How to Talk Politics & Disclosure with Family During The Holidays

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Thanksgiving has come and gone, but the holiday season is in full swing! Activate Ludicrous Speed Mode! But this year, is unlike any year, possibly in the history of all humanity, we are on the verge of the long awaited #Ascension or #TheGreatAwakening and have the greatest chance of #FullDisclosure actually happening. This isn't going to just be a "Kumbaya" moment, like many people believe. There are many topics such as human and sex trafficking or pedophilia, programming, social engineering and healthcare related topics which are going to anger, upset and destabilize many people as the illusions they've known as "reality" for their entire life are peeled many layers back to reveal the closest thing to objective truth, including seeing and understanding the reasons behind many of the perpetrators.


We’ll all give thanks for the opportunity to be together, regardless of our relationships with everyone at the table, but we’ll have a warm meal, a warm home, and warm hearts around us, a blessing which many people, today, unfortunately still do not have. Out of all the people at the table, there may be one, two or if you’re lucky a few, who have begun their own personal awakening, who will give thanks for the great blessing that is awareness, and elevated consciousness and the amazing progress we’ve made with disclosure around the world.

Skip down for: The 10 Things to Remember When Talking Politics & Disclosure During the Holidays

Failed American Citizens

Despite the time of abundance, gratitude and love, many families will struggle and fight when it comes to talking about the serious issues of our time, such as politics, let alone the more controversial #Disclosure or #QAnon. Many opt to not talk politics, they don’t like it, they aren’t interested, they don’t want to be aggravated and lose their appetite. This is root of the corruption present throughout the US and world governments. We as individuals, stick our heads in the sand, and give away our rights as Americans to voice our opinion and steer the course of our country. But we’ve given that power away, for centuries, resulting in a political elite class of career politicians.

We must find a way to talk about these topics without screaming and yelling at one another, without losing our appetite. It is the politicians themselves, the games they play, the lack of morals, their incompetence when it comes to balancing a budget and their black & white points of view that make us sick, not the underlying issues. When we begin to see things this way, and we stop arguing amongst each other, like they want us to do, we see that the politicians are the problem. They are not doing anything special, they do not possess intellectual capacity beyond most people. They only know more truth. How the government really works. How to secretively raise funds for a hidden black-budget program. How to keep the country in a stagnant cycle of alternating black and white, duality, Left vs. Right, when in reality we need the shades of gray to create an optimal middle ground, not just the two opposing options we are presented. This is known as the Hegelian Dialectic, and is still used as a means to create situations with opposing sides, that have predictable, predetermined outcomes.

“The Truth Needs No Defense”

It typically does not. Whether it’s a gut feeling, intuition, something self-explanatory, or evidence that speaks for itself, the truth typically does not require very difficult to grasp concepts. That is not to say, we do not live in a complex world. We live in a world right on the edge of #Disclosure, desperate for the healing and benefits the knowledge, insights, history and technology would bring to our society and planet. On a collective subconscious level we all sense this coming, we feel the push and pull of the covert war taking place right at this very moment to free humanity, so that WE THE PEOPLE, may reclaim our power and once again, truly be the masters of our own fate.

Social Engineering & Programming

The further, those awakening push to find truth, the more we expose the disinformation campaigns present in society, psyops, mass-media propaganda, censorship on Google & Youtube search result pages, shadow banning & suppressed post visibility on social networks, carefully crafted educational systems and curriculum, trauma induced programming/brain washing, social engineering and a vast array of control system present at every level in society, from Men & Women in relationships, to family dynamics all the way up through corporate America, government, religious organizations, secret societies, to the very top, above top secret clearance, above Majestic 13.


Consider a Documentary to Start the Conversation

The information comes from the TV, a highly trusted source! Watch Above Majestic today!

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Finding the truth can often involve navigating complex circumstances, but the actual truth is typically simple to prove and explain. Peel back the layers of disinformation, personal illusion, societal & family programming, personal paradigms etc... The point is, most of the time, we as individuals typically are the greatest obstacle between ourselves and the truth. The thoughts we have, the lies we tell ourselves, and the concepts we were taught as children that we carry with us today all can contain inaccurate information.

However unless someone is on a mission to learn the truth, likes to learn or is in a learning state of mind, most people do not approach anything with an open mind, even when they are told, “Have an open mind!” This is actually not our natural state. The human condition is one where change is constant. Both positive growth and negative change are ever present, so it should only seem natural that our minds are always present in the now-moment, and that we have an open mind, to potentially learn something new. But society has created monsters out of humans. Food, daily activities, behaviors, environmental factors, social norms and social engineering all have put the ego part of our mind in overdrive. The ego prevents an open mind, and is about survival, defending what is already “known”, fight or flight from a conversation that could challenge one’s perception of reality.

There a hundreds of other psychological and social factors that also impact human behavior, perspective and the discussion of topics formerly labeled “conspiracy theory”. For the sake of time, we won’t go into them further in this article, but will address several in our tips for spreading awareness on controversial topics like the Secret Space Program, alternative energy, advanced technology, social engineering, alternative medicine, energy healing, spirituality, organized religion, and the real story of human history on this planet.

The 10 Keys to Build & Spread Awareness on #Disclosure:

During The Holidays with Friends & Family

1. UNDERSTAND — Know your audience just as much as the topic you want to speak on! This cannot be emphasized enough. Some people respond to emotion, others to logic. Some want hard facts, and they believe CNN headlines and are the holy grail of truth. People who are like this, you may just want to avoid, your time could be better spent speaking with someone who is interested, open minded. Do NOT lecture! Yes you will have to tell stories, but if you want to talk enough to really get enough information across, you need to have a two-way conversation. See what aspects of your topic a person is interested in, doesn’t understand or believe. Show you care to explain things to them further, and tailor your information to your audience specifically. Just remember to keep things SIMPLE. Simplicity does not imply something is not sophisticated. Being able to break down complex ideas and explaining them in simpler terms, proves you really known what you are talking about, this is a learning technique. Don’t forget this is your chance to make a difference in a way Youtube videos and Social Media posts cannot, so don’t forget the HUMAN aspect of Disclosure, this is how you can really make a difference!

2. FIND COMMON GROUND - To truly get someone to consider alternative perspectives, not just listen you must appeal to THEM. One way of doing this is by showing someone they have a mutual self-interest in the topic with you. $21 Trillion was recently reported lost in the US Budget. This is tax dollars, that sum of money can build a whole new country! It has an impact on our lives, there is a deeper problem worth exploring—now you can get into it. The worst case is when someone pretends they aren’t listening but they are just thinking of what to say in response to you, once you finish speaking. If you find someone doing that, call them out on it politely but directly. Say, “Wait, did you even listen to what I said, or are you just focused on proving that you are right? What did I just say?” You do not want to be in that type of conversation. Let them know that, and do not accept being disrespected in that way.

3. RESPECT — Respect yourself just as much as the others you speak with. Do no allow others to continually speak over you, interrupt you or not listen, only to quickly reply back. At the same time, treat others with the same respect you would like to be met with. Respect others opinions, backgrounds, and point of view. Unless you really sit down with them and psychoanalyze them, and know every situation in their life, you never know what is going on in their brain. Many people are suffering from trauma induced programming which is very very difficult to break.

4. ATTITUDE is huge! Confidence is key. The more confident you are, the more people believe you are right, even if your facts don’t necessarily add up! Never raise your voice. EVER. If someone reacts emotionally to something you’ve said, do not take it personally. Stop. Focus on your breath and acknowledge that they are heavily programmed. We all are. You should respond by lowering you voice, they will be quiet to hear what you are saying, while you reinforce your confidence. Your words speak loud enough, you don’t need to shout. Don’t be afraid to joke around, many of these topics are depressing, serious and just the realization that you are not as in touch with reality as you thought you were, is a very difficult situation for people, especially with older family members, like those with deep ties to the Roman Catholic Church or the US government. Although veterans are more likely to accept secret military and government programs.

5. EMPATHY is the best way to get through to others. By knowing how they feel at every moment, you can know what to say, how to say it, and the right time to bring it up. We all have empath abilities, some people more than others, but just your intent of being more mindful of others, you will subconsciously begin picking up cues as to what the other person or people are feeling.

6. DO NOT FORCE ANYTHING including someone’s interest in a particular topic. Do not force your opinion on others. You will shut them down, not open their mind, and you may completely damage your credibility. Also remember, if this is a passion of yours many people will not be as passionate about it as you. You’re excited because you see the months and years of your research finally manifesting into real change we need, but to others, its just a conversation that sounds pretty complicated, especially if you move too fast.

7. CREDIBILITY - This probably should have been #1. Credibility is everything. If you are the family clown, people are going to have a hard time perceiving what you are all of a sudden saying about science. First, you need to accept how others perceive you and the topic. Second, don’t talk about subjects you don’t know about. If you’re serious about spreading awareness, find a few subjects to start with and memorize facts. You need unbiased data, fact-based reasoning, and key facts or statements that cannot be disputed or are extremely hard to dispute. Example: Sealed Indictments —there are over 61k sealed indictments in the Pacer system. This is used by every lawyer in the country. The fact sheets circulating with the indictment count updates, provided you get them from a reputable source cannot be disputed. Previous years only had 1000 sealed indictments on average per month, that cannot be disputed. The amount of man hours needed to create one sealed indictment is tremendous, that cannot be disputed. You have just added tremendous credibility to your story. It went from a “conspiracy theory” to a major criminal investigation, the largest in history.

8. TAKE YOUR TIME. Try starting w/ current events & then segway to related disclosure. DO NOT mention aliens or UFOs on the first go! Be careful when bringing up topics like Luciferian control of the Vatican. There are tons of other topics about the church you can discuss before you should even consider bringing that up to someone, unless you know they already have an open mind.

9. USE VISUALS - Watch videos on YouTube or documentaries, print documents, have links saved in your bookmarks on your phone, have a library of documents in your bookmarks as well such as: FOIA Requested Docs, Declassified Docs, Leaked Docs these can all mean the difference between a crazy idea and tangible reality. Nobody ever turned down seeing what a declassified document looks like, if they’ve never seen one! Plus most people learn better with visuals. Many complex concepts you’ve learned over time have been visualized in infographics, memes, maps, charts or diagrams. Save those items, so you have them when you need them.


10. KNOW YOUR SOURCES - Understand all your documents. First hand, original documents are the most compelling. Documents describing the originals are less compelling because they don’t actually prove anything, but they can explain concepts, connect dots and offer much more than the original document provided. Sources like Judicial Watch, Zerohedge and Wikileaks, Leaked Docs on Wikileaks,, all do an excellent job of citing high quality sources.

You can also follow Ascension Guide on Twitter or Facebook, where we post a lot of threads that explain topics in-depth and provide high quality support. Make sure to turn on notifications, or you may not see all our posts in your news feed due to shadow banning. Signup for our email list at

Share Your Favorite Topics, Fun Facts & Influential Strategies

Are there certain topics, bits of news or disclosure that you like to open with, when introducing an individual to Disclosure? We’d love to hear what you’ve had success with when building awareness, whether it’s Full Disclosure, UFOs & ETs, Hollow Earth, Spirituality & Ascension, SSP, Ancient History Rewritten, Q & QAnon, The Vatican, Human Trafficking or any of the major topics formerly labeled “conspiracy theory” but now are being proven true.

Learn More About How to Change Someone’s Mind

First you must recognize the difficulty present in changing a person’s mind. Then you can improve the odds by understanding how people create their own subjective model of the universe in their mind. We all do it, taking bits and pieces of what we like to create a model that’s perfect for us. It doesn’t work great for finding truth, but it works well for style, personality and originality.

We find whenever we try to persuade individuals you immediately bring up a defensive wall in them. If you encounter push back often, you may be overly assertive or overbearing. So if you just present facts, discuss concepts and ideas and present them as fascinating and interesting, you can stir further interest in them to follow along more in the conversation. The entire time you are focusing on providing logic and fact-based proof, sprinkle in emotion to connect and further pull someone into the story.

These are handy tips on understanding how human consciousness works and how we create belief systems in our mind:

1. Understand cognitive dissonance: This is the mechanism that allows people to ignore facts that are inconsistent with their ideology or worldview.2 Psychologists know how much time and energy3 go into creating each person’s model of the world. Given that large investment, people are extremely reluctant to change their model. Think of it as a giant exercise in the “sunk cost fallacy.”

Our worldview includes our sense of self, ideology and tribal identity. If you bluntly challenge these beliefs, you naturally will encounter fierce resistance.4 To persuade your crazy Uncle Murray, you shouldn’t try to get him to renounce views he has held his entire life. The more effective approach allows his investment in creating a model to be preserved.

2. Beware of the backfire effect: When a dependable lifelong belief set is confronted by contradictory facts, the result is the so-called backfire effect. Academic research has found that merely presenting facts that challenge our worldview only hardens those positions. Not only are our beliefs not “corrected” by fact checking, but the attempt at “correction actually increases mis-perceptions.”

It is astonishing but true: When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your original beliefs only get stronger. Facts may be stubborn things, but minds are even stubborner.

3. Let Socrates help: OK, lecturing doesn’t help. If you want to actually change someone’s mind, follow the script first laid out about 2,400 years ago by Socrates, the founder of Western philosophy.

Instead of sermonizing to his students, Socrates led them through a structured argumentative dialogue. He asked them questions, and helped them consider their underlying beliefs and knowledge. The process forced students to think critically about their belief system. It led them to better hypotheses by helping to identify and eliminate those that were weak or problematic.

The benefit of this cooperative dialogue is that people are more likely to modify their model of the world when they reach a conclusion on their own. Therein lay the difference. The Socratic method avoids both the backfire effect and cognitive dissonance. When people come to the answers by themselves, even with that assist from Socrates, they can incorporate their new conclusions into their models.

The only drawback is that this requires thought, preparation and patience.


4. Emphasize your tribe: Famed psychologist Robert Cialdini, author of the best-selling “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,” and all-around expert on persuasion (see our MIB interview here), notes how important it is to emphasize you are of the same tribe. He calls it the Convert Communicator: “I used to believe what you do — I was against ________. But then this happened to me, and it changed my mind.”

It is hard to reject somebody who has the same beliefs as you. People are also more willing to be open to a person who used to believe as they do, but whose perspective was changed by life events.

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