How The Another Hero Social Movement Will Change The World

in #politics6 years ago

It is there, in the silence: in the stillness we feel on top of a mountain or deep within a forest, behind the inner monologue that pervades our daily lives.

It is in that stillness that, more than thinking, we KNOW something is coming. We can all feel the approaching climax. We try to ignore it with video games, movies, sports, sex, our careers… but in that stillness we know.

And I think that scares a lot of people to the point where they never want to be still because that means facing this feeling, this inherent responsibility we have to love one another, to see through our own biases and preconceptions so that for just one moment the doors to our perception are cleansed, as Aldous Huxley so eloquently described it.

Because we are living in an era of our own evolution and whether we “think” it or not we are at a crossroads and as a nation, no, as a global society, we are now faced with a decision:

Will we take control of our own lives, evolve and create a society where everyone can THRIVE rather than just SURVIVE?


Will we allow ourselves to be divided and conquered by a small minority of our population who happen to “own” the most resources?
You must feel it. I know you do. That is why you are here. You feel it just the same as I did: that something is happening, and that the version of the truth you have been presented and told to believe is a lie.

How many times have we caught our media, our journalists, who have the duty and responsibility to provide society with unbiased, unfiltered TRUTH, feeding us lies which are proven false later on?

See they are clever, oh there is no doubt this is an intelligent psychological game they have played on all of us. See they made us believe FACTS are the same thing as TRUTH. No no no… FACTS are what we are told to believe and TRUTH is what really is.

Have you heard of the “Truth Movement?” Why would we need such a thing if our media did their job?

But I know you feel it just as I do: people are suddenly talking about it, discussing it, people are realizing they are being lied to by politicians, by the media, by the corporations, by the government… and so some of us naturally go on to assume this is just some inherent flaw in humanity as a whole, that we are somehow born with greed in our hearts and the desire to be #1 even at the cost of those around us, that it is a “dog eat dog” world out there.

Well I’m not buying it.

I’ve seen it in the faces of children, I’ve seen it in the drug dealing father of 3, I’ve seen it in the gang members who will take a bullet for their family, I’ve seen it in a mother’s eyes, I’ve seen it in the kidney donor who gives a part of their body to help another person live. We are not born with greed or a sense of superiority to others. Children do not see differences as a threat, as an inconvenience, as a measure of self-worth. Children just want to be free, live, laugh and play with one another. We are not born this way.
So where did we go wrong?

From the Donald Trump loving, “Blue Lives Matter” flag flying suburban family with an RV and 3 story home to the burglar who breaks in and steals to feed their family, we are being manipulated, my brothers and sisters. We are being pitted against one another by families most of us don’t even know the names of. The oil empires. The Banking cartels. The .001% of the population who have used their wealth to manipulate our government, our legal system and even our military to push their agenda of constant accumulation of resources and power. There is no such thing as “enough,” to this small minority of people and they use strategy to acquire more and more land, more and more businesses, more and more politicians, and therefore more and more control over our legal system and our population. They are immune to federal law because they have such a massive stake in our economy that the leaders in our government are afraid to do anything about it for fear of public ridicule, losing their jobs and being the target of a massive propaganda campaign funded by the inordinate wealth of this .001% of the population.
Some of the most powerful names behind this manipulation we rarely hear discussed are the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs and Morgans. But if these are the richest people on the planet why do we never hear them discussed in mainstream media? Because the majority of the mainstream media is owned by them and their corporate conglomerates, and by dividing up their resources into countless investments they present the illusion that they have fewer resources than they actually do and go undocumented in most “Richest People” compilation lists.

Many people are lost when they hear this, many of us were never taught the importance of critical thinking and deductive reasoning, many of us were taught to obey authoritative figures and unquestioningly regurgitate their “Facts” and “Official Stories,” but it doesn’t take a genius to realize not everyone in life tells you the truth, and lying is a great way to deceive people, so why would we expect the businesses (media) owned by people who literally want to own every square foot of the globe to tell us what is really going on?

This is where the word “Conspiracy Theorist” pops up, undoubtedly this message will be met with mockery and opprobrium by those who blindly trust every official story and who cannot understand how business operates behind the scenes. I can understand why someone would deny the truth of this message because when you have never studied the rise of power of the largest businesses in the world, you don’t realize what sort of shady and seldom-legal events led to their status. As if there is no chance that the richest families in the world might actually meet together in secret and discuss how they are going to grow their power?

If you study these families as I have you will find that they use very aggressive business strategies to grow their wealth: you don’t create the world’s first oil monopoly by playing nice, you create it by bribery, subversion, manipulation, back-door deals and when all else fails: hiring a third-party to solve the problem with violence. If a politician doesn’t agree? Blackmail them. You want a law passed? Buy your way into our legal system by funding the political campaigns of people you believe will follow your orders once they are in office and use blackmail or bribery to keep them voting your way.

“It’s just business.”
It’s common sense once you understand this mantra which defines the ideology of the .001%. To them human lives are statistics on a sheet of paper. The environment is a property to be owned. The people are cattle to be herded. And if you read books written by these families, you will come to find they don’t even try to hide their contempt, openly comparing us to animals and seeing our country as a commodity or strategic asset rather than a collection of human beings with lives, feelings, ambitions who are suffering due to the acts of this small minority. After all, the goal of the .001% is to own everything of actual value, land, energy, food, tangible assets, while the rest of the population gets paper we call “money,” which is of no actual value other than what is assigned to it.

Put simply, their goal is to look down from a space shuttle, point at Earth and say “THAT is my portfolio.”

And so this leads me to my question to you:

What do you think the most efficient way to take control of a country is?

In “The Art of War”, Sun Tzu suggests we “Divide and Conquer.” Can you see this in our society?

Democrats vs Republicans

Liberals vs Conservatives

The Alt-Right vs Antifa

Black Lives Matter vs Blue Lives Matter

and of course the most divisive topic in the U.S. right now: For-Trump vs Anti-Trump.

Don’t you see? I know it is hard to accept but the FACTS we are told on the news and on social media are designed to target our FEAR and our BIASes toward others to pit us against one another and divide our nation so we can never unify and work together for a common good.

And that is why we must become Another Hero. None of us are strong enough to do it by ourselves but if even 100,000 of us become Another Hero we can take back control over our lives and I will tell you exactly how we are going to do it:



Hold Accountable

Expose the puppeteers who hide behind their companies, hide behind their politicians, hide behind their media, controlling society through their inordinate wealth. See right through the surface problem (corrupt government officials) and into the source of the problem (the funding and influence of the .001%) We make the whole world aware they exist and make the whole world aware of their influence and power.
Educate our brothers and sisters on the crimes of these .001% through their direct funding of war, bribery of politicians, violation and manipulation of our legal system and the fact they have never once seen jail time for their crimes against humanity.

Hold accountable the people who fund war, who bribe politicians, who infiltrate our government agencies which were originally designed to protect us against people like them, who manipulate our government with their control over the money supply. Hold accountable their pawns who willingly sold their brothers’ and sisters’ freedoms for a paycheck.

This can be, no, MUST be accomplished without violence. We must do it within our own legal system and if we can’t then we must change our legal system to allow us to hold criminals accountable for their deeds.

Further aiding this process will be our collective investment into sustainable energy and farming technology. Once we stop using oil and switch to tidal, solar, wind and other sustainable technologies we will have taken a significant portion of the control out of the hands of the .001%. The same for food: Once we move away from systemic-pesticide-based monolithic farming practices and start utilizing the power of aeroponics, diversified farming and computer automated greenhouses, we will have taken a significant portion of the control out of their hands.

Say I’m wrong and I ask you, even if I was wrong, why would you try to prevent me or anyone else from getting us off oil and onto more powerful and efficient sustainable energy sources, why would you try to prevent me or anyone else from creating massive diversified farms that do not require systemic pesticides (or genetically modified pesticides) to create high-yield but use technology and natural ecosystem cycles instead? And why would you try to prevent me or anyone else from investigating the money trail and determining once and for all the extent of funding of both sides of multiple wars / proxy wars and holding the financiers accountable for crimes against humanity?

Is it not a crime against humanity to fund both sides of an armed conflict? Is it not a crime against humanity to attack and destroy a nation’s economy for strategic business purposes? (look up economic hitmen, this isn’t fiction, this is real life stranger than fiction)

No one person is big enough so we will all become Another Hero and use our unique talents to make this future a reality: a future where we all THRIVE not just SURVIVE, where our skin color, bank account, gender, sexuality or nationality no longer acts as a barrier and force of separation but instead as a recognition of the beautiful and original viewpoints we contribute to the world.

I’m not asking you to fix all these problems. I’m just asking you to become Another Hero and use your unique Super Powers to help wake up your brothers and sisters and contribute to this beautiful future where we can all reach our full potential and are no longer held back by the greed and manipulation of a small few.

Becoming Another Hero costs no money. It is a decision you make.

Will you become Another Hero?

What is Your Super Power? (Believe me, you have one. What is your ability that not many others have which you can use to make others happy?)

Download this pledge. Print it out. Set it as your background. Do whatever makes you feel like you are a part of this evolutionary process we are going through, then share it with your friends and ask them to become a part of it and help them find their super power! You’ll be surprised how many people don’t know or believe they have a super power, but we all have one (or more). Don’t worry, it isn’t a competition, though there will be fabulous prizes: Liberation from Oppression, Peace and true Freedom.

The Pledge
I am Another Hero

My super power is ___________________________________________ and I can use it to help make people happy by ________________________________.

My contribution, no matter how big or small I think it is, is vital to everyone around me.

I hereby pledge to use my super power to help make people happy and not just to make my own life better; by helping them my life will also get better because we are all connected.

I will convince my friends and family to become Another Hero too.

I will help to wake up those who are asleep and unaware of the manipulation, but if it hurts them or offends them then I will give them the freedom to stay asleep.

We only need a minority to change the world for the majority.

Through my contribution, I will make this world a better place than when I came into it, and thanks to our combined effort, we will create a future where all of us can THRIVE, not just SURVIVE.


They would say it's conspiricy

The word conspiracy has been demonized and we have been tricked into believing it means something is unreliable or not founded in Truth. Conspiracy, in fact, means a group of people agreed to do something together. That is it.

So yes. People did get together, and they agreed to do something together, and what they agreed on was financially dominating the world so they could look at the globe as if it were their personal possession.

Soros is bad too, like Rothschild, JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Clinton, Bush, funding both sides of wars for decades or centuries. @AnotherHero, people can say that I am spam, abusive, bad, or whatever. You might be saying that. I see your comments. But I write what you write. A lot of what I write is buried underneath other things I write. But I agree with what you are writing about history. Not happy about what happened in 1913 with the formation of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), and then you see the Council of Foreign Affairs (CFR), and JFK was going to put us back on the gold standard and died 6 months later. Like you said, we both got to be heroes, each of us. But do you really think I am spam? You write about global revolutions, right? But you also want to go after me because I am big bad guy just like Soros? You said you don't like it when people are divided. We are both on the same side and I have written these kinds of things years ago. Been making videos since 1996. Been writing a lot for many years on many websites. I am planning on writing books. i know thousands of people offline in different countries. I am 33 and I travel the world. But maybe I am just spam. Already, I am just an idiot. I like making the world better one oatmeal at a time and will continue to do that no matter what.

@joeyarnoldvn is a man who GETS IT! You definitely made a fool out of me haha, I really feel like an idiot. But I am glad to read what you write and see how much you've thought about these same topics as me, I can't believe you know all this stuff off the top of your head, seriously 80% of the people I dialogue with on or off the internet have no clue what the hell I am talking about, let alone will actually read what I write long enough to understand it. So thanks so much for reading and sharing your views too brother!

@Cernovich talks about networking in his videos, that is why I follow Mike Cernovich on Steemit, and he talked about his Steemit account, specifically, in a video, as I watch his videos daily, and he breaks big stories at and on social networks and he talks about how important it is to find like minds while we still can as that is our extended family and that is how we fight globalists, elites, etc. We got to be creative in introducing questions and new ideas, these things we already know on the top of our heads, to new people to red pill them, to Oat Bowl them haha.



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