You are kidding yourself if you think Biden is going to get in trouble

in #politicslast year

There are a lot of things running through my news feed about how "Biden is facing jail time" or "Biden gets the worst news of his presidency" and other such thing about Biden being a bad President and how he is going to have to face the music for how he is doing the job. Anyone who actually buys into this needs to come down from dream world. Biden, and other ultra-powerful people like him, will NEVER face any sort of reaction or justice from the world just like the other Presidents who came before him also will not.

I see a lot of people that for various reasons really dislike Biden and I think there is a lot of justification for this feeling that they have. He is definitely inept and make George W look like a Harvard professor in comparison anytime he speaks in public but this doesn't really change the extremely powerful position that he has and how he came to acquire it. This is not something that "justice," whatever you think that word means anymore, is ever going to fix in our lifetimes and likely never has.

You see, the people who achieve such high positions of power are basically untouchable. I'm sure some of you remember how Donald Trump once said that he could kill someone in Times Square or something like that and never be punished for it, well that is unfortunately the way the world works.


Nepotism is a very powerful thing. I have had some of it in my own life happen on a much lower scale than the Presidency of the United States and in those situations it didn't really matter what I did, I was going to get what I wanted. In my situation it was just a job that I applied for that I was eventually offered that I was completely unqualified for and I remember the interview very vividly even though it was many years ago.

I didn't end up taking the job but I do recall asking the guy at the end of it, who was a family friend, "am I being offered this job because I am qualified or because you are friends with my family?" The response was "you should never ask that question." This is because the answer to that question is that people who know powerful people will always get what they want. Biden, as you might be aware, knows some really powerful people, much more so than a friend of my father who was going to give me a job in a mid-level sub-contracting job back in 1998.

No matter what Biden does, there will always be a team of people to cover up for him and do all that they can to make him look as innocent as possible. He also will always have a team of P.R. people to spin the news to sway public opinion and even if there is a "smoking gun" sort of incident, it will be covered up. This is true for almost all high-level politicians and even magnates of business. Sure there might be a fall guy here and there like Weinstein, but I would imagine that even though that guy is being dragged through the mud that he is still going to live a life of opulence until the day he dies.

Biden will not be removed from office just like Trump was never going to be removed from office just like the next guy who is in office also will not be removed from office.

Joe Biden is a terrible President: This much is for certain. But for people out there that believe that this guy is somehow going to ever face the music for his actions I honestly believe that they are dreaming and maybe need to stop reading into these op-ed pieces so much. He will finish out his term and maybe, just maybe even get re-elected because our US population is so divided and partisan that we just might do something like that.

I don't believe that politics are fair anywhere in the world and they certainly are not in the USA but if someone out there thinks that there is actual justice for people as powerful as Joe Biden..... keep dreaming because you are wrong.


I wish you weren't correct, but I fear you are. It is a travesty that our "justice" system is going after Trump so feverishly, yet purposely ignored the Crimes of Joe and Hunter. I dont think either one will do any jail time. But I do believe the establishment is using this as an opportunity to try and pressure Joe to stand down. The democrats fear that he cannot beat Trump again so they dont want to run him. Anything can happen between now and November 2024 though.

I will honestly be surprised if Joe runs again. He'll come up with some BS excuse about wanting to spend more time with his family but the real reason will be that his masters no longer want him there.

Every "just us" system in history has been two-tiered. It is simply since the establishment of republican governments that we've been duped into believing we have legal equality now and we can trust the system.

Absolutely, this is no unique to USA either, I think they just did a better job of hiding it over the past 20 years or so than other countries. It was likely always that way though, just ask OJ Simpson.

There's also the fact that he has a D next to his name. I'm not sure if Trump will face jail time, or even be found guilty, but the fact that he was on the other team helped his arrest

Joe Biden will NEVER face any real punishment

nope, and any criticism of him is quickly erased by the media that is completely on his side no matter what he does.

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