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RE: Kellyanne Conway: Everyone Who Commits Sexual Assault Should Resign

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

So the campaign of false accusations against Judge Roy Moore begins its slow motion disintegration. Accuser calls him Ray, He was the assistant DA not DA at the time, blatant forgeries on the school yearbook, accuser lies about never meeting Moore again since her fake sexual assault. Turns out Moore presided over her divorce.

What is terrific is that so many liberals and conservatives alike jumped immediately onto the bash judge Moore train, bloviated faux morality and then repeated lies and unsubtantiated smear without batting an eyelid.

In coming days, as the truth unfolds, which it will, many people will have all their remaining credibility shredded. This was an amateur, pissant attempt at political smear. So incompetant were the operatives running it, they could not even get the first accuser to get the Judges name right, calling him Ray all the way through her dismal theatrical debut of a press conference. Thomas Wictor on twitter performed his usual forensic analysis . As a result the entire narrative of abuse claimed is implausible, It's perhaps one of the most outrage yet poorly conceived political hit jobs in living memory.

But now the lynch mob widens trying to find more Trump affiliated people or Trump himself guilty of sex crimes. Be warned, when these accusations are found to be fake and politically motivated hit jobs, those who pushed them, promoted them and backed them without bothering to check their veracity will be mercilessly flailed and their credibility destroyed.

People who use accusations like this to destroy innocent people, really have lost their moral compass. Further, anyone who pushes a false story like this without checking the facts is knowingly attempting to pervert and corrupt democracy. There is a good argument for excluding such people from future participation in our democracy. If you disrespect democracy to that extent, why should you have any right to participate in it?

In case you want to argue the point with me don't bother, you are behind the news cycle. The facts will emerge in the next 48 hours and the whole affair will be seen as the fake it really is. This is a low point. Many people need to realize that their behaviour in this affair has crossed a very important line. Behaviours need to be self adjusted before others take it upon themselves to do it for you.

Anyone who spread lies and smear about Judge Roy Moore better think about how to frame their apologies. There will be no escape from doing so if complicit in spreading the lies about him.

As far as doubling down to try and smear others, Trump included. Without evidence you are continuing down the same road. We are at a low point and that road is going downhill steeply. Ask yourself truthfully whether making accusations without solid evidence or repeating accusations that are designed to damage politically is the right and ethical thing to do.

Notice all the leftist celebrities who were called out for their sexual abuse, confessed immediately. Why? Because they were guilty and they knew they had many many more victims. Moore and Trump are innocent and they deny the politically motivated accusations. Why can't people accept that there is such a thing as innocence until proven guilty..?

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