The internet woke mob is going after the Gran Torino film for "racism"
I roll my eyes every time I read about any news these days when there are "social justice warriors" involved. I don't know what the ultimate objective of these people actually is but from my perspective it seems to be that they want to suck all the joy our of life and make things more complicated for everyone.
One of my favorite films in the past 20 years is Gran Torino starring Clint Eastwood and the SJW's have recently been targeting that movie while at the same time completely missing the point that the underlying point of the entire film is that racial stereotypes are incorrect and that an old white man actually figures this out by getting involved with groups of people that he avoided most of his life.

The reason why the SJW's are going after this film, which was made back in 2008 before the US population completely lost their gotdamn minds, is because Clint Eastwood plays what they are calling a "white savior" and there is a proliferate use of racial slurs that appear throughout the film.

Clint's character "Walt" refers to blacks as "spooks" and "colored" but never goes into the territory of the "forbidden word" indicating that he isn't racist, but just older when these were terms that were used. He refers to the Asians and "zipperheads" and "gooks" other less-than-wonderful terms. What seems to be completely glanced over is the fact that he wishes no ill-will towards any of these people nor does he go out of his way to cause any of them any grief. He also refers to other whites with offensive terms picking on their European heritage. This is just the way that Walk talks. He is old-school.

Walt is someone, like myself, that has a group of friends that he interacts with, many that have shared memories of being in the Korean War, that he chooses to associate with in his daily routine, and other than that, he just wants to be left the hell alone. One of my favorite lines in any film I have ever seen is in this film during the part where he only engages in a scuffle next door to his house because it spills over onto his own property.

When he is able to break up the scuffle the owners of the house that he "saved" try to approach him and thank him but he tells them the same thing: "Get off my lawn." He has no interest initially in being a savior, he just wants people to leave him alone.
The main point of this film is anti-racist and show that Walt, who previously just wants his neighbors to leave him alone, starts to realize that it was his own ignorance, not theirs, that lead to him having a negative opinion of them in the first place.
The SJW's just latch onto anything these days and try to make problems where they don't need to be and one of the many complaints about this film is that "the suburb of Detroit" doesn't have the correct mix of ethnicities. Which is basically stating that there are not enough black people in the film. What these judgmental people fail to understand or didn't bother to even try to learn is that the area the film is meant to take place in is completely fictional... IE, it doesn't exist in real life so how can they possibly be wrong about the ethnic percentages?

Furthermore, it was Eastwood's decision (in part) to not hire established actors but instead recruited people that actually live in this area, many of which who had little to no acting experience, some of which spoke very little English, and incorporated them into the film. He taught them how to act as the film went on.
As far as him being a "tough guy" and a "white savior" is concerned, what else is Eastwood supposed to be? That is literally his entire acting persona and has been since forever. There are very few films where he plays anything other than a tough guy even though at the time of this film he was in his mid 70's.
As far as the trouble-making online mob is concerned, basically anything that white people do is evil these days even though the entire idea behind this film is that Walt was incorrect in his deeply rooted racial profiling and he comes to this realization by simply reaching out and being forced by certain circumstances to integrate into his multi-racial neighborhood.
As far as him being the "white hero" is concerned - well, he is the lead character of the film so what was supposed to happen?
I really feel as though USA has completely lost its damn mind as far as labeling everything as "racist" is concerned and the people who are doing so with anything they can get their hands on have mental problems. PC culture has over-extended itself and I believe that most people are getting tired of it, very quickly.
Gran Torino is not a racist film at all and I don't see how anyone can actually watch this film and come to any other conclusion. SJW's are sucking all the fun out of life and this is just one more example of how they will stop at nothing to make problems where they do not need to exist.
I'm just waiting for them to go after Million Dollar Baby next because the woman who cheats in that film is a a dark skinned woman. Just wait for it! It will happen.... actually it probably already has.
Its a great movie and these SJW clowns are complete idiots.
No shit, that's the point. lol
Since you bring up the subject: I'M surprised the woke mob hasn't made a fuss about the first Ace Ventura for trans"phobia"
It's a great movie and an excellent portrayal of love, tolerance and personal growth. Anyone who opposes this film on racism grounds is a complete idiot.
I don't generally care for a lot of cussing in movies, but I wholeheartedly recommend this one. And yes, the whole point is that his racism was wrong, and he grew out of it. It's a great film.
This is one of my favorite Eastwood films. The woke mob will just go after anything and everything. What a boring group of troublemakers. It almost certainly has something to do with the fact that Clint is conservative though.