Dems: a leaderless rebellion hurts them come president pickin' time

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The Dems have been running an ideological worldview warfare on the American people. They are loosely guided by Obama and the Obama run media (he still runs it, even though he's gone).

Obama is a UK crown triple agent, meaning he's a secret cia president ('NOC' or non-official cover) that's really a rogue MI6 crown agent for FIVE EYES, which is a shadow government globalist navy that believes it owns the seas as a thalassocracy, and therefore has entitlement under color of law (again, because they've infiltrated all inteligence institutions in each five anglophone countries...and 14 other partners) to traffick otherwise illegal arms, drugs, humans (women, male slaves, children), and organs as a 'national security strategy' and that friends is in fact a lie and highly unethical if not illegal.^[tah][locc][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

It will take effort from you to do homework to prove to yourself my above claims as a group effort online has already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt these points with their own documents!, but that's not really what this email is about, I'm just setting the stage. If you dont' like me saying this, then kindly stop reading and have a wonderful day.


You have crown agents in America (the Senior Executive Service, and 7th floor group, which is the rogue CIA (five eyes agents) infiltration into the State Dept specifically, sometimes referred to as 'foggy bottom' as a historical anecdote), and their job is to have a 'leaderless rebellion' of globalist ideology that manifests as opposing popular will, as undermining Trump.

These people are the 'statusquotarians' that seem to keep progress from ever being made. Decades of carrot on a stick. Retractions, revisions, each time the people lose more rights and more money. The government believes these people are somehow necessary as a kind of institutional lubricant to make sure that inter-agency concerns are met--they have, since 1977, formed a covert communications network that only benefits the american ruling class. Scratch that, international bankers, miners and affiliates in the defense industry used to locate resources for exploitation and conduct insider trading and war profiteering, NOT state security.

I say SES is Covert because we only learned about the SES and plumbooks this / last year, but we suspected them, because we were seeing coordination that had to have a foundational infrastructure, but us conspiratards have always just used "The CIA" as a catchall to describe these 'spooky actions at a distance' if you will.

Being that they are leaderless, come president pickin' time, they will struggle to manufacture them or choose defective readymade ones. As we've seen, they are now on the defense and running damage control from the impeached rapist president Bill Clinton's remarks this morning about 'how consent has changed'---that's not going to go over well with the chick-fi-a lgbt outrage gaystorm of ire provoked by twtiters CEO @jack Dorsey simply trying to demostrate buying a chickenburger with bitcoin.

Since they'll be fighting on multiple fronts from the inversion of control that Trump and the alternative media and its contributors (including yours truly) have brought with Trump's incidental ABRACA-DEBORAH utterance and moab of a tweet, whereby he NAMED the individual "Imran Awan" and called the time-of-death of the democratic party in the process, they won't have time to fix their 'leaderlessness problem'.

It doesn't help that this new democratic party doesn't stand for anything. When I was a Democrat, I stood more or less for what Trump stands for. I joke that Trump is the best democrat ever--he's giving these idiots everthing they always wanted and all they can do is be undeserving brats. Jimmy Dore a progressive reform comedian always seems to echo what I've been saying, which is refreshing.


At any rate, as I see it--since you asked (:P)--the Dem strategy for midterms and then general will be as follows: they will do the lazy thing and pick:

  1. BIDEN and BOOKER -- this will fail and I have a weird explanation for why that is.

The left proved itself HIGHLY susceptible to language based mind control. You could call it a spell. Hillary put out a slogan "LOVE TRUMPS HATE", this is a subliminal message with an invisible apostrophe, commanding people to "LOVE" Trump's hate. Flashforward from Oct 2016 to now, and the democrats Love hating Trump and they love Trump's hate.

In fact, most of all, they Hate Trump's love, because they live in a illusury mirror world where nothing is true and everything is false, just like the one William J. Casey, warned us they would create, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false."

Don't get mad, feel bad for them. They are victims of a tavistock-mkultra program run out of langley on behalf of the queen of england who is in fact running this propaganda operation with Obama, the Clintons as her middle managers. But she chose unwisely because they're not actually that smart and they screwed up....a lot, mostly by their arrogance of thinking they are undefeatable (they are not.)

Just as the 'wiccans' 3 failed attempts at 'mass binding curses' against Trump not only failed but boomranged on them because they mistakedly used orange as an insult to 'orange' Trump, showing their ignorance in magicks as orange is used for protection, so too will the neurolinguistic 'twilight language' of primary candidates similarly fail.

Democratic Options for President

Biden --> is the genus of the beggar-tick, a plant whose annoying 2-toothed seeds cling obstinately to clothing (not unlike some politicians cling to adorable children). These seeds were called 'beggar ticks' because they were most often attached to 'beggars who sleep in the fields and waste places'. Such a strong name Biden is!

Booker --> a librarian. Someone who books. A scribe, a binder. A bookmaker. Wow. So Powerful. (sarcasm)

So you have two binders, together they form what? A trapperkeeper like you had in grade school, with all the tight-knit, well-organized beaurocratic officiousness that it would entail.

Seriously though, when you hear Biden, you may think "Biding time", as in, Biden is just biding his time, just like he did under Obama, but now awaiting a jail sentence under Trump for recent revelations of his wrongdoing abroad.

When you hear Booker, in the context of Hillary, you might think "book her", I know that's what I think of,but I've got a one-track mind focused like a laser on this one goal: Justice.

Biden-Booker is what they'll probably go with, but if they do it will probably be pretexed with some stupid narrative idea of dual-presidency ("you first. oh no thank you sir, please you first. Oh no You"--this kind of mealy metrochivalrous gross thing) so they can delay for the longest time who is going to take the lead: Biden because it's his time, or Booker because we want "Obama 2" and Biden has past experience being 2nd string to the black man. But psycholinguistically, "waiting on a librarian" or a "librarian waiting" isn't really a good sell. Biden will invoke dead son of course, for polical purposes. Then he'll go back to stroking and frottaging random children that aren't his, unabashedly, in front of the camera, his illuminati demon eye twinkling with duper's delight. You know he's going to rub one out as soon as he makes it back to his ready room.


  1. They could also go Booker and Holder, but similar to "Book Her" you would have "Hold Her" so there is your meme of the day: Book her and hold her dot dot dot Hillary Clinton

It's failed out of the gate neurolinguistically and achieve the opposite effect: garner support for Trump and attempts to bring her finally to justice, if she hasn't been already by that time (she won't if history is any indication)

  1. ) You would of course have the perennial dupe and pretend-opposition hangout in one Bernie Sanders, whose running mate would be either Jill Stein if you could get her to play ball (nah), or more likely Fauxcahontas herself Chief Wampum Warren. Sorry I'll stop with there with that.

Biden might be burned if Sessions unseals those now 35,000 indictments and it's an enormous pedo ring that includes Biden (how could it NOT?), or by association with all his weird, perverted hair smelling, face stroking kid touching videos that are already out on youtube for anyone to see (warning: they will 100% guaranteed to piss you off and make you sleep badly after watching them) Joe Biden is a disgusting pedophile. I'm not sayign that to score political points. Just see for yourself.

No one knows who the other dems are, so they won't be played. Plus they are "cisgendered hetero white sh*tlords" and "white males are a problem", right? So those guys garcetti and buttchuggcianni or whatever is out.

Patrick has too much cro magnon asymmetry in his face. Yes facial symmetry is a predictor of candidacy, because people are stupid, esp these democrats whom I've dissociated from 100% and will never have anything to do with ever again, not to say I'm going to join the Republican uniparty

In conclusion, if any combination of Biden, Holder, and Booker are played, they are doomed

Sanders could win, but he's not what they want otherwise he'd have won the first time when he was ahead of Hillary by a three factor. Sanders would have won last time if it weren't for Hillary's crimes, which included stealing the primary---AND campaign donations from Sanders, and then forcing him to duck his head in shame and give her his endorsement. Dispicable. Then Sarah Silverman said "you bernie or bust people are being ridiculous" as they cried in the stands. That's the face of the devil right there

And it's alway one big reason we have Trump now. In a way, we should thank all these scoundrels. We haven't had this good a president in my whole life I don't think. Or I'm an insane person but I never thought insanity would be this fun.


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