Something is Going Down - Or is it Information Overload?

in #politics7 years ago


This is an Opinion Piece


I have been off work sick with the flu for a couple of weeks now and have been doing a lot of writing, reading and watching videos to get my news.
There is an itch in the back of my brain and I don't know what is causing it. I am not sure if it is a coincidence or not or if it is just my brain assembling together all these different pieces of information that have been flowing into it, but I have this feeling that something is about to go down.
I can't put my finger on it just yet and it is bugging the hell out of me!

Let's see. I watch a lot of news about the US and the Donald and what is going on with the deep state and those loser democrats. Crooked Hillary setting her house on fire. Huma Abedin and her loser husband Anthony Weiner who have postponed their divorce (Probably to protect her from Weiner testifying against her when they come knocking on her door.) Oprah Winfrey who seems to be just another Harvey Weinstein enabler....sad. James Franco and some trumped up allegations against him by some third rate actress that signed a contract and now wants the limelight. The nuclear threat to Hawaii and a story about someone pushing the wrong button...scary. Guantanamo Bay getting ready for an influx of high level prisoners. DACA....of course. The old bag, Dianne Feinstein leaking information on the dossier. The traitor "Song Bird" McCain (war hero my ass!) and the Uranium One deal. What a butt face! The pedophile Chuck Schumer knocking up a 16 year old girl TWICE and paying for both abortions.
Then my brain spins around a couple of times and I am into Ancient Civilizations and the cataclysmic event that caused their erasure from human memory some 11 - 12,000 years ago. The age of the sphinx in Egypt being older than 4,000 years old. Machu Picchu and the ancient building techniques that had nothing to do with the Incas. The age of Göbekli Tepe built some 10 to 15,000 years ago when we were still out hunting and gathering our food...supposedly.
Machine cut stone works from all over the ancient world. Hidden pyramids in Egypt. Comets crashing into the North American ice sheet causing a devastating flood that caused the sea levels to rise 400 feet during the Younger Dryas period 11 to 12,000 years ago.
Then again a few more sparks go off in my brain and I am thinking about Canada and how the globalist traitor Trudeau and his cronies, Gerald Butts, Catherine McKenna (Climate Barbie) and how they have sold Canada out to George Soros (That traitor should be in front of a firing squad), Iqra Khalid, the Muslim MP, that wrote M103, which just passed into law and how happy she was to force that down our throats, all of which was to shut us all up from criticizing her religion and make it a crime to speak out against it and all the while, it is okay to run down Christians and Jews. Islamophobia and Iqra Khalid can kiss my arse! My free speech just disappeared in Canada and opened the door to Sharia law. Trudeau giving 20 million dollars of my tax money to the crooked Clinton Foundation. The son of the Hamas leader, Mosab Hassan Yousef and the courageous speech he gave to the UN, love that guy!

Yeah, Something is going down, all right!
Maybe I am just having a stroke of some kind.

What Do You Think?


I will just sit here quietly and wait for the Islamophobia Police.
all images are free to use and share

never stop dancing.png


Information Overload is where you have so much information coming into your brain that you just can’t focus on any of it and it all becomes a blur. It’s what happens when you have 2356 different tabs open in your internet browser, and you have an essay to write before Monday.

the internet is full of information and stats

You’re so distracted and overwhelmed by all the various things coming into your awareness that you ironically aren’t aware of any of it.

If you’ve ever tried to work on an online business, you’ll know exactly what information overload is, and now that we have the internet, it’s even more of a problem.

There are a million and one things you could do online with an internet connection, and when you only have one thing to focus on, distraction is a ever present threat.

You can’t really avoid things like Facebook and YouTube.. But I’m going to let you know how you can avoid information overload on the internet with a few little tricks and tips!

And here I thought it was my ADD and autism!

Trudeau and the Canadians were lucky to have only given the Clinton Foundation $20 million, we here in Australia had our P.M. give eighty million to the Clinton Foundation for the State Dept. to look upon Australia favorably when it came to the FAILED TPP Trump later blew out of the water. What about the Billion dollars the CF got after the Haiti earthquake & all those "musicians" did a benefit for Haiti bs, It all went into Swiss bank accounts or in Abu Dabi! Get better soon mate, great thoughts here! Peace

Thanks my friend!
Yes. I can't believe the corruption that is going on in the world. Sometimes it just feels like I have crawled out from under some this! Haha!

Yeah, back to work on Thursday!

Yeah that is about right!

I felt it too, and i know what is it.
Chechenya will occupy Canada in the next 3 days, and fortify on US / Canada border till the end of january. I have insider in Canadian government with fresh info every 30 min. Putin wants to flood USA with refugee wave from Canada. But if Pope Francis manages to beat Putin in sword duel, freedom could win again.

That is just too funny!

lol still makes more sense than CNN or Fox

This post has received gratitude of 0.93 % from @appreciator thanks to: @acwood.

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