Tired of politics?

in #politics8 years ago

OK, is everyone tired of politics? I am. But there's a problem with that ... If we don't vote,
we could end up with something other than the America we grew up with . As it is, over the
last 40 years, we have all but lost or moral compass. I could go into that more, but I want
to fast forward to now, this election. With all the name calling and, what I would call a very
biased media, one would think Hillary is the best candidate since the US has been a country,
and Donald would ruin everything we have. The media takes everything Donald says and
blows it out of proportion. I see Hillary has an ad that shows Donald has the support of the KKK.
Yet Hillary's "good friend and mentor" West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd was a KKK Leader!

They both have called each other prejudiced, racist and now bigot. We have see what Donald is
about since the media shows him in a bad light every day, but Hillary hasn't really shown her true
colors during the election. But here's a little reminder of her from a few years back.

Just remember what she said when you head to the poles ... "They have to be brought to heel."
If that doesn't piss you off, then maybe you deserve to have her as your president.

Another thing the media made a big thing out of is a second amendment comment Donald made
was turned into a threat of harm to Hillary! If you can read that much into the incident, then you
should check out this little clip from the democratic primaries in 2008.

She has even attacked alternative media because they can't be brought to heel. Here is a heart
felt response from Alex Jones who she actually named.

If your like me, you have an issue about abortion. It's not about denying a womans right to choose,
I believe a woman should be empowered to be in charge of her body before a baby is made. If a
couple end up getting her pregnant,than they should be prepared to raise the child. To me, abortions
are now used more for convenience than necessity. If you look at the history of planned parenthood,
you'll learn of the creator of it, Margaret Sanger. If you study her life, you'll find that she believed in
eugenics. With that in mind, planned parenthood likes to award people who have contributed to their
cause. Check this link closely ... here's a hint , look for who won the award in 2009.


The latest thing I hear may end up being swept under the rug. It's about their "Clinton Foundation".
Just recently a documentary came out called Clinton Cash. Here's a link.

While I'm at it, Here's a history of the Clinton's from way back.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Ok ... so this is my first Blog or rant or whatever you want to call it. There are things that I would like to get off my chest
so I'll be back later with that. But in the meantime, if you feel strongly for or against this, let me know. Most the links here
are from you tube, so if you like them, please press the like button.

And if you actually got this far, Thanks for reading.


I thing that is better to have someone like Donald then to have this blood suckin bitch as a president . These two omg , those ruthless killers , dope smugglers , thieves , you name it . At least if Donald goes over wire there is staff witch can settle him down . When you look at things from another perspective , he is leading one big company . He is succesfull . They are not , always on government tits .

When you look at how much the Clinton's have sold out the country already, there won't be much left of this country in 4 years ... heaven forbid it be 8 years.

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