Does supporting your country and culture make you a Fascist?

in #political7 years ago


A while back I was introduced to the Canadian Nationalist Party - now the word nationalism is being thrown around today in the same sentence as Fascism - Nazi - Racism - etc. But is that what it really means? This new party is interesting to someone who loves the countries that he lives in - I was born in Canada to American parents thus inherited American citizenship and also I'm of First Nations ancestry so it is natural for me to love both these countries. I am also married to a Russian citizen and both our daughters were born in Russia - I speak (terribly) Russian and I loved living there for the 10 years that I did, and hope one day to return.

As an Aboriginal person I am leary of most if not all political party's here in Canada as none of them have the interests of our people at heart - but this party in my eyes has started out on the right foot (no pun intended) by saying that we need to abolish the Indian act and return all stolen "crown" lands back to our people along with monies kept in "Trust". I see this party not as a far right but rather a center right party that wants to keep Canada based upon the European roots of it's Judeo Christian founding. As an aboriginal person I have never seen myself as a hyphenated citizen (Canadian-Aboriginal or French-Canadian) I have only seen myself as "Canadian" and have always had a huge dislike of the multiculturalism that has been shoved down our throats by the first PM Trudeau and carried forward by Trudeau Jr. now. Liberalism has destroyed this great country and more so with its importation of religious and politcal ideologies that go against our founding principles.

I'm a cultural or ethnic nationalist not a white nationalist. If you're a white nationalist everything is reduced only to skin color and genetics but things are more complex than that. Our country has a plurality of ethnicities within racial groups still holding to their unique cultures to varying extent. (Europeans, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners). I believe this party can emphasize it's role as the voice for the Anglophone & Francophone founding ethnic groups of Canada (Canadian traditionalism). This group is not a "White nationalist" group - it is a "Canadian nationalist" group, Pride in one's country and culture to the extent that we wish to place ourselves above and beyond that which multiculturalism has brought us down to. There is no place in Canada for other culures to invade and try to put themselves above what is here and what has been built - this is what happened to our people when the Europeans first came and we all know how that turned out - lets not make that mistake again.

If anyone is interested I would suggest you take a look yourself -


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