News community losing their minds over "Let's Go Brandon" is stupid

in #politics3 years ago

After 4 years of basically everyone saying nasty things about Trump, some celebrities and music stars posing with threatening effigies of a tortured and decapitated Trump and even Robert DeNiro saying "Fuck Donald Trump" and getting applauded by his Hollywood peers the fact that a "Let's Go Brandon" chant exists is driving the media and the leftist cult insane.

This in my mind just kind of shows that the glass houses thing definitely applies to the left and big time. "Let's Go Brandon" is at least clever and not at all offensive even if you know that it stems from and accident at a NASCAR event and a reporter who either was trying to hide the fact that the crowd was chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" or was genuinely confused because she was interviewing the winner of a race who happened to be named Brandon.

I think either one of these things is likely. People have tried to get on her case for being partisan but let's be honest here, reporters, especially field reporters, aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed so it could have just been a mistake on her part. In the end it doesn't really matter.


Despite being a self-proclaimed redneck, I do not like NASCAR - sorry fellow rednecks! - but I do like a good joke especially when it isn't offensive like this one is.

But now we have news stations that are losing their minds whenever a LGB chant breaks out about how juvenile it is and how it is "dividing our country" or other stupid talking points that they didn't care about at all when they were doing exactly the same thing, but much worse, for 4 years in a row.

Now the NASCAR driver Brandon Brown is saying that he is having trouble obtaining sponsors because of the chant even though he had nothing to do with how it began nor is he outspoken about politics in any way. He is what other athletes should be: Good at what he does and stay the hell out of things that you don't actually know anything about.


There is a political divide in the United States and there always has been. Every single Presidential race in my lifetime has been close other than one of the Reagan ones and I was too young to remember or really even care about that. This idea that the news stations have that it is "the other guys" causing the division is completely ridiculous: It was always there. Also, what they perhaps don't realize is that their constant whining about when any Let's Go Brandon thing happens is only going to make it happen more often.

They can censor YouTube videos, they can cut the sound at sporting events, they can claim all they want that they have the higher ground in this but in the end it only drives the movement more.

If they hadn't kicked up such a fuss about it, LGB probably would have gone away a long time ago. These days half the people chanting it at sporting events probably don't even care about politics, it's just funny now and anything that makes political correspondents angry and lose their minds on air, is something I support.

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