Wakeful Video Weekend 2019-11-24 (25 videos)
(posted late here... sorry... best subscribe directly)
Neat videos: First, a great video on what human life is meant to be (egalitarian and natural!). Next, billionaires are systemically evil. And lots more on: the money aristocracy, awareness, state coups, “Dem” debates, “Dem” candidates (Bernie vs Warren, Tulsi vs DNC, Biden BS), billionaires vs free speech, separating anger from action to make change, our political choice between fascism and a better world, and, and, and, incl. some humor. :-)
Stars & channels: Christopher Ryan, Jimmy Dore, The Grayzone, The Real News Network, Democracy Now!, Abby Martin (Empire Files), The Michael Brooks Show, Hard Lens Media, Krystal Ball (The Hill), Secular Talk, Yanis Varoufakis, NonCompete, and a bunch more...
- Hunters & Gatherers’ Egalitarian, Social, Low-Work, Low-Worry & Low-Stress Life ***
- Billionaire = Evil **
- Money Aristocracy: Let’s Let Jeff Bezos Own the Whole Planet
- Stimulating Conversation on Awareness
- Bolivia’s Coup & its People’s Resistance
- “Dem” Debate Analysis
- Candidates (Bernie vs Warren, Tulsi vs DNC, Biden BS)
- Media (Speech Monopoly / Treatment of Protests)
- U.S. Schools & Teachers (shoved into the ditch)
- Political Stubbornness, Rich Selfishness, & One Choice: ... **
- Populist vs Popular & Lying vs Snuggling Politicians
- Thoughts: Focus on a Better World
- Humor: Bolivia, Obama (“Don’t Hope!”)
1st of 25: