Left-Wing...Right-Wing...They're All Socialists!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

There's a lot of "left-wing" vs. "right-wing" allegations being thrown around, especially after the latest violence in Charlottesville. We're told that "leftist" Communist groups are pitted against "far-right" Nazi groups.

That may well be the case, but it's important to realize that they're all Socialists!

The whole left/right stuff can be dropped. They're just different brands of Socialism.

It must be remembered that the U.S.S.R. stood for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Meanwhile, NAZI stood for National Socialism.

So when you look at the ridiculous "political spectrum" that people often use, both "left-wing" and "right-wing" equal Socialism.

Here's a good question: Where does it leave Liberty?

Ahhh....look how that happened!

Liberty is not an option.
But "no...no...no..." you might say: "Communists and Nazis are not the same. Don't you remember World War II? They killed each other by the millions."

True, but that doesn't point out anything other than the fact that socialists don't like each other any more than they like liberty.

Socialism is not one big happy family.

Socialists hate each other and fight viciously for power. Remember Stalin and Trotsky?

Even if you have no idea about their story, just look at the more recent feud between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Both despise liberty. Both want government to run our lives. But they don't like each other, do they?

Socialists hate other socialists that disagree with them, whether it be in the former U.S.S.R. or even between politicians in what's supposed to be the land of the free.

Socialists are vicious to one other because the real prize is at the top.

When you're the one at the top of the socialist heap, everyone must obey you.

You're the one with the master plan for humanity. You're the one with the correct blueprint for how the rest of human life should live.

Everyone that happens to agree with your master plan is fine. But since people have free will to think as they want, there's always going to other socialists who believe it is they who have the real master plan. You don't have the correct blueprint...they do! Everyone should obey them!

Now, in reality, neither has the correct blueprint. There's no such thing. No one has the ability to run the world and all of its peoples. There is no form of Socialism that can bring about the utopia that its adherents have conjured up in their imaginations.

But that doesn't stop them from viciously fighting each other for power. And it surely doesn't stop them from perpetually trying to take away every single one of our liberties.

In the end, only Liberty is compatible with human nature.

We are born free and meant to remain free, no matter how many flavors of tyranny try to snatch it away.

Ironically, as kids and adults try to find out where they fit on the bogus "political spectrum," it is liberty that has been taken away as one of the options.

by: Chris Rossini


Note: The views expressed in this publication are those of the
author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Reddit
Foundation for Individual and Economic Freedom.


Great point: "Ironically, as kids and adults try to find out where they fit on the bogus "political spectrum," it is liberty that has been taken away as one of the options." The Declaration of Independence prescribes all have a right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." All 3 of these are clearly absent in the circus we see in the news. I must say, not a lot of happiness being pursued.

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