Do we even need government?

in #politics6 years ago

This guy struggles to find one good thing about government.

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The government are feeding us fear and ideology that's why many people got trap to the system because they were scared of being attacked and abuse by the bad people, and they still don't know that the government are the one who created antagonist to make them believe that we need a government. Many people are so hungry with a real freedom but there's still a lot more people who are being brainwashed and controlled to keep them in the system.

You are right @cortexx. There is a lot fear mongering, misinformation and propaganda.
But at the same time, we must shy away from laying blame.
We must take courage and personal responsibility in the face of this fear.
Easier said than done, but it is possible. We, as a human civilization, have done it before.

@adamkokesh my answer is a "Yes" and a "No".
Yes in the sense that if Government are for the just cause of its citizens they have vowed to protect. Yes if they are free of corruption and can come to equity with free hands. Yes if they do not enjoy watching its citizens die from war they created in other to make financial gains. Yes if it comes with freedom and not slavery.

No if the Government is corrupt and can not carter for the citizen, No if the Government are not truthful to its citizen.

We Don't Need The Government!

Personally I feel we still need government we can’t simply abolish these current structured regime people will lose the plot but I do feel we can wane ourselves off government and reduce Their reach influence and power! I feel we could have better autonomous local government that can be nimble and agile and adjust in order to support what the residence feel they need and people have a sense of self governance while the federal governments job is to keep together foreign policy and uphold the constitution as well as making sure income from limited tax is distributed to these local governments! It really doesn’t need to be as bloated as it is now and as powerful as it is now! We as a people need to take back influence and power over the way we live our lives thay way we only have ourseleves to blame

what if governments start competing for services with private sector. how long do you think it will last before the medieval atrocity will not be perceived as the best service provider?

well, I still feel it's worth trying something new than trying to retrofit a system that's archaic in nature. To be allowed to be trapped by dogma and the fear of the unknown. Like let's keep this going because we can deal with it being shit it can be and that's fine!

I'm saying my idea is the perfect solution i mean it will involve a ton of moving parts but thats what progress is about someone will improve on the idea and move it forward or sideways until we get to something that works for that area and its people

I do not think that at any point a slavemaster is necessary. Stockholm syndrome is a nasty mindfuk.
There needs to be a transition period for sure, but the shorter the better :)

Free market for governments please. We should be able to actually chose a government. Pretending elections represent what people actually want is absurd.

I don't want to choose a slavemaster for anyone. If someone needs a service, they can order it

Without competition there is enormous amount of power and power corrupts even the best of us. Perhaps with real competition we can move from rulers to caretakers, from controlling citizens to being controlled by them, from ordering to serving.

Yeah government is needed but it have to friendly with all peoples.

government=slavery. please list all the reasons why you think anyone needs to be a slave

without government who control you, all people are not good. Need some rule to control a country.

No need government .
Only need peace.
Sometime nothing is better than something.

How to end the state.

Yr 1: end income tax and and gov. Spending
Yr 2: abolish intell community and desentralize military
Yr 3: deregulate economy and incestivize 3rd party free market solutions
Yr 4: dismantle remaining government programs

and how will you do it?

a different idea: people asking a government to compete with private services. If they are necessary as they claim, this means they claim their services are the best. what reason would they make up not to agree?

Yr1: everyone "unsubscribes" from their services and they disappear

Question: "Do we even need Government?"

Answer: Yes

Rom 13:1 - Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Rom 13:2 - Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Rom 13:3 - For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

Rom 13:4 - For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Yes, but with freedom

I agree!

NO WAY AND.. I dont need anybody who tell me what i can and what i can not....its Sheep way....
NICELY EXPLAINED HERE: watch from 7:10

The last time I asked someone to name just one thing that the government does with only the best interests of the people in mind, not only didn't they answer, we never even talked again.

And it was even using the socratic method.


That guy was a likable character, fun. This post however led no where really and is just abuse of the rewards pool for how much it is getting.

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