What the Fuck is Going On around Here??

in #politics8 years ago

What the Fuck is Going On? –By Carpo 7-2-2017
When we ask that question, it is often dismay and disbelief that causes such a question to be uttered.
It’s a “Holy shit man, this is outrageous!” which we reserve for those moments when we are truly lost and confused.
Or angry.
For the longest time, anger was considered a weakness to display for people who claim to be peaceful. If you prided yourself as being a liberal, a hippie, a philosopher or any kind of thinker, you were somehow ‘immune’ to anger and violence, which was reserved for the ‘fringe’ right or those who are not ‘educated’. You would be expected to sit on the sidelines and ‘observe’ what is going on without getting involved in any kind of argument or fight.
But this is complete bullshit.
Anger is not a virtue, to be sure, and will not solve any of what ails us. However, sitting by and allowing our decisions to be made for us and for future generations is something that people have sacrificed their lives for through history. When I was younger, I remember thinking only a fool would put his life on the line for his country, but in time we realize it is not always the country one is fighting for.
We fight for those who cannot defend themselves, we fight for our rights to choose how to live, we fight for a fair chance for every human to grow and flourish, without being beaten down by laws and regulations designed to protect the very few. Yeah, we fight because we have to. It’s not a matter of throwing punches, it is about defending ourselves and using the weight of the system against itself. Nobody wants to risk a precious life for a cause that does not matter, but propaganda and human weakness has been used against us since mankind has been able to think and reason about which issues are worth sacrifice.
Today, we face an enemy that has no race. It has no religion, and has no leader. It has no interest in helping society move forward, and no interest in protecting a country. It has no boundaries and no master, no God other than Power. Not even money, for money is mere imagination. Power is what drives a small part of society, and because of their wealth and influence, and for one reason or another they are taken to be the ‘successful ones’ no matter how many bodies lay in the path of their wealth.
They can rally large crowds and convince them to turn against one another.
They can create false flag attacks as a reason to go to war….and do so.
They can then strip a nation of its resources in the name of ‘progress’.
They cause economic disasters in order to take advantage of stock prices.
They speculate about the economy, and entire nations go bankrupt.
They tell you what Gods to believe in, and why.
They convince the people that we need to protect each other and defend this great nation, while taking away public services and growing prisons, selling them to the highest bidder and creating a slave economy to benefit the one percent who just need more, more more.
And we buy it. Well, some of us do, but this is changing.
And we believe they have our interests at heart, because they wave an American flag and tell us so? This is the weakness of mankind, the lack of self-esteem to decide for ourselves what is right and what is fair. We fail to look within and ask what we really believe, and why. We pursue the ‘American Dream’ of a white picket fence and two cars, just as our parents and theirs did….and then one day we all wake up and see where we went wrong.
Was it too late? Or just the beginning? It is hard to say.
In the nation of the United States of America, in the year 2017, we have more access to information and material goods than ever before in history. We have achieved what our ancestors had dreamed of, and only now are we realizing that is may not have been what we thought it was. It comes at a cost; the cost of life, the cost of resources and the cost of the environment. We lock away our real fears, and project them onto other races, sexes or classes. We divide ourselves by choice, and fight among ourselves.
We have, ashamedly, allowed our emotions and ideas about life to be controlled by those who have no interest in our well-being, only their own.

We, as human beings, have the right to determine WHAT our rights are, and what the best path to the future may be, and no other man has any right to decide for us. We as a society have to work together and show that at a point we have to get our hands dirty, and expose our true feelings. When we resist the flow of crap we endure, we still have to keep our heads above the surface, or we’ll drown in shit.
Are you angry? Are you frustrated? USE that frustration to share thoughts with people who may listen, but not only those who share your view. Never be afraid to tell it like it is, for if you are afraid of speaking the truth as you see it, perhaps you are not so sure of yourself after all. What is to be afraid of? Only our own insecurity.
We know what we think is right. We may not know what this life is all about, and we may not have any idea how to move into the future. There are no quick or easy answers, and if there were, things would get boring pretty quick. Our values are shaped not just by what we learn, but true inner intuition that cannot be disputed. Things such as treating people with respect, freedom and truth are not black and white, but we know in our hearts what is right. We know because when we go against it, people get hurt.
We have a right to know the truth, and should not be afraid to ask about it.
We have a right to decide what to believe, and keep religion out of politics.
We have a right to dismiss lies when we hear them, at risk of being the outcast.
We have a right to be angry, it’s not a weakness. It’s a strength waiting to be unleashed. We just have to know what is truly worth fighting for.
Other people’s money is not one of those things.
We have a right to fight back, mentally and physically if necessary, against oppression and ignorance. We the people are strong together, but strongest when we can hold our views alone, not just to go along with the group.
Speak your mind. Otherwise, somebody will speak it for you.
Never be afraid to do the right thing, whatever it takes. Some things are indeed worth fighting for;
Even a snowflake has sharp edges if you look close enough.
-Remain Vigilant!

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