceitfully, especially by companies and governments. To reinforce the vaccine passport narrative, they are now experimenting on young children with the mRNA therapeutic injection (vaccine), remembering near zero children has died around the world. It was reported last week that the Pharmaceutical Company Moderna has started these experiments. Where is this leading to there is a danger of vaccine sterilizing these children, but at least they can qualify for the vaccine certificate.

More and more people are becoming aware of the spell we have all been under and the false freedoms we felt we had, have come to light during this plandemic. These people have realized that this centralized system of government is not serving the people. A new system of self or decentralized governance is desperately needed. We are all our own leaders responsible for ourselves to seek help as and when needed. The nanny state must end for the sake of humanity.

Blockchain technology
Blockchain technology gives us a guarded route out of the paradigm of government from the center and offers the hope of Decentralized management of our lives with privacy’s the core and the freedom to be private. Crypto currencies like Monero and Pirate Chain offer both non fiat money and complete privacy. The currency meets it remit to be a store of value that is fungible and incorruptible. Smart contracts offer a trust less opportunity to transact in any field in the business, political and economic and social world. This removes the need for layers of dead wood officials renting seeking elected representatives or wasteful civil servants. Transparency is possible without the need for third party actors.

However like all technology, Blockchain will be misused by bad actors. Blockchain (Digital Ledger Technology ) May well be used by governments to implement a highly authoritarian top down centrally controlled surveillance central bank digital currency (CBDC) which will be used to roll out UBI and the social credit system in a single system . This has been written about a lot. It basically is a system where the government will pay you a monthly payment for living expenses via a digital app but they will reduce the amount and your access to services such as transport, health services if you do not meet the expectations of the government. As such monitoring your behavior will be a big part of the system, including your spending behavior. Also the CBDC (central bank digital currency) will be inflationary, as such pushing up prices for those exclusively dependent on that currency. The poor will become poorer.
For those wholly dependent on this income they will be less free to do as they wish the social credit score system will be easier for the authoritarian to manage them. The way around this is to have other income outside the UBI system, but still no guarantee.

Other bad actors are criminals as with the current fiat currency system these criminals will always find loopholes but with Blockchain each loophole will be resolved by the technology, laws will not be the only solution. Technology will adapt to deal with this in a decentralized manner. But bad actors cannot be eradicated only mitigated in any system.

Vaccine Roll out
In regards to the vaccines they are being rolled out for the past four months and adverse effects are being reported including death. The news changes from day to day and just last week a number of major European countries suspended the AZ vaccine along with Thailand and Brazil due to concerns of blood clots causing deaths.

However only in twelve to twenty four months or so will we get a true picture of the extent of the damage to humanity and the number of deaths that will occur (which will in all likelihood be covered up in a cloud of media induced confusion). You can be sure that the planners already have their excuse rehearsed. They will blame any spike in vaccine deaths on a new variant of the coronavirus. They have already telegraphed that by changing the narrative in late December 2020 stating that the vaccine may not be adequate enough due to mutations sometimes referred to as variants. The Kent variant started us off in December 2020 with Hancock the UK health Minister announcing it at the same time as announcing more extended restrictions and then we had the South African variant. At the last count as of today there are many variants all with important sounding reference numbers such as B.1.1.7 (the Kent UK variant). This they say will possibly mean yearly mRNA therapeutic injections (vaccines). So we are being primed for the next episode.....

As I write on the 23rd of March 2021 it is becoming clear that the vaccination roll out does not protect us against the narrative. So many people thought that life will get back to normal if they took the vaccine and why wouldn’t they that is what they were told by the SAGE and NREVTAG advisory groups to the government. However more elderly people are dying of Sars-cov-2 after taking the vaccine and there are more asymptomatic cases. The people were lied to by their government and the pseudo-scientific advisers such as Whitty, Valance, Van Tam and Fauci.

Their future Plans and the surprising fight back.
The battle has started and is ongoing as against the planned change of society for the benefit of the clique of plutocrats. As mentioned before there are so many people and organizations I have to thank too long to list here as since last year so many people have stepped up to help the effort of humanity to struggle to fight this medical, cooperate, philanthrocapitalist and political tyranny.....

Unfortunately most of the human race are living in fear or are complicit in the crimes against humanity by default due to their inaction and compliance of injustice. They are the ones who will report their neighbors for inviting their children in the home, for berating individuals who are not wearing masks. They are the ones that call in talk shows asking for more restrictions to our liberties in the name of medical or any other security. The news readers, talk show hosts and the opinion formers celebrities that promote the lockdown and vaccines they are all culprits and enablers and the political class that have remained quiet while collecting their state salary and giving themselves a pay rise, shame on all of you. You are first class cowards.

And those who unthinkingly rushed to take the unproven vaccine, you have made it harder for your grandchildren and possibly your great-grandchildren. You all lack bravery for unnecessarily wearing a mask. I understand the relentless fear propaganda you have been subjected to and I realise it was meant to impair your judgement. However you should have tried harder to resist. Judgement is not for me to make, it awaits you all.

In 2019 I stumbled upon Shoshana Zuboff book, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”. I read it end to end many times in fascination of the behavioral science being used in technology to control human behavior and nudge people into behaving how the technology wanted them to behave, as dictated by the technocrats. All these methods are being deployed by the behavioral scientists during this plandemic around the world. The only thing is I don’t call them scientists; they are just old fashion bullies and manipulators on a larger scale. Instead of in the playground or the office or factory floor or boardroom; they are in the new world organizations using new updated technology to try to control humanity, but they will fail. They have not mastered the human spirt and they never will because they are soulless technocrats that lack creativity and imagination sub human humans. This is a cycle and the end of a cycle the end of their time to rule a new golden age is coming for humanity. We just have to suffer their scheming in the interim.

This past year the purpose of the plandemic is to beat the population into submission and they have done that. Most people are just taking the vaccine because although not mandatory the media and big business have clearly stated no jab no job. You will need a green passport (Israel) to say you have been vaccinated if you wish to travel and so on…All leading to a social credit system (see China) where your every movement and financial transaction (see Chinas CBDC) can be tracked and monitored. A totalitarian System enabled by technology run by administrative technocrats completing the wet dream of central planners ---TECHNOCRACY

As I write today the fear porn is still going on todays headlines talks about a third wave and more lockdowns, a £5000 fine if caught (quote from the BBC ) traveling abroad breaking the travel ban. Lastly today they are reporting the government is planning compulsory vaccine jabs for all careworker staff, which already mentioned is against the Nuremburg Code.

I will always try to be a passerby and not take sides and stay in the highest vibration I love humanity earthlings and sovereignty. That is the highest vibration, but it is taking all of my spiritual strength not to hate the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity.

My prayers go to those speaking up and fighting against tyranny ....

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